
After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

On the afternoon of March 17th, Liu Zongdi, a professor at the School of Humanities of Beijing Language and Culture University, the author of "The World of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: Monsters, All Things and the Starry Sky", visited the Yejiaxuan Reading Experience Bookstore of Tsinghua University and shared with readers his experience in the study of the Classic of Mountains and Seas over the years.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

Talking about the original intention of creating this book, Professor Liu Zongdi said that in most people's impressions, the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is the earliest myth and legend in China, and the monster Qitan. Even though it was previously known to be a geography book, the concept was still vague. The purpose of this new work is to popularize common sense and restore the original appearance of the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

So, what kind of book is the Classic of Mountains and Seas? Liu Zongdi pointed out that this is a geographical natural history with careful planning, based on field investigations and real insights, and systematically recording the resources of mountains and rivers. The writing methods, content materials, and logical structure of the Classic of Mountains and Seas all clearly show this feature.

However, why are the animals recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas so strange? Because, in ancient times, there was no standard classification system, morphological scholarship and description methods such as modern naturalism, and there was no naturalist painting and photography, and the simplest way to introduce people to the appearance of a strange animal was to borrow familiar animals to describe it. Liu Zongdi made a figurative analogy: how to turn a cat into a monster?

Suppose someone sees a cat for the first time, how will he introduce the animal to others? In the common way of writing in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it can be written like this: "There are beasts, whose shape is like a tiger, whose face is leopard's body and snake's tail, whose song is like a baby, whose name is meow, whose song is self-calling, and whose raising can avoid rats." ”

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

Today, movable type Jun shared with the book friends the most fun, the most interesting, and the most able to show the charm of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas". Professor Liu said: "I take you to the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" to search for treasures, what treasures are you looking for? A treasure trove of gold. ”

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

Return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Liu Zongdi dictated

This article is a review of the 28-issue activities of the author of Yi Jia Xuan

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

When the "World of the Classic of Mountains and Seas" first came out, I gave it to a few friends, and after reading it, they said that I was disenchanting the "Classic of Mountains and Seas". Originally, everyone thought that the book "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" was particularly interesting, and they all looked at this book with a curious eye, which was very interesting. However, listening to me say this, like learning the common sense of nature, suddenly became boring. So they say that the book is disenchanting the Classic of Mountains and Seas, "You are so interesting and pour cold water on such an interesting thing." "It just seems that I am a very boring person.

But I said, it is indeed disenchantment. However, this "charm" that I got rid of is not the "charm" of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" itself, it is a charm imposed on the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" by later generations, and it is our deliberate sensationalism, mixing our imagination and curiosity to misunderstand the "Classic of Mountains and Seas". I removed this imposed "charm" and returned the original face of the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

However, the Classic of Mountains and Seas is not tasteless in its original appearance, even more charming than we now imagine, it is full of all kinds of wonders that we cannot imagine, including the wonders of nature and the wonders of humanity, and it also opens us with a very deep door of time, which allows us to travel through time and return to the distant past through this book, because the Classic of Mountains and Seas is very ancient. The oldest part of it is the Great Wilderness Classic, written in the last years of the Shang Dynasty, and its materials, its historical memory is the memory of the end of the Shang Dynasty. Therefore, to understand this book is to open a door to time in ancient times and ancient times, and the rich content in it can be reinterpreted. This charm is much richer and more meaningful than the charm of our current popular reading. Through it, we can reconstruct the historical and geographical picture of ancient China. This is the work I'm going to do in my next book. Compared with the world of this "Classic of Mountains and Seas", that book is really "entering the room". But that book is not exhaustive, and I myself cannot exhaust the rich connotations of this book.

Someone asked me, why study the Classic of Mountains and Seas? I say, both by chance and by necessity.

Occasionally, because the Classic of Mountains and Seas is so famous, many people may have read it since they were young, and I only started to read it after I was in graduate school, but I couldn't understand it at the time. Later, I was studying for a doctorate at Beijing Normal University, and because I studied folklore, I studied the Classic of Mountains and Seas as a book of mythology.

At that time, my doctoral supervisor was Mr. Zhong Jingwen, who was 95 years old and the oldest doctoral supervisor in China. Professor Zhong was particularly interested in the Classic of Mountains and Seas in his early years, and he wrote many articles, and after listening to my study of the Classics of Mountains and Seas, he was very happy, and he said, "You can study this book for a lifetime." I was very respectful on the surface, saying "Yes, yes, yes." "But in my heart, I thought, such a 40,000- or 50,000-word book, I have studied it for a lifetime, then I don't have to do other things in my life." As a result, I wrote later, and the more I wrote, the more problems I asked, and I now find that I can't finish it in my lifetime.

