
Well Long Water: From the spring onwards

Well Long Water: From the spring onwards

Start from spring

Author | Well long water

There are four seasons in the world, and spring is the most heartwarming. In the spring of March, everything recovers. The snow melts and the stream babbles. Wheat is jointed, and smoke willows flutter. The song of the warbler is beautiful, the swallow dance is enchanting, and the spring day is not lively.

The breath of spring is fresh, clear and intoxicating, giving people vitality and making people excited; the spring of life lies in embracing youth, lyrical, inspirational, cheering and striving.

In the spring, we are full of confidence and passion; we sweat and sow hope; we use our muscles and bones to move forward with our dreams.

Spring is like the starting line on the race field of life, whether you are moving forward steadily, or running in small steps, whether you are flying like a fly, or whipping, you should run every step with unswerving spirit and hard work.

Don't be upset by yesterday's inaction, yesterday is over, today is not far away. The spring of life lies in cherishing youth and only fighting for the day. The spring of life will be more colorful, as long as you lift your spirits and continue to run forward.

Don't be complacent about yesterday's results, that just proves that you ran well yesterday. Do not "forget youth, mistake youth". The spring of life is valuable in creating new achievements, and you are running to a new starting point.

Although the road is long, it will not work. Although it is small, it is impossible not to do it. If you do not quit, you will be able to go far.

The spring of life is only always on the road. You can take a nap while running, but you can't snooze along the way. If you are not a dusty person, you should be a gray-headed person.

Mo waited idle, white