
New York Plaza Hotel, Guajala. Anthony shows the best big S-shaped curve

New York Plaza Hotel, 41st AAFA American Image Awards, New York State. Guarlala. Anthony LaLa Anthony (Image from IC photo)

New York Plaza Hotel, Guajala. Anthony shows the best big S-shaped curve

New York Plaza Hotel, 41st AAFA American Image Awards, New York State. Lara Vasquez, female, married, born June 25, 1980 in Brooklyn, New York, is an American Idol host, record and MTV producer, comedian, best-selling author, singer and wife of Cameron Anthony. (Image from IC photo)

New York Plaza Hotel, Guajala. Anthony shows the best big S-shaped curve

New York Plaza Hotel, 41st AAFA American Image Awards, New York State. On July 10, 2010, Lara. Anthony is married to NBA star Cameron Anthony, who is 4 years younger. (Image from IC photo)

New York Plaza Hotel, Guajala. Anthony shows the best big S-shaped curve

New York Plaza Hotel, 41st AAFA American Image Awards, New York State. Carmelo Anthony (born May 29, 1984 in Brooklyn, New York, New York) is an American professional basketball player who plays as a small forward, nicknamed "Melon", and is 203 tall. (Image from IC photo)

New York Plaza Hotel, Guajala. Anthony shows the best big S-shaped curve

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