
Cousin from all over the world, the national big cousin Zhang Jiawen Xiti Wenhao fans, the experience into a novel!

For a game streamer, it's a blessing to have fanatical fans. There is a League of Legends anchor in Huya called Zhang Jiawen, I believe everyone is very familiar with it. This anchor has a lot of aura, such as he once used a male gun solo with the Holy Gun Brother when EDG was just settled, and since then he has been known as the dirtiest male gun in the national uniform. Although the title is a bit intimidating, there is no doubt that he is very popular among fans.

Cousin from all over the world, the national big cousin Zhang Jiawen Xiti Wenhao fans, the experience into a novel!

Zhang Jiawen was first famous for being called Huya's big cousin, and the reason why he had such a nickname was because he would regularly bring girls from all over the world with different accents to score points, although most of the time it was reversed. And he very much likes to call the sister he brings his cousin, so he also won the title of national grand cousin.

Cousin from all over the world, the national big cousin Zhang Jiawen Xiti Wenhao fans, the experience into a novel!

In the process of his live broadcast, many people said that Zhang Jiawen's live broadcast room was too abstract, and his way of speaking and accent were also complained that he could not learn. He often invited his cousin during the live broadcast, and then was given a nickname called the Battle of the Two Foxes by many fans, after all, the taste of this accent is too rushed. There are many netizens who mock Zhang Jiawen's cultural level is at most a primary school graduate, and some people say that Zhang Jiawen's fans are similar to his cultural level, but they did not expect that Zhang Jiawen's fans actually had a big literary hero.

Cousin from all over the world, the national big cousin Zhang Jiawen Xiti Wenhao fans, the experience into a novel!

Recently, a netizen named Big Whitebeard Smile suddenly said that he was creating an urban novel based on Zhang Jiawen. This instantly attracted the attention of Zhang Jiawen's fans. They immediately rushed to read the masterpiece. This wonderful adventure called Zhang Jiawen: The novel of the stand-in Graffus, based on the wonderful adventures of the fire comic JOJO, tells the magical adventure story of the national cousin, which can be said to be fascinating. After this novel was read by other fans, others were willing to call the white bearded smile definitely the most senior of all Zhang Jiawen's fans. Because his novel is full of all kinds of abstract words that Zhang Jiawen usually says during live broadcasting, he can attract such a thoughtful fan. It is also enough to prove that Zhang Jiawen's influence is indeed not small.

Cousin from all over the world, the national big cousin Zhang Jiawen Xiti Wenhao fans, the experience into a novel!

As the first male gun in the national uniform, every night at 10 pm, Zhang Jiawen will appear in his live broadcast room on time. Every night will teach netizens a variety of wild teaching, although his playing style is known for being dirty, but there is no doubt that it is still very helpful for netizens to score points!

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