
Weekly Horoscope Advance Report (March 28 - April 3)

This week's feature can inhabit the apricot beams, not with the yellow finch flock. The night shadow sent red candles, flying towards the high blue clouds.

This week's rush is to rush the dog on Monday, the pig on Tuesday, the rat on Wednesday, the bull on Thursday, the tiger on Friday, the rabbit on Saturday, and the dragon on Sunday. When you rush, you will move, if you don't move, you will hurt, don't do big things, and be cautious.

This week advises this week that cows, dogs, and pigs should be especially cautious, because villains, leaky money, and rotten peach blossoms follow you this week.

Special reminder to all those who are jealous of the genus should be cautious such as Monday rushing dogs, the dog is not suitable for doing important things that day.

Weekly Horoscope Advance Report (March 28 - April 3)

This week's Red Luck Chart

The most popular official fortune: it belongs to the snake

The most prosperous: monkeys

Peach blossoms are the most popular: horses

This week's black luck list

Villain Flash: A dog

The most leaky: cattle

Peach blossoms are the worst: pigs


Fortune: This week there are noble people to help, there will be gains in partial financial luck, in the case of economic permission, you can consider investing in a few more projects, will definitely make a lot of money. Show your talents and have a strong sense of satisfaction and achievement.

Career: This week's career, you will encounter your career development of Bole, although there is no obvious promotion fortune, but there is indeed a good room for development.

Love: This week's peach blossom luck is also good, single people can work harder and participate in more social activities. Just married people, or that sentence, self-discipline is supreme.

Popularity: This week, it is easy to encounter contradictions and calm down, deal with problems more cautiously, be sarcastic and patient, be restrained by commissions, be busy and meticulous in work, and be warm to people and things.

Murder Day: Wednesday and Thursday


Fortune: This week may be too much financial pressure, you are always depressed, a bitter melon face, often distracted by things, complained by colleagues, relationships become tense, feeling lonely.

Career: This week's hard work, good at research and thinking, will make great progress in the operation of the project, and thus won the love of colleagues and leaders, but to prevent villains.

Love: Don't be too grumpy emotionally this week, and a momentary impulse will cause irreparable mistakes. It is easy to secretly produce peach blossoms, and married people should try to stay away from factors and occasions that may produce peach blossoms.

Popularity: This week in interpersonal communication, you have to pay extra attention, there will be strangers and even friends to design to deceive you of money; if you have a strong ability to prevent deception, then you will escape this disaster; otherwise you can only rob and lose money.

Murder day: Thursday and Sunday


Fortune: This week's great fortune, with the help of nobles, is a period of time with a wide range of financial resources. As long as you are willing to work harder, you will get more than others. In terms of investment, grasp the business opportunities and contribute to your positive wealth.

Career: In dealing with people this week, we must do things in a low-key manner, treat life with a normal heart, and must not covet enjoyment and lose the spirit of struggle in the past.

Love: This week in the love luck, married you should pay attention to control the temper, do not feel a little annoyed to the spouse on the fire, there is something to talk about, maybe the mood will be better, after all, communication is the king.

Popularity: This week's luck is general, to have a normal heart, to be broad-minded, to be able to speak well, but also to learn to be exquisite, etc., to be able to achieve good results in the mall and workplace, eliminate many troubles.

Murder day: Tuesday and Friday


Fortune: This week, investment in various projects will be rewarded, especially in financial securities. However, when making contracts, be particularly careful and do not trust others.

Career: This week's career, you drove into the fast lane, familiar with the company's various project operations, achieved good results, and won the love of the boss and colleagues, but some colleagues were jealous and secretly fighting.

Love: This week's emotional fortune is very smooth, if you are in love, don't blame yourself in love for being irrational, no one in love is sober, let nature grasp the moment.

Popularity: This week life is relatively smooth and smooth, and getting along with friends and lovers is also better. It's just that we still have to pay attention to more contact and communication, and don't ignore each other's feelings because of work, so as not to change.

Murder Day: Monday and Saturday


Fortune: This week's fortunes are smooth and have a strong ability to absorb gold. Most of the money depends on the official family, such as good relations with the government, you can seek opportunities to work together on projects, it is very easy to operate successfully, and the income will be the icing on the cake.

Career: This week's work to work hard, work efficiency will be higher, this week is a time period that can create achievements, I believe that persistence will be rewarded, hard work will be rewarded.

Love: This week, in the married life of husband and wife, it is inevitable that there will be disputes, and it is necessary to communicate patiently. Husbands and wives should understand and be considerate, and they should be more considerate; they should thank each other and apologize; they should admit their mistakes and correct them.

Popularity: This week with people to remember, with people to be good is to be good with themselves, take a step back from the sea and the sky is also empty, endure a moment of wind and waves are easy to calm. When you go out to walk, remember that it is better to take a step back than to take a dangerous step.

Murder Day: Monday and Sunday


Fortune: This week's financial fortunes are strong, with large-scale revenue on the business side. This period of time is also a good time to make money by connecting with the government, and it is extremely easy to succeed in the operation of government projects, and the income is not cheap.

Career: This week's career is handy, there are solutions to problems, and there is a possibility of promotion and salary increase. It is advisable to seize the opportunity, perform well, and use the strength of the team to achieve your goals.

Love: This week's peach blossom luck, success will likely attract more attention from the opposite sex, should avoid extramarital affairs. Women like men who are secure; men tend to be attracted to insecure women.

