
The ceiling of appearance and strength - anna gasser, the goddess of veneer

She has a lot of aura on her body – snowboarding difficulty ceiling, national goddess, two-time Winter Olympic gold medalist. In fact, when she first put on snowshoes, she was 18 years old.

Anna Gasser, she showed us the countless possibilities on the ski road.

The ceiling of appearance and strength - anna gasser, the goddess of veneer

Anna Gasser


He began learning snowboarding at the age of 18 and set a new record at the age of 22

She doesn't have the fantasy story of "I loved skiing since I was a kid." Born in Austria, Gasser learned gymnastics from an early age and is a member of the Austrian national gymnastics team. Her idol is Biles, a black female player in gymnastics. By chance, she came into contact with snowboarding. In Austria at that time, snowboarding was far less developed than it is now. At the age of 18, she had only just begun to learn to ski.

The ceiling of appearance and strength - anna gasser, the goddess of veneer

At the fork in the road of life, Gasser came to the United States alone with a passion for blood and began her snowboarding career. Regardless of the loneliness of a foreign country, or the gap in "advanced age" training, she threw herself into it. Years of accumulation and dedication to gymnastics have allowed her to make rapid progress. In November 2013, Gasser became the first female snowboarder to complete the Cab Double Cork 900.

After Gasser posted the video, he woke up the next morning to find that he suddenly had two thousand more followers, countless likes, and a steady stream of admiring comments. "Just because of this one action, I went from being a complete outsider, a dark horse that no one knew, and suddenly became well known."

And this sensational action in the global veneer industry is just the beginning of her own era.


PyeongChang Winter Olympics gold medal, 27 years old set a new record

Since 2013, Gasser became the first woman to double the Cork 900, and she has gradually become popular around the world – X Games gold medals, FIS World Cup championships, and many world first difficulty flips...

At the 2017 World Championships in Nevada, Gasser won the world championship for the first time at the age of 26. After the game, she had tears in her eyes. She went from being an obscure runner to becoming a world champion and was known as the "ceiling of women's snowboarding difficulty".

The ceiling of appearance and strength - anna gasser, the goddess of veneer

At the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, the snowboard jump event made its debut, and Gasser won the first gold medal with a high score of 185. She became the first woman in the history of the Winter Olympics to complete the Cab Double Cork 1080. In 2019, she successfully completed the Cab Double 1260 in training, and there is no limit to her world.

Anna Gasser completed the Cab Triple Cork 1260

Gasser's appearance has also become a topic of discussion, she can be described as both appearance and strength, 1.68 meters tall, with a weight of 52 kilograms and a perfect figure. The ski world calls her the national goddess of "sweeter than first love".

The ceiling of appearance and strength - anna gasser, the goddess of veneer
The ceiling of appearance and strength - anna gasser, the goddess of veneer
The ceiling of appearance and strength - anna gasser, the goddess of veneer


The imposing post-00s young general, Gasser perfect counterattack

New records for skiing are always being broken by young people. Su Yiming was only 17 years old when she finished in 1980, and Gu Ailing was only 18 years old when she won two Olympic gold medals. In this cycle of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the podium is gradually occupied by the energetic post-00s.

In this era of young people twinkling, the light of old athletes seems to be gradually fading. Anna Gasser was 31 years old. Her opponent is the overwhelming 20-year-old rising star Zoe.

February 15, the 6th to last day of the Winter Olympics. Zoe has just won an Olympic gold medal in slope sculpting, the first two rounds of the women's snowboard big jump, she has been playing well, and the gold medal seems to be Zoe's.

The ceiling of appearance and strength - anna gasser, the goddess of veneer

20-year-old Zoe Sinot

Gasser stood at the top of Beijing's Shougang Jump, and at the end was a crowd of onlookers, their eyes fixed on her as she set off. It was a sunny day in Beijing, with no wind and no clouds. Everything was quiet.

She gently moved the skateboard and turned her head around.

The narrator's voice stirred: "Anna Gasser is going to challenge 1260!" ”

1260 is the ceiling of the difficulty of the women's snowboard jump. This represents the flip of the limit of the women's veneer, she successfully completed and landed steadily. The people around her ran up excitedly, their hands tightly wrapped around her. The narrators were so excited that their voices began to tremble and they could not help but applaud.

This is the only 1260 that landed smoothly in the whole field. Floating on the ground, we saw the highest difficulty of women's snowboarding! This perfect jump allowed her to surpass Zoe's achievement of always occupying the top spot.

Gasser Completed the Beijing Winter Olympics in 1260

At the age of 31, she became the only person in the whole game to complete the highest difficulty of 1260.

Anna Gasser, became the defending champion.

The ceiling of appearance and strength - anna gasser, the goddess of veneer

Anna Gasser

Zoe ran over to the gasser who was hugging tightly. Zoe said: "I was excited to see Gasser standing on the top podium, her high score was amazing. She has led the development of the sport for the past few years and is really happy for her. The whole field boiled, the uncertainty of competitive sports, and the transcendence of human limits were vividly reflected in this moment.

"Without her, there would be no women's snowboarding today. I was so happy to receive the award with her. ”

After Gasser finishes the action

To this day, Anna Gasser has proven that she is one of the most admired female athletes in the history of snowboarding. From the world's first Double Cork 900, to the big jump to win the first Olympic gold medal, to the 31-year-old defending champion.

Anna Gasser, who crosses the barriers of age, breaks down cross-border barriers, shows us the countless possibilities of the snowboarding world, and tells all the players what you can be in the future.


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