
Today's interpretation: the secret of water, the water on the earth actually comes from the outer solar system?

Scientists have discovered the source of water on Earth

One study suggests that meteorites may have given life to our planet

The scientists analyzed the chemical composition of 13 meteorites in the outer solar system and found that the hydrogen content exceeded expectations, which inferred that the water of the Earth may have been brought to Earth by meteorites from the outer solar system.

Today's interpretation: the secret of water, the water on the earth actually comes from the outer solar system?

About 4.5 billion years ago, the gas and dust swirling around the sun formed the planet Earth.

In the beginning, there was no moisture on our planet.

At that time, the flowing water that made Earth unique among all the planets in the solar system had not yet formed. To this day, scientists aren't quite sure how Earth's first water came from.

Today's interpretation: the secret of water, the water on the earth actually comes from the outer solar system?

One study attempted to solve this long-standing mystery by studying the composition of meteorites. The findings suggest that these rocky travelers may have carried water on their journey to Earth.

The study was published Thursday in the journal Science.

According to solar system models, Earth is supposed to be an arid planet, which means there is probably no life on Earth. But the emergence of oceans and life has led scientists to question the origin of water on Earth.

Today's interpretation: the secret of water, the water on the earth actually comes from the outer solar system?

Previous studies have shown that water came to Earth through asteroids and meteorites hitting earth in its early history. But some other theories suggest that water has always been on Earth, only previously hidden in the rocks that formed the planet.

The team behind the study looked at samples of pyroxene chondrite meteorites. This is a rare meteorite that is said to have formed from the nebula that gave birth to the solar system.

Today's interpretation: the secret of water, the water on the earth actually comes from the outer solar system?

A sample of the Sahara meteorite, an example of a chlorpyroxene chondrite meteorite, is housed in the Natural History Museum in Paris

These space rocks were exposed to the heat and radiation of the young sun during their formation, so scientists speculated that they were too dry to transport moisture to Earth. In contrast, astronomers believe that water came to Earth after its formation through carbonaceous chondrite meteorites from outside the solar system.

In an effort to solve the problem, the scholars behind the new study examined the hydrogen content of 13 diecyphetite chondrite meteorite samples. Their analysis revealed that these meteorites carried much more hydrogen than previously thought.

Building on this finding, the researchers of the study believe that these ancient meteorites could bring enough hydrogen to the primordial Earth that continues to grow, and that the amount of hydrogen is at least 3 times the amount of water in the earth's existing oceans.

Water on Earth may come from the space rocks that formed Earth.

Today's interpretation: the secret of water, the water on the earth actually comes from the outer solar system?

Abstract: The source of water on Earth is unknown. Pyroxene chondrite meteorites have an isotopic composition similar to that of land rocks and therefore may represent the material that formed the Earth. Because pyroxene chondrite meteorites form in the interior of the solar system, they are considered water-free.

Today's interpretation: the secret of water, the water on the earth actually comes from the outer solar system?

As a result, water on Earth is often attributed to the late addition of a small fraction of hydrates, such as carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, which come from the outside of the solar system, which is more waterted. We showed that pyroxene chondrite meteorites contain enough hydrogen to deliver at least three times as much hydrogen to Earth as there is in the oceans. The isotopic composition of hydrogen and nitrogen in pyroxene chondrite meteorites coincides with the mantle, so asteroids of the pyroxene chondrite meteorites may be responsible for the formation of the Earth's crust and mantle by these volatile elements

Today's interpretation: the secret of water, the water on the earth actually comes from the outer solar system?

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Today's interpretation: the secret of water, the water on the earth actually comes from the outer solar system?

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BY: inverse

FY: Qing Huan

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