
Holly_Horoscope for March 28 to April 3, 2022

Under the most recent March 18 Virgo full moon, we were able to release, balance, clarify or decide that we are now "lighter on our feet" and more capable of moving in a new direction.

The main event of the week is the New Moon Aries on the April 1st star. A new, courageous, action-oriented emphasis begins last week as the Sun moves into Aries, as your ability to take more risks increases.

This New Moon inspires individual, social, community and healing needs. As the breakdown and division within the family intensifies, we are more determined to move in new directions.

The Sabian symbols of this new moon are:

"A large goose, far away from the flock of birds, heard a familiar call in the distance and flew back to the flock." What we have separated from (tribal/human families, peaceful lives) needs to be restored.

The problem arises in this Aries Crescent that requires "listening to one's heart while abandoning the deal with the devil." "Presentation and persuasiveness may be rooted in an ability to respond to the public's thoughts and feelings. It's important this week to respect the limitations that come with one's own character flaws, rather than reliable leadership based on firm ethical self-discipline.

Libra – the power of balance with Aries – encourages negotiation, diplomacy, peaceful resolution, and remains calm in the face of personal or urgent social/global issues. Venus in Aquarius (the guardian star of Libra) encourages outstanding/innovative/enlightened solutions – and a balanced, unbiased approach.

Mercury in Aries promotes strong communication, outspoken facts, and the accuracy of the facts. It seems important to remember the lessons of the past and apply the wisdom accumulated over decades of direct experience.

Saturn will most likely need a deliberate choice about what is promising and promising, and what is toxic and futile.

This week Jupiter and Neptune are approaching a conjunction that encourages an important release or sacrifice while prompting us to advocate for the right to embrace life wholeheartedly — and the joy that accompanies it.

(About 165 years ago, we experienced the same dilemma and opportunity arose in a similar but different form.) )

Finally, we need to make some important adjustments to slow, long-term, transformational change — while destroying what threatens families.

A brave, mouthy, female "outsider" might undermine what civilized society has traditionally accepted through some shocking, courageous expression of truth.

Under threats that undermine our ability to survive and prosper in peaceful coexistence, old attitudes and beliefs can undergo major changes.

Thank you for reading.


This brave or aggressive crescent will energize your body and perhaps impress your world or your partner. In dealing with our partners and our "shadow" selves, we need to apply something more just, fair, and balanced. An old twisted wound may need to be treated in a way that stimulates our innate ability to heal.

An important adjustment may need to be made in a slow, ongoing shift that involves your professional life, leadership style, or your approach to success and achievement. If you decide to have reservations in love, you may need to be willing to be honest, blunt, and ruthlessly honest with yourself – a result of previous trauma. Once you are hurt, having the courage to love with all your heart again is a far-reaching courage.

Promoting peace in the world is consistent in promoting peace in one-on-one relationships – through compromise, diplomacy, negotiation and perhaps a more moderate approach. A balanced "give and take" may need to push a relationship in a better direction. Making concessions too often – or refusing to give in can create relationship problems. You may know how to promote cooperation between individuals. The same rules apply to groups and show the world your will.


The need to start something new or take courageous/effective action may be nurtured behind the scenes. Some compromises may be needed in sharing the burden of work, eliminating annoying habits, promoting improvements, and making your daily life easier. You may need more help, or a different approach to your day-to-day responsibilities. Changing old habits or breaking away from old lives can be part of it.

In another case, when you create space for the flow of love, you may have a motivation to "forgive and forget." Chances are you have the ability to lead the way and drive some innovative solutions.

A tough decision may need to be made. Repeated behaviors in terms of manipulation, betrayal, controlling behavior, or lack of support may lead to a growing resentment in some people. It's important that you "show the world your kindness" and not get caught up in repetitive or harmful scenarios in your work and partnerships. It's time to think about "putting yourself back into the game" and embracing life with all your heart.

Releasing some old beliefs while nurturing a promising future seems liberating and sensible.


What started this week is closely related to the group, society, your social life, friends, and global connections. The pain involved in the process of emotional healing — intertwined with your sense of identity and who you are — is highlighted. You may be sensitive to pain and ancient memories. Dreams may inform you, and you can use it to promote social responsibility and courageous group action. An opportunity to protect your most sacred things to protect the whole team emerged.

Love is the antidote to war. You may need to strike a balance between courageous action in your community or group and love on an individual level. Spending more time creating, doing what you love, developing your talents, or becoming more fun can be the balance you need to stay motivated and strong. (Some of the most inspiring, life-changing stories combine romance and love in the context of war and trauma.) )

Profound transformational changes may include playing the role of Lilith of the Black Moon, and her surprising tendency to expose the truth and deeply disturbing. Gemini needs to develop her ability to speak, inject truth into conversation, and inject more hope into the world. It's time to make a decision about whether you're increasingly dissatisfied with the work and responsibilities that are piling up on your shoulders, or whether you're a stable, reliable voice of peace in your team.


Most of the actions this week took place within the scope of responsibility. A move in a new direction may rely on support or cooperation from families. You may need to feel more secure, or "host a homecoming celebration to get yourself back home." ”

There may be a feeling of being in the wilderness or drifting for too long. Paying attention to fairness and equity in your family life may require balancing the responsibilities you have.

Saturn is in the eighth house of your psychic talent, managing difficult truths, and facing reality may force you to decide what is promising and practical, what is harmful and destructive about love, love affairs, creativity and children.


The beginning of this new moon highlights the parts of your life related to expansion, liberation, and willingness to take some brave risks for your future—and the future of your relationships. Some compromises need to be made in terms of communication negotiations, ideas related to the future and fairer "give and receive". Your partner may need to be more invested in your future plans or the beliefs you advocate for. There are a few things you can learn to make your actions more effective.