Speaking of inevitability, why do I see the Classic of Mountains and Seas as a book about science rather than a book of Zhiwei, because my own educational background is more complicated. I am a science major, Department of Meteorology, Nanjing University. I once borrowed a copy of the "Meteorological History of China" in the museum, and when the book talked about the origin of Chinese meteorology, it mentioned the astronomical records in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", which gave me great inspiration. I realized that there are not only myths in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, but also science. This book seems to be about geography and space, but if it is related to astronomy, it is not only about space, it must be related to time. Well, the problem that geography cannot solve can be solved with time. For example, many of the monsters recorded in the book are actually "monsters in the sky", which are astrological signs. In the eyes of the ancients, astronomy and geography are inseparable, and in this book, not only the things on the earth, but also the things in the sky, but later people did not understand, and they were regarded as monsters. This inspired me to use astronomy to interpret the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

The content of the Classic of Mountains and Seas is indeed too rich, so I say that this book is a treasure map. And the treasure map has two meanings, one is the literal meaning, it is really a treasure map, some natural treasures are recorded in this book, where there is what treasure. Second, the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is a cultural treasure house and cultural treasure book of our nation. Through it, we can understand the spiritual and cultural world of the ancient ancestors.

I'm going to go beyond that book to talk about what I think is more interesting and interesting, which can show the charm of the book "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

I take you to the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" to find treasures, what treasures to find? A treasure trove of gold.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas", we say that it records a lot of animals, plants, and minerals, I made a rough count, it recorded more than 400 mountains, more than 300 rivers, as well as more than 100 kinds of beasts, more than 100 kinds of birds, more than 100 kinds of plants and trees, dozens of aquatic animals (fish), minerals, and more than 200 kinds of drugs that live and are hidden in these mountains and rivers. Moreover, it meticulously and vividly records the origin, form, habits, and uses of these birds and beasts, plants, trees, goldstones, mineral deposits, and its strange role and spirituality, which can be said to be a treasure map in the true sense.

Let's start with the first paragraph of the "Nanshan Jing" in the first volume of the Classic of Mountains and Seas:

"The head of the Nanshan Sutra, known as QueShan Mountain." Its first mountain is called the mountain of swagger, on the top of the West Sea, more gui, more golden jade. There is grass, its shape is like a leek and qinghua, its name is Zhu Yu, and it is not hungry to eat. There is a wooden yan, its shape is like a 榖 (gu yin tonggu) and a black reason, its Hua Sizhao, its name is confused, and it is not confused. There are beasts, whose shape is like a yu and white ears, and the people who walk away, whose name is 狌 (xing read a sound) 狌, and the food is good to go.

Judging from this very standardized record, you can get an intuitive impression that the book says that the first mountain range in the south is called Queshan Mountain, and the first mountain in the Queshan Mountain Range is called the Mountain of Swagger. "Above the West Sea, more gui, more gold and jade." You see, there are treasures, there is gold, there is jade.

A kind of grass grew on the mountain, and this grass "resembles a leek and is green, and its name is Zhu Yu, and it is not hungry." "What kind of grass is this?" It's Mai Dong. Wheat winter is a cluster, growing in clusters, so it is especially like a leek, it blooms green flowers, white flowers, or purple flowers, especially shade-tolerant, often in the shade of trees, where other grasses can not grow, it can grow. The roots of this grass are tubers and have a high amount of starch. Therefore, in ancient times, when there was a famine, people could eat its roots, so it was called "food is not hungry".

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure
After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

Construct trees

There is also a tree on the grass, "there is a wood, and its shape is like a maple", what is this? It is our current tree structure, the leaves of the tree are very large, the flowering is like a spherical shape, "its Hua Sizhao", that is, the spherical flower, which is burgundy and can be eaten, "its name is misty", which is actually the tree. In ancient times, it was used to make paper, and the leaves could be fed to pigs, which was very much in China. "Its name is confused, and it is not lost", because it is called a mist, so we can wear it on the body to avoid getting lost, which belongs to "attacking poison with poison".

There are still wild beasts living on the mountain, "there are beasts, their shape is like a yu and white ears", "yu" is a macaque, this beast looks like a monkey, white ears. "Fu pedestrian walking", "walking" is a slow walk, "walking" is a fast walk, which means that the ancients and the current understanding of the place is different. When it walks slowly, it lands on all fours, and when it runs fast, it stands up straight like a human. "Its name is called the orangutan", which is the orangutan. But in fact, there are no orangutans in China, so this orangutan may be an exotic animal, which may have been brought into China from the South China Sea through cross-ocean trade.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

This is some of the things that are on the mountain of swagger, and the records of the Classic of Mountains and Seas are very standardized. So-and-so mountain, there is so-and-so, what so-and-so looks like, what disease it can cure. Therefore, the Classic of Mountains and Seas is a very methodical and categorical book that records natural resources.

