
The Best Way to Conquer a Woman: Say No

Text: Xi Xihuan

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Men are naturally ambitious and have a desire to conquer, especially in relationships, and many men want to completely conquer a woman, hoping that her love for herself is special and unique.

However, it is said that women have needles in their hearts, and if they want to conquer women, first of all, men must understand women's minds, which is difficult for many men.

For men, women's minds seem to be particularly difficult to guess, one second still smiling at you, the next second may change their faces, but men do not know what they said wrong, or did what they did wrong.

Understanding a woman's psychology can more accurately know what needs her heart has for emotions, in order to achieve half the work in the feelings, rather than blindly paying.

And some men think that if you want to conquer a woman, it is enough to desperately be good to her, always let her move, always let her see her true heart.

In fact, when a man blindly pays but does not pay attention to the needs of women, women often feel that the man does not really love her, this is not a woman's temperament in the feelings, but she does not have emotional co-friends with men, naturally can not talk about conquest.

I once saw a remark on the Internet that some men feel that using money and profit to conquer a woman can always touch her weakness.

Everyone has their own difficulties, men's material giving and help may indeed solve women's urgent needs, but men should also know that at this time, women only have gratitude to you, if you want to convert this gratitude into love, it is actually very difficult.

Friend Chen Liang is a very delicate emotional man, he is not as macho as the average man, in the process of getting along with women, he cares about each other's feelings and knows how to take care of each other's emotions.

Since being with Fan Ling, Chen Liang seems to have lost all the principles, no matter what the other party's needs are, he has done his best to meet her, even if the friends around him say that Fan Ling is actually very excessive, Chen Liang is also tolerant.

Fan Ling encountered difficulties at work, had an awkward relationship with her friends, or just wanted to drink a cup of milk tea at night, she would call Chen Liang anytime and anywhere, and Chen Liang would never refuse, either to be a qualified listener or to buy her what she wanted on call.

Even sometimes Fan Ling just made unreasonable trouble, and Chen Liang blindly tolerated it without principle, because he cared about Fan Ling in his heart, so he couldn't bear to reject her, but he didn't expect to encourage her unreasonable trouble.

In the end, Chen Liang finally couldn't bear it, he felt that Fan Ling had been consuming his feelings for her, but he had never returned to her, no matter how good he was to her, it had become a meaningless payment.

After Chen Liang proposed to break up, Fan Ling did not adapt, she finally realized that Chen Liang had been good to her, so she asked her friend to find Chen Liang again and wanted to start over with him.

To tell the truth, Chen Liang also reflected on himself after the breakup, and felt that there was something wrong with his connivance, in fact, he did not have any feelings for Fan Ling.

After the two people were reunited, Chen Liang would no longer be on call as before, nor would he accept all of Fan Ling's requests.

However, Chen Liang found that since he learned to say "no" to Fan Ling fiercely, the relationship between the two people had stabilized a lot, fan Ling no longer had a stingy attitude towards him, nor did she feel that Chen Liang should do anything for her, and most importantly, Fan Ling cared more and more about Chen Liang.

Some people may not understand why the changes and contrasts between two people will be so large, in fact, it is not difficult to understand, men may feel that rejecting the woman they love will not get the woman's heart.

But in fact, when you learn to say "no" fiercely, when you learn to reject her, you are already attracting her attention.

Just like Fan Ling in the above article, she is always unreasonable to make trouble, and Chen Liang has no fear of her preference, people are like this, the more they are in love, the more they can't feel the person's kindness to themselves, but they will not cherish it.

When men blindly tolerate and indulge women, they are actually consuming love, because love will not be more durable because the more you do, but may make your efforts cheaper.

And when you start rejecting her, you're telling her that your love for her can't be despised and squandered.

Men's rejection is sometimes showing women their principles and bottom lines, when women are unreasonable to make trouble, when women hurt men but do not know it, when women do not care about men's emotions and feelings, men's rejection is to remind women.

Therefore, men think that they have made compromises in everything, and everything will follow the woman, and they will get the attention of women, which in itself is contemptuous of their own feelings, and will not completely conquer women.

Looking at the men who can conquer women in their feelings and get their hearts, they tend to do things in a principled way, and they also maintain their right to be dissatisfied in the process of getting along with women, rather than being as unconstructed as the tumbleweed.

Such a man is more likely to attract women and make women appreciate it, because no woman will like a man who only has a good temper but has no opinion.

Sometimes, a man's "no" is not that he does not love women, nor is he embarrassing women, it is precisely because he attaches great importance to this relationship with women and wants to go further, so he will be responsible for her, feelings, and reject behaviors that are not conducive to the development of feelings, which will make women feel more down-to-earth and reassured.

Of course, men also need to know the scale and scope of saying "no", because not everything can be rejected, if you do not grasp the right balance, your rejection may really make the relationship between you end prematurely.

When a woman is in a bad mood and really needs your company, what you need to do is not to say "no", at this time your rejection will only make her more lost, and even no longer trust you, unwilling to speak to you;

When a woman encounters tricky problems and difficulties that cannot be solved, you do not say "no", this is the key time to test your sincerity and ability, your timely appearance, your solution for her can make you into her heart faster.

When a woman needs your opinion pertinently, you don't say "no", because this is the best time for you to communicate and communicate, if you give an opinion that can really help her, it will establish your image and status in her heart, and will make her unconsciously trust and worship you more.

Therefore, love needs to be careful, but also need to be careful to operate, grasp the fate that belongs to you.


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