It may be that the crux of the problem is the vulnerable area associated with the limitations or failures of the relationship domain. In the field of relationships, a clever strategy related to courageous action will give you a rewarding opportunity. Trusting your instincts and putting yourself in a new, more promising direction can be a challenge you need to face.

Slow transitions associated with your work life, health, or desire for control need to be adjusted. This may involve forcefully speaking your mind, listening, and exposing the truth about a disruptive routine — or, more importantly, the specific ideas advocated by the leader that undermine the values and priorities of the group and the masses.


This new moon highlights some important courageous actions that reveal a disturbing truth. There may be some vulnerability or pain in facing or accepting the truth, controlling, speaking or speaking the question. Empowering yourself by speaking your mind bravely — especially when it comes to finances, partnerships, or issues related to intimacy and trust.

You may need to honestly assess whether you are willing to share power or expose yourself. Maybe you need to soften your stance, end the silence, and settle down. On the other hand, you may have some psychic/magical abilities that need to be based on solidity and stability.

The values and priorities that may be involved in accumulating and sharing power are in some ways enlightened, innovative, or rule-breaking — especially in terms of your job, health, or the services you provide. The fear of making mistakes or deviating from standard guidelines can make it difficult for you to be your truest self. You may be particularly good at highlighting someone else's creative talents. If it feels a bit adventurous or challenging, highlighting your own creative talents may be your best act of bravery.


If you're always accommodating, compromising, "being fair and fair about mistakes," or always putting the needs of others ahead of your own, then maybe it's time to change – bravely breaking down the unsatisfactory things that are too easy to predict. Most likely, when it comes to issues of love, sex, children, and balance, you need to be brave enough to speak out. Venus may crave some extra creative freedom. For Libra, the need to "give up the devil's trade" may be especially important.

Some old pain or weakness of a relationship may be ripe for healing. Whether to move in the direction of healing wounds, to retreat in the direction of placing others based on fiscal security, or to move towards stabilizing fiscal needs and priorities, this seems to be an important question to consider.

Slow shifts or gradual "releases" are related to family, and to some basic stuff, and need to be adjusted, including believing in yourself.


Scorpio's courageous actions may involve some particularly sensitive areas related to the family and the past. Some private, behind-the-scenes concessions or compositions may be involved. A relationship or love that is being hidden may require some courageous action, involve old pain, or reveal the real situation behind and behind the scenes.

Saturn may need to choose in a committed relationship to move in a promising direction. This could lead to a major breakthrough. Regarding your lifestyle and approach, old baggage and hidden motivations need to be discarded and detoxified – probably for your emotional well-being.

Some of the ongoing, slow transformational processes, including communication and telling the truth, are disrupted by Black Moon Lilith, who is eager to uncover ideas that are profoundly healed in a very destructive, uncomfortable way. What is sacred to you (emotional breakthrough) and what you most want to cultivate are the perfect combination.


Creating a new direction may involve romantic love, joy, creativity, and developing innate talents through something playful, enjoyable, and hopeful. You may take a few actions, including experimenting, focusing, learning, or being braver and more truthful about your message. You should no longer follow the instructions of others. Now it's time to make sure your message accurately reflects who you are. Saturn suggests that you might want to imagine yourself as a "veteran of art who tells the truth to the masses."

It's time to feel the joy of liberation from the old closed sense of identity. All you have to do is say the truth you see. It doesn't need to be stylized or softened for public consumption. It just needs to bring you joy and give you the freedom to say how you feel.

A truth-teller may accelerate the continued difficult shift in your sense of self-worth, refusing to tell you what you want to hear in exchange for the truth he sees. He is your teacher.


A brave new direction includes a gradual, slow shift with a responsible, controlled approach to life and relationships, and a disturbing conversation or shocking truth about work, daily life, health, or the services you provide.

A tough financial decision may need to be made. Focusing on romantic love, play, and creative immersion, rather than focusing on harmful and repetitive things within the group field, someone disguised as an ally or friend may be exposed.

Your new direction is likely to involve your family, the past, some old security or basic issues. Advice on the need to compromise on your career/financial/achievement goals. Capricorns may need to spend more time on innovative financial solutions that can automatically bring inequities or imbalances back into balance. A brave conversation about the past and pain may help.


Bravely moving in new directions may involve communicating, telling the truth, making new connections, and perhaps some pain or vulnerability related to your sense of identity and who you think you are. One way of saying it is that no matter how successful you are at communicating or forecasting, you may still feel like an imposter or inferior.

Acknowledging this form of pain may automatically push you in the direction that is most authentic to you. Saying with confidence what you have to say is evidence of a cure. Imbalance can be the result of refusing to compromise, listening, moderate, or compromising on strongly held beliefs. You may feel like no one can teach you anything you haven't considered.

Saturn may need a decision, including a choice — to move beyond old toxic areas, about repetitive goals or to attract the public's attention — or to move in a more promising direction, about emotional breakthroughs and some personal stability, through family and family focus. It's time to take responsibility for action or inaction.


During this time, the Aries Crescent problem arises by listening to one's voice while abandoning a devil's deal. The basis of presentation and persuasiveness may be the ability to respond to the public's thoughts and feelings. There's a reason to respect the limitations that come with one's own character flaws, rather than a reliable leader based on ironclad ethical self-discipline.

Jupiter and Neptune encourage you to unleash some of the indispensable elements of your old life while fighting for something happier for yourself—the ability to embrace life wholeheartedly, though some of the old pain may encourage you to carefully "play little games."

You may recognize that your real partner is a healthy, serious, unpretentious, talented communicator who pursues perfection or purity in some ways.

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