I think that as long as we understand the Classic of Mountains and Seas, we can find out where these treasures and resources it records are, especially the gold and jade mentioned in the book.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas records a large amount of gold and jade. The mineral deposits it mentioned, I searched after counting, there are 249 jade mountains, 162 gold mountains, 41 iron mountains, 32 copper mountains, 16 silver mountains, and 6 tin mountains. The most precious of these is gold. We know that China was originally a poor country of gold, and we know that China has very few gold mines. Why are so many gold mines recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas?

When we do cultural research, we often ignore the role of gold in ancient times, but in fact it has very important humanistic significance. We know that Chinese worship jade, but we don't know that they also worship gold. Jade, used by the ancients to make decorations, sacrifices to the gods, and theosophical. Gold, too, was used to be dedicated to God.

We know that the Classic of Mountains and Seas is a treasure map, so how to find these treasures?

First, we need to know the approximate territory of this map. The Classic of Mountains and Seas is divided into two parts, the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the Classic of Mountains has a total of twenty-six articles, including three articles of the Nanshan Classic, four chapters of the Western Mountain Classic, three articles of the Northern Mountain Classic, four articles of the Dongshan Classic, and twelve articles of the Zhongshan Classic, each of which describes a mountain column, and a total of twenty-six mountain columns are recorded in the whole book. This has clearly documented its orientation. However, we must first know the approximate geographical scope of the Shan Jing, which refers to the whole of China. Or Asia? Or Europe? Or is it in a North American state? This is a big difference. If you can't figure it out, you'll be in the opposite direction and won't find it. So, we must first clarify this geographical scope.

In fact, no one has been able to figure out the geographical scope of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. I just said that the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas that I wrote is mainly to study the geographical problems of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Recent. I also published an article in Wenshi Zhe called "Within the Four Seas, the Great Wilderness Is Examined by Regions."

The "Hai Jing" section of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" includes several such articles as the "Hai Nei Jing", the "Overseas Classic", and the "Great Wilderness Classic". Among them, the Great Wilderness Sutra is the outermost. The Great Wilderness is the wild land, the most remote and distant place. Therefore, as long as we have clarified the scope of the Great Wilderness, the geographical scope of the Classic of Mountains and Seas has also been basically clarified.

The territory of the Great Wilderness Sutra is clearly stated in the "World of the Classic of Mountains and Seas", which is a geographical pattern surrounded by the sea on all sides. This often creates a confusion - the current territory of China only has the sea in the south and the sea in the east, no sea in the north, and no sea in the west. Therefore, people will think of the scope of the Classic of Mountains and Seas as very large, as large as the entire Eurasian continent. However, in the pre-Qin era, how could Chinese have such a large geographical vision? At that time, the traffic conditions were simply not up to par. Therefore, this geographical scope cannot go beyond China, it must be within China.

In fact, there is indeed a place in China's territory that is surrounded by the sea on all sides, that place is the Shandong Peninsula, which is bordered by Bohai Bay to the north, the Yellow Sea to the south, and the sea to the west in ancient times. The Shandong Peninsula may have been an isolated island 6,000 years ago, when the sea level was still relatively high, and between the western part of Shanxi and Henan was a vast ocean, and it had not yet become a land. Only later, as the sea level lowered, with the large amount of silt accumulation of the Yellow River, the Luxi Plateau in the western part of the Shandong Was raised, so that Shandong was connected with Henan, which probably happened 5,000 years ago.

However, after the western part of Shandong became a land, the western part of Shandong still has a large area of water and lakes, which is caused by the flooding of the Yellow River. Because Shandong is hilly, the water can not flow out, just in the western part of the shandong into a vast water, called Dayoze in ancient times, now Shandong has a place named Juye, which is the ruins of Dayozawa.

We know that "Water Margin" Shui Po Liang Shan is the change of Ohno. Now that lake is very small, there is a lake called Dongping Lake in the northwest of Mount Tai. Further south, there is the South Four Lakes, which is Weishan Lake... These are all lakes in the west and east of the country. Therefore, Shandong is the only place in China's territory surrounded by the sea. Of course, we are talking about Taiwan Island and Hainan Island, but in ancient times, Chinese could not know Taiwan Island and Hainan Island, so it can only be the Shandong Peninsula.

This treasure map can be found now, in fact, these treasures are far away in the sky, close at hand, in Shandong Province, my home is Shandong. Therefore, when I wrote the book "The World of the Classic of Mountains and Seas", I actually shouldered a very large burden, a moral burden. Some people say that you are from Shandong, but you have to say that the Classic of Mountains and Seas belongs to your family. However, this is no way, I would rather carry such a moral burden, but also have to tell the truth, the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" depicts indeed our Shandong Province.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

The Classic of Mountains and Seas is basically this piece, centered on the hills of Shandong, and those treasures are in it.

We know that China is poor in gold, only Shandong is the hinterland of gold, and now a large amount of gold in China may be produced in the Shandong Peninsula. Yantai's Zhaoyuan is China's gold mine. In fact, China's gold is produced in Shandong, and the Classic of Mountains and Seas records a large amount of gold, which is the gold of Shandong.