Popularity: This week, there are noble people, and the gap between colleagues and friends will be eliminated. Remember that persistence is smooth, it all takes time, patience and waiting. As long as you stick to what you do and think, everything can be solved.

Murder Day: None


Fortune: This week's positive wealth and partial wealth both profits, so that your personal wealth can accumulate quickly and you can carry out a bigger career. Fortune is excellent, there is a strong ability to make money and desire, and money is also very easy.

Career: This week's work is diligent and hardworking, treated with a normal heart, and feels that as long as I pay labor, I will definitely gain something, but in the end, I lack of hard work, and it is difficult to achieve great success.

Love: This week's love luck, peach blossoms, a little "random flowers gradually want to charm the eyes" feeling, single you choose your own suitable opposite sex to communicate, as for the result, it depends on the future development.

Popularity: This week, you may wish to divert your energy, get together with friends, go to social occasions with colleagues to entertain, and relax your nerves and meet more new friends.

Murder Day: Wednesday


Fortune: This week you should pay attention to slight changes in fortune, and make a good reserve for the time of bad fortune during the period of good fortune. In terms of partial wealth, with the news of nobles, you can get a good partial wealth income.

Career: This week's career development is more comfortable, has been silently working hard, buried in hard work, personal efforts have finally been recognized, rights have obvious rapid increase intentions, new positions will have new pressure, to learn to deal with.

Love: This week you may wish to exert the spirit of enthusiasm and helpfulness, organize a party, you can take the opportunity to enhance everyone's feelings, and single friends can also take the opportunity to get the good feelings of the opposite sex.

Popularity: This week in interpersonal relations, be good at opening your heart, communicating with others, having nothing to eat with colleagues, and drawing down the relationship. It is better to be pragmatic in doing things and to be modest and cautious in dealing with people.

Murder Day: Sunday


Fortune: This week's fortune star is high, and there is a tendency to gather wealth. It is very easy to come from the money side, and there is a possibility of daily gold. In terms of investment, as long as you do it yourself and have an accurate judgment of the project, every investment will be successful.

Career: This week's career development is steadily rising, practical and diligent, has a sustained and full enthusiasm for the cause, is deeply supported by colleagues and leaders, and is prone to great progress in the career.

Love: This week emotionally, the peach blossom is more prosperous, the friends who are still single are still that sentence, the opportunity depends on grasping, and the married people are still far away from the social occasion.

Popularity: Your popularity has never been better this week. And you may wish to make a return, the old friends and the new friends to each other to get to know each other, when talking to each other, there will be unexpected surprises.


Fortune: Avoid making operating expenses higher than ever this week due to your own negligence at a time of financial turbulence. Partial wealth is suitable for small investment, do not speculate, there is good income information.

Career: Proactive in this week's work, good at solving problems for colleagues, easy to get results in work, is a good helper for leaders. But do not act in an exaggerated manner, and there is no one in sight.

Love: This week's married life is the most splendid and will eventually return to flatness; after the passion, it will be unhappy. The essence of marriage is plain and plain, and pots and pans are the true face of life.

Popularity: This week in the exchange, pay attention to guard against villains. If you can, you may wish to exert the spirit of enthusiasm and helpfulness, organize a party, you can take the opportunity to enhance everyone's feelings, you can take the opportunity to get the goodwill of friends.

Murder day: Saturday and Sunday


Fortune: This week's fortune is rife, and there will be signs of wear and tear. Successful customers break contracts or are robbed, and the results or achievements in hand are embezzled, and they will lose money because of this.

Career: This week's luck is not good, everything is not going well, which makes you very angry and bored. Be patient, and not being tolerant will only make things worse and worse.

Love: Emotionally this week, married or in love people should be careful to communicate, do not go to some places that are easy to provoke peach blossoms, so as not to cause emotional changes.

Popularity: This week, we should also pay attention to speaking cautiously, so as not to inadvertently cause unnecessary trouble. Do not have a quarrel with people, do not have a verbal dispute. If you go out to take a car or the like, you should also pay special attention to traffic safety.


Fortune: This week is a poor fortune, often feel that there are many ways to get money, but will miss the immediate business opportunities and regret. Career- and perhaps influenced by money relationships, you are depressed and lazy at work.

Career: This week, the pressure at work has increased again, and the competition is unprecedentedly fierce, so the body will be more tired, and you should pay attention to rest. Pay attention to a lot of communication, do not change because of work.

Love: Emotionally giving this week, but may suffer from misunderstandings and disputes, communicate with more patience and mutual understanding. In addition to paying attention to restraining their own behavior, married people try not to mess with peach blossoms.

Popularity: There will be some small problems this week, pay attention to communication. The popularity is not very good, and it may provoke villains, so try to think twice before talking, or talk less.

Special reminder

2022 is the Year of the Tiger, a year in which tigers, snakes, monkeys, and pigs meet too old! As the saying goes: "Sit on your head when you are too old, and there will be disasters without disasters"! If it is not resolved in time, it will be unlucky, all kinds of bad luck, villain bullying, and even blood and light disasters! Friends of tigers, snakes, monkeys, and pigs must resolve the evil luck of the offender in time, dissolve it early, and transfer it early! Congratulations to friends in the new year: good health like a tiger! Careers are growing! Hide the dragon Crouching Tiger in your home! Family Tiger Dragon Steaming! The Year of the Tiger is auspicious!

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