
Tell it: Queen of Joy, life is nothing more than stepping on the skin of a watermelon...

Tell it: Queen of Joy, life is nothing more than stepping on the skin of a watermelon...

Many people suspect that Jenny has several sets of motors in her body, and her energy is very high.

One year on Christmas Eve, it was already midnight after we finished the night shift at the newspaper together, and she insisted on going to supper. I couldn't open my eyes by the time of the supper, and she was excited to arrange the next all-night party. At two o'clock in the morning, we broke up at the Liberation Monument, she went to K song for a drink, and I went home to sleep. At 7 a.m., she called me to wake me up and said that she had slept for 5 hours, so I hurried out the door and we went to the mountains to eat shaved pork soup. I couldn't get out of bed, so I suggested that she hurry home and go to bed.

The man who had just played all night laughed at me like an old man, and then went up the mountain humming a song, and it was said that he played all night with joy.

In addition to bringing her own motor with great energy, Jenny also brings her own joy. The tone and expression of speech, quite a talent for comedy, their own joy, but also bring joy to others. In her mansion on the West Side, the living room can hold banquets and concerts, and friends and friends often do these things. She is a first-class cook, a master of classical music, and when cooking, she will definitely have a music that matches the dishes.

A few days ago, Jenny asked me for tea, along with her 5 female classmates of 20 years ago. Jenny refers to the 20 female classmates, including herself, as Bai Fumei.

One afternoon of tea, I was convinced that what Jenny had told me earlier was that they were unrelated relatives who could suffer and live and die together. The 5 bai fumei are called Jenny boss, can be 40 years old boss, I think it must be related to her atmosphere, chivalry.

About 20 years ago, I first went to Jenny's office and she introduced two male colleagues in the office, Old Duck and Little Duck. I was dumbfounded, and the two men nodded and smiled nothing.

Jenny laughed and explained that the spirit ducks mean that they can mentally please me, and I like to take them out to eat and drink well. Tie it or not? She patted the little duckling on the shoulder and asked in very joyful Cantonese. Of course, the Queen of Joy. The little duck replied with a smile.

The Queen of Joy, who regards money as a floating cloud, is very friendly and generous to everyone, sees friends with souvenirs, and says that if she does not give gifts, she is called a nasty banana hand. Being a human being is not a banana hand, which is one of her famous mantras.

Tell it: Queen of Joy, life is nothing more than stepping on the skin of a watermelon...

▲ Jenny is like magic, and she will conjure up souvenirs from her bag at any time.

The families of the two spiritual ducks liked her very much, and the family would tell her about big things and small things. Not long ago, the person who was called the little duck at the invitation of Jenny went to her small mansion in Central Park to eat Jane's lunch, and specially called me to sigh, Jenny's joyful queen Fan has not changed at all, so expensive stubble bowl bean tip, she only pinched the sharpest point of the little bit to entertain me to eat, cooking and eating are laughing continuously.

Almost 30 years ago, at a hotel in Nanshan, Jenny and I came to a meeting on behalf of the supplement of our respective newspapers, and we were assigned to a room. She asked me to choose the bed, and I unceremoniously chose the one by the window so that I could enjoy the forest outside the window. She was enthusiastic and generous, and I looked at the trees in the forest, and she asked a question and I answered. At the end, she said you are a bit stupid, you will mix with me in the future, I will follow you.

A few years after Nanshan first met, we reunited in Dayuan Square, bichangkou, and invariably became employees of the same group. Jenny was faithful, took me to eat food within a few kilometers of the mouth, visited all kinds of strange big shops and small shops, and saw a lot of people and things that were ridiculous. She also shared a lot of happy golden sentences in her Cantonese and Hong Kong dialect: the first important thing is to eat well and drink well every day; life is just a foot on the watermelon peel, where to slide, where is the most important thing to be happy; you don't love life and life will love you...

It was not easy for Jenny to live for more than ten years, but she insisted on her joy, atmosphere, and chivalry, and carried out her happiness to the end.

Jenny's friends are all over the world, three religions and nine streams, men and women, young and old, pearl mud and sand are friends. When I lamented and there was a generation gap with the post-90s and post-00s, she played with them hot and had a good time. I used to call children small children friends two generations of friends three generations, she reprimanded as stupid, friends are friends, what generations, what old.

With its own drive, the never-ending enthusiasm for life, everyone is happy and happy to the end. Twists and turns, hardships and hardships, all regarded as joyful condiments, song to the wine, a smile.

Jenny, Sister Mada, Queen of Joy, replace wine with tea, toast you.

Textu/Zhang Lou

Editor| Xie Bing guo juan

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