We used the database to search for the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", the keyword "gold", out of 162 articles, the distribution is very dense, are so-and-so mountains, more gold and jade. Therefore, this area is very densely produced in gold.

We may not imagine how so many ancient gold mines are now gone, in fact, they were picked up by the ancients.

Gold is a very strange metal, it does not rust, its chemical properties are very stable, it does not corrode, it does not disappear. In ancient times, because of the erosion of wind and rain, the ore on the mountain was weathered, and the gold would peel off on the ground, and it would flow down the water to the river beach, and people would just pick it up. Therefore, in ancient times, gold must have been everywhere, but we can't pick it up now.

Let's analyze a case specifically, there is a mountain in the Classic of Mountains and Seas called the Mountain of Gold, in the Great Desolation Sutra. The location of this mountain and its location we can look for. The Great Wild West Sutra records:

Beyond the southwest sea, south of the red water, west of the quicksand, there are two green snakes, riding two dragons, known as the summer after the opening. Open the three concubines in the heavens, and get the "Nine Debates" and "Nine Songs" below. On this day, Mu Zhiye, two thousand high, opened the song "Nine Moves". ...... There is the Great Witch Mountain, there is the Golden Mountain. In the middle corner of the southwest wilderness (that is, the southwest corner of the great wilderness), there are partial sentences and mountains of constant sheep.

"Beyond the Southwest Sea", the Southwest Sea is Juyeze, relying on Dayoze; "The South of Chishui", Chishui is Surabaya, Surabaya is a river that originates from Mount Taishan, flows west, turns to Luxi and flows south, passes through Xuzhou, enters the Northern Jiangsu Plain, joins the Huai River, enters the Yellow Sea, and Confucius's hometown qufu is dependent on Surabaya.

"Quicksand", what do you think when you look at the quicksand? Xinjiang Desert, Taklamakan Desert and Tarim Basin in Xinjiang. There are many places in the Classic of Mountains and Seas called quicksand, but in fact, it is not a desert at all, what is it? It's sand by the river or by the sea, the sand. There is a large amount of desertified land caused by the flooding of the Yellow River in the western part of shanxi, which is called quicksand. The western quicksand mentioned here is the yellow river quicksand in the western part of the mountain.

When I talk about this geographical location, "beyond the Southwest Sea, south of Chishui, west of quicksand", there is this place on the edge of Ohnozawa, near Chishui, near the ancient river channel of the Yellow River. The last sentence of the Great Wilderness West Classic is called "There is the Great Witch Mountain, there is the Golden Mountain", which is the golden mountain I want to say.

As I said just now, the territory of the Great Wilderness Classic is equivalent to the territory of Shandong. The last article of the "Great Wilderness West Classic" is in the southwest, "the middle corner of the great wilderness in the southwest", which is actually the southwest corner of the great wilderness, that is, the southwest of Shandong and the southwest of Lu. There is a mountain in southwest Lu called the Golden Mountain. We remember its location, beyond the Southwest Sea, south of the Red Water, west of the quicksand.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

This is Juye County, in ancient times this piece was Juyezawa, now weishan lake, in fact, the ancient juyeze and weishan lake are connected. The whole of this is the West Sea. This piece is relatively high, now Yutai County, Jinxiang County, Jiaxiang County, so it is impossible to be submerged, this hill is relatively high, it will not be submerged. Therefore, the north of this highland is Juyeze, the east is Surabaya, and below is the North Canal of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which is the ancient Surabaya, and the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is Chishui. The Yellow River floods, from here it flows north into the Bohai Sea, and from the south it flows into Xuzhou and into the Yellow Sea. Therefore, it is surrounded by the quicksand of the Yellow River.

This place name everyone pays attention to, called Jinxiang, it belongs to Jining City, Shandong Province, and further to this side is Qufu and Zaozhuang. Why is it called Jinxiang? Just because it has a mountain called the Mountain of Gold. Why is it called Jinshan? Because that mountain unearthed a lot of gold, this is very specific and very clearly recorded in the history books.

The Northern Wei scholar Li Daoyuan's "Notes on the Water Classics" (the "Water Classics" is to record the rivers in various parts of China, its basic direction), is to make a very detailed annotation of the "Water Classics", where the rivers pass, and what monuments there are in each place, he has made a record one by one. Li Daoyuan is particularly familiar with the geography of Shandong, because his father was an official in Shandong, and Li Daoyuan traveled with his father throughout the mountains and rivers of Shandong, so his record of Shandong is very detailed and very reliable.

Li Daoyuan's "Notes on water classics" in the "Ji Shui Notes" records:

It also passes east of Jinxiang County to the south, and the Chronicle of the County: Shanyang has Jinxiang County. In the south of its ancient city, there is Jinxiang Mountain in the north of the so-called ancient county town. ...... Dai Yanzhi's "Records of the Western Expedition" said: A few miles north of Jiao's mountain, there is a Lieutenant Lu Junzuka of hansi, who crosses the mountain to get white snakes and white rabbits, not buried, and even buries the south of the mountain, chiseled and obtained gold, so it is known as Jinxiang Mountain.

He quoted from the Book of later Han in the Chronicle of the Counties that "Shanyang" is the sun of Mount Tai, and in the Han Dynasty it was named Shanyang County, because it was called Shanyang on the south side of Mount Tai.

Shanyang has a Jinxiang County. "Heshui is south of its ancient city", the downstream of Jishui is called Heshui, "the old county town of the world", and there is Jinxiang Mountain in the north. Why is it called Jinxiang Mountain? He quoted a book by Dai Yanzhi,"Records of the Western Expedition": "Jiao's Mountain is several miles north", during the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a person named Lu Jun, who was an official in Chang'an, he went home to be buried after he died, his descendants first dug a tomb in the north of Jiao's Mountain, and the result was that they dug out white rabbits and white snakes, thinking that this was not very auspicious, he changed places again, went to Shannan to dig a tomb, and the result was that this digging was sent. "Chiseled to get gold, so called Jinxiang Mountain", this gold is not a gold mine, but an ancient cellar. In ancient times, I didn't know who, probably because of the war, fled, so he buried the gold in the mountain, and as a result he dug out a pile of gold.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

The full name of lu jun stele is "HanSi Li Colonel Lu Jun Stele", and the seal inscription "Han Si Li Colonel Wei Zhonghui Father Lu Jun Stele" was carved in the third year of the Eastern Han Dynasty Xiping (173 AD).

It is recorded in the "Notes on the Water Classics" that the gold dug up in Jinxiang was during the Eastern Han Dynasty. Lu Jun's tomb is still there, he is a very famous Han Li, his stele is also very famous, now in the Jining Museum, we who learn calligraphy will copy this stele. Therefore, this account is indisputable.

Further ahead, in the Western Han Dynasty, a large amount of gold was also dug up in Jinxiang, that is, during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. According to the Book of Han and the Chronicle of Emperor Wu:

"In the spring of the second year (95 BC), xingxing returned to Zhongzhong. The March edict reads: 'There is a siyi, and those who go to the outskirts of the city see God, and xi denglongshou, and receive Bai Lin to feed the temple, and the water of Wowa out of the pegasus, and Mount Tai to see gold.' It is advisable to change the name. Now more gold for the lin toe, the socks to the concord. 'For Iban gave the princes. ”

This story tells that when Emperor Wu of Han was sacrificing to the heavens in the mountains, he caught a white unicorn and used it as a sacrifice for the Zongmiao Temple, and found a pegasus in the "Wowa Water". When Taishan discovered the gold, Emperor Wu of Han decided to rename the gold to Lin toe and 蹏 ("蹏" and "hoof"). Emperor Wudi's favorite concubine, Lady Li, died early, leaving him with only one son, liu qi , who was very fond of liu qi. In the second year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, when he "saw gold" at Mount Tai, he sealed Liu Qi to Shanyang County to become the King of Changyi, and asked his son Liu Ji to control the gold there. At that time, Liu Ji was particularly happy, because they all regarded Jin as Xiangrui. Although it does not say above that this place is in Jinxiang, the residence of king Changyi is in Jinxiang. Apparently, this batch of gold was found in Jinxiang.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

King Changyi had a very famous son, the well-known Marquis of Haixiao. Originally, Liu He's reputation in history was very bad. After Emperor Han Zhao's death, because he had no sons, he recruited Liu He, the grandson of Emperor Wu of Han and the son of Liu Ji, into Chang'an to let him come to The Day. But Liu He's life was very debauched and was ruined by Huo Guang. After two years, Emperor Xuan of Han sealed Liu He in Haixia County, Yuzhang County, Jiangxi, and became the later Marquis of Haixia. He stayed in Jiangxi for four years and died of depression. Finally, more than 2,000 years later, his tomb was dug up. This is what we will talk about next, the gold of the sea.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

In 2015, the tomb of Liu He, the Marquis of Haixia, was discovered in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, and the most surprising thing was the discovery of a large amount of gold. 385 gold cakes, 17 large horseshoe gold, 31 small horseshoe gold, 25 lin toe gold, 20 gold plates. A total of 470 pieces, on all kinds of gold cakes, gold plates, a total of more than 120 kilograms. This was particularly sensational at the time, as it was the most gold ever found in Chinese archaeology, and so much gold had never been found.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

Everyone could not have imagined that Liu He, a deposed prince, actually had so much wealth in his tomb. In fact, if we think about it, if his tomb was in the north and in the central plains, maybe this gold would have been gone long ago, and it would have been stolen by tomb thieves a long time ago, and it was because it was preserved in Jiangxi.

So, where did his gold come from? The Hanshu Wuzi Biography records:

"The king was sealed by the emperor and honored with honorific titles. He reigned for twenty-seven days and committed adultery. The great general Guang consulted with the Qunchen, Empress Bai Xiaozhao, abolished He and returned to the homeland, gave Tang Muyi 2,000 households, and the property of the wang family was with He. Language in Huo Guangchuan. Guoji, for Sanyang County. ”

When Emperor Xuan of Han exiled Liu He, he also gave Him Liu He's belongings with great magnanimity so that he could take them all with him. In fact, Liu He took his gold and his possessions to the south. Therefore, Liu He's gold was probably brought by him from Jinxiang. If the object is returned to its original owner, in fact, the gold unearthed in Jiangxi should be returned to our Shandong Provincial Museum and returned to Jinxiang County, but they will certainly not do it.

The gold of the Sea Dusk is now famous. But the archaeological community has never made a scientific explanation of the origin of these golds, and there are various theories. Some people say that Jiangxi produces gold, and after Liu He went, he went to pan for gold and panned for so much. It is indeed recorded in the Book of Han that there is a golden sand in Jiangxi. But Liu He died after 4 years of work, how could he accumulate 120 kilograms of gold? At that time, Liu He's strength was gone, and he did not have the right to loot so much gold. It is also said that it was the Son of Heaven who took pity on him and gave it to him. How could the Son of Heaven give so much gold to a deposed king, nor could he? Therefore, in fact, the archaeological community has not made a scientific explanation for the gold of the sea dusk.

I can now make a very scientific explanation of the origin of Liu He's gold through the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The origin of this gold is very ancient, probably dating back to a very distant era from the Han Dynasty, from a batch of treasures from the Xia Dynasty and Shang Dynasty.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

This was the first time that the tomb of the Marquis of Haixia had been opened, and the archaeologist, wearing gloves, trembled and picked up a gold object, and his mood at that time, we know how excited he was.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

This is the gold displayed in the museum, horseshoe gold, lin toe gold, and small horseshoe gold.

This is Shanyang County, Changyi, and below it is Jinxiang. The fiefdom of king Changyi is in Jinxiang, and it is close to Jinxiang Mountain, which is the mountain where the gold was dug out. Therefore, we can judge that the gold of the king of Changyi was dug out of that mountain. Moreover, he did not dig it clean, and later in the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Lu Jun was buried, he dug out a batch of it. We can think that there may still be gold in that place, and we can still dig it.

How did this batch of gold in Jinxiang Mountain come from?

It can be said that this batch of gold does not belong to man at all, but to the sun god. In the Classic of Mountains and Seas, we can find the answer.

Why is it called Jinxiang? Because it was an ancient place of worship for the gods, it is a religious shrine.

Gold has a deep relationship with religion because it has a very large symbolic meaning, symbolic value. It is probably the only metal on Earth, and its chemical properties are very stable, non-rusty, and very malleable. It is very soft, can be beaten into very thin gold pieces, can be drawn into very thin hair, even thinner than the hair of gold, can be, its plasticity is very strong. And, it will never go away. It can be trampled on at will, refined and burned, and it will not be corroded and will never disappear.

So, what is the nature of gold? Immortality. It can change arbitrarily, but is immortal. Because it is immortal, the ancients dedicated it to God. All the peoples of the world offered gold to God, especially to the sun god. Because gold is golden yellow, it is the color of the sun. Therefore, many national myths have compared the sun god to gold. This is a deep-seated idea.

Because gold was dedicated to the gods, gold was mainly controlled by wizarding groups and sacrificial wizards in ancient times, and it was useless for ordinary people to take it. Looking at China, it is obvious that the Anyang Tomb of the Chinese Shang Dynasty, the Tomb of the Good Woman, is very large, there are many cultural relics, and a large number of bronzes and jades have been unearthed. But not a single piece of gold was unearthed from the tomb of the woman. It was because she was a queen of the Shang King at that time, she didn't like gold, she liked jade and bronze. Only bronze and jade are symbols of dynastic power. But we know that several Shang Dynasty tombs have buried gold, one is the Guanghan Sanxingdui in Sichuan, and Chengdu has unearthed a lot of gold artifacts and masks, including a gold piece of the sun. Sanxingdui and Chengdu are both sacrificial sites, not tombs. The place where Sanxingdui unearthed those bronzes is called the sacrifice pit, that is, it was buried after the sacrifice, and later dug out, all of which are sacrificial sites.

Now, let's go back to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which records this passage of the Golden Mountain:

Beyond the southwest sea, south of the red water, west of the quicksand, there are two green snakes, riding two dragons, known as the summer after the opening. Open the three concubines in the heavens, and get the "Nine Debates" and "Nine Songs" below. On this day, Mu Zhiye, two thousand high, opened the song "Nine Moves".

Beyond the Southwest Sea, south of the Red Water, west of quicksand, in this place, what is a person doing? "Someone has two green snakes and two dragons", that is, he wears two snake-shaped earrings on his ears and rides two dragons; "the name is Xia Hou Kai", which is actually Xia Yu's son Xia Hou Qi, because there was a tianzi in the Han Dynasty called Qi, and the Han people called him Xia Hou Kai in order to avoid secrecy. "Open the three concubines to the heavens", Xia Qi dedicated three beautiful women to God, and dedicated them to the heavens, and God gave him the "Nine Debates" and "Nine Songs". The Nine Debates and the Nine Songs were the songs used for sacrifice at that time. We know that Qu Yuan wrote the Nine Songs, which is a song of sacrifice to the gods. Therefore, Xia Qi worshipped the gods in this place. This place is very close to Dawu Mountain and Jinshan Mountain, both in the south of Juyezawa. You see, the Golden Mountain is next to the Great Witch Mountain. What is Wushan? Witch is a wizard, this place name can explain the problem, the Golden Mountain is close to the Witch Mountain, is a vault and golden cellar for wizards. What gods are these wizards sacrificing? There is a very clear record in the book, that is, the sun god.

Jinshan is the home of the sun god. "Spring and Autumn Left Biography" 21:

Ren, Su, Su, Shu, 颛臾, wind surname also. Shōji Daisuke and the Worship of Ariyoshi to serve the Summers.

It records that the countries of Renguo, Suguo, Sujuguo, and Zhaoguo are all feng surnames. "Shiji Da hao and you ji zhi worship to serve the xia", that is, these four countries are all one family, one ancestor, and the same sect, and they are all in charge of sacrificing the two gods, Da Hao and Youji. What is Daiho? Ohto is the sun god. 皞 is light and radiance, and the two white characters on the side, which can also be said to be the japanese word, are actually the sun and moon light. Tai Hao is the Great Light, the Great Bright Sun. Youji, that is, the god of water, the ancient people not only sacrificed the gods of heaven and earth, but also the river, every river has a god, hebo, jiangfei, Luofei, these sacrifice gods, called Youji.

Ren, Su, Su, and Zhao, where are these countries? Ren is now close to Jining, across the lake from Jinxiang. Li Bai has been to Rencheng, and he has written poetry. Suju and Su are close to Dongping Lake, on the north side of Ono Lake. It was near the side of Yimeng Mountain, in present-day Pingyi County, to the south of Mount Meng. In fact, they are all in the vicinity of Jinxiang. This passage proves that until the Spring and Autumn Period, there was still a belief in the sun god near Jinxiang, and there were descendants of the sun god.

There is also a record of Tai Hao in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. This brings us to the last hai nei jing of the Great Wilderness Sutra, which is located in the southwest of the Great Wilderness Sutra:

"Between the black waters in the southwest, there are the capital Hirono, and the houji are buried. ...... There are nine hills, known as the Tao Tang Hill, the Hill of Youshude, the Hill of Meng Ying, the Hill of Kunwu, the Hill of Black and White, the Hill of Chiwang, the Hill of Samwei, the Hill of Wufu, and the Hill of Shenmin. There are woods, green leaves and purple stems, Xuanhua Huangshi, the name jianmu, hundreds of branches, nine trees, nine wolfberries underneath, in fact, like hemp, its leaves are like mang, the big ones have been passed, and the Yellow Emperor has done it. ”

"Between the black waters in the southwest", that is, the southwest of the Great Desolation Sutra, what is "black water"? It is another river in Shandong: the Dawen River. Wenshui is close to Surabaya, flows west through Mount Tai, and finally flows north into the Bohai Sea. Surabaya flows south through Mount Tai and through the Yellow Sea.

In the southwest, between the black water there are nine hills, and the nine hills are equivalent to Kyushu, which is our ancient Chinese Kyushu. Kyushu is the nine islands in the water, which symbolizes the land of Dayu. Kyushu is a place of worship for the gods, that is, some altars for the gods. There is a tree above the nine hills, "there is wood, green leaves and purple stems, Xuanhua yellow fruit", long green leaves, the stem is purple, black flowers, the fruit is yellow," the name jianmu, "this tree grows very strangely, very tall, but there are no branches, straight up and down the tree." But, on top of it, "there are nine branches", nine branches, nine branches that are very standardized. Below, there are nine goji at the root. There are nine branches on the top and nine roots on the bottom. This tree grows very symmetrically, very standardized, it is not a natural tree at all, it is actually a pole erected artificially, so it is called Jianmu. What is Jianmu? Building wood is to build, is to establish, to set up a pole, a piece of wood, called building wood.

What is this wood for? It is actually used to measure the sun. The ancients did not have clocks, how did he judge the time? Just stand up a pole and look at the shadow of the sun. "The Great Emperor passed, the Yellow Emperor did it", and the Yellow Emperor passed through from here. "The great dragon passes", that is, the sun rises in the south every day and lands in the west, "by the Yellow Emperor", this wood was established by the Yellow Emperor. The sun can be projected through this pole, and finally the time is known. Therefore, Jianmu is a sundial, which is used to measure the sun.

In the southwest of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, there is such a wooden building, which is where the sun god passes. The southwest of Shandong is a hometown of the sun god, that is, Jinxiang, Jiaxiang, Juye, it is close to Jiangsu Feng County, and Feng County is across the river, across the Jishui is Liu Bang's hometown, Feng County, Pei County, just southwest of Lu.

Therefore, the "Zuo Zhuan" and the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" corroborate each other, which is enough to prove that the southwest of Lu is the hometown of the sun god. The symbol of the sun is gold, so we can conclude that the gold in the golden country is actually a batch of gold that the ancient wizards held and offered to the sun god.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

This is the sun god bird unearthed in Chengdu Jinsha, which is very intuitive, that is, a sun, with thermal energy in the middle, radiant, and four phoenixes on the side. This is Tai Hao, the wind surname also.

Why was it discovered in Sichuan? Some people have concluded that the geography recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas is the Sichuan Basin. This is a gold mask unearthed from Sanxingdui. Some people say that it is Jianmu, which is the sacred tree of Sanxingdui. Many people have argued and explained what happened to these cultural relics of Sanxingdui, saying that it is the jianmu in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", which is too high. They pushed further, saying that the southwest of the Classic of Mountains and Seas is the Sichuan Basin. However, from my personal research on the geography of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the territory of the Classic of Mountains and Seas cannot reach Sichuan, and the westernmost part is to the western part of The Mountains. But why do the cultural relics of Sanxingdui and Chengdu Jinsha coincide so well with Shandong and the Classic of Mountains and Seas? There's a lot more to it.

If Hai Dihou was able to move gold from Jinxiang to Jiangxi, could it be that in the more distant past, a group of people moved the gold from Shandong to Sichuan? Is this possible? This is actually a big question mark. I've always wanted to solve this problem myself, but because there's not enough evidence to prove it.

However, I have a clue to propose this hypothesis, that is, in fact, the original Kingdom of Ba and Shu were in the Jinxiang area of southwest Lu. According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Classic of Hai Nei:

"There is Pakistan in the southwest. Da Hao (大昊) gives birth to a salty bird, a salted bird is born by a li, and a post-photo is born by a li, and the post-photo is the beginning of the Ba people. ”

The Ba people are descendants of the Great Dahao, in the southwest. The kingdom of Pakistan may have originally been an eastern country, not only the state of Pakistan, but also the state of Shu. The Shu kingdom and the ba kingdom are very ancient, both found in the oracle bones of the Shang Dynasty. But in the Shang Dynasty, how did the Shang King cross the mountains from Anyang to Sichuan? Therefore, whether Bashu is the current Bashu is doubtful.

After graduating with my PhD, I chose to return to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas in search of the golden treasure

The earliest record of Shudi in ancient books is actually in Shandong. We are now flipping through ancient texts, and the Shu mentioned in several places is just west of the Lu kingdom, just by Jinxiang. Lu Gong met with Chu Gong and Qi Gong, often met in Shudi, now that place is called Dushan Lake, originally called Shushan Lake, later changed to Dushan Lake, Shu and Du is a word. We see that there are both Ba and Shu in the western part of the mountains, and Chu is also in this area, Chu Qiu. So, it's like a bigger historical question. It's what I want to solve next, but it's also hard to solve. Because there is no data at present, but archaeology can be used to determine whether there is a relationship.

The sacrificial pits of Sanxingdui are basically from the end of the Shang Dynasty. After the Shang was destroyed by Zhou, the Zhou Gongdong Expedition mainly fought in the western part of the shandong. After the fight, he built the State of Lu there, divided his son into the State of Lu, and sealed Jiang Taigong in the State of Qi. After the Zhou people wiped out the East, they drove a large number of Eastern immigrants to the West, some of whom voluntarily migrated and some of whom were forced to move to the West. Therefore, in fact, the place names of many countries in the West originate from the East, from the generation of Shandong and Henan.

Many of the place names in the Classic of Mountains and Seas are Shandong place names, and later they all went to Hubei, Henan, Shanxi, and Sichuan. In the last years of the Shang Dynasty, the extinction of the Shang dynasty caused the peoples of the East to migrate westward. So, is it possible that the Shu and Ba countries have moved from Shandong? There are a lot of questions.

That's what I want to say, "Back to the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas." The work I do with the Classic of Mountains and Seas, others say that I am disenchanted, but in fact I am restoring the original charm of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which has many problems to be solved and is full of charm. These very interesting questions still need to be studied and excavated in depth. Not only does it have real gold, but the gold of that batch of gold may not have been exhausted; but at the same time, the book "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is also a treasure book of Chinese culture, which preserves a very ancient and rich cultural memory, which is real gold.

A few hundred pounds of gold does not matter to us in China. However, if China's history can be better proved through the Classic of Mountains and Seas, this is the real gold.

I'm done, thank you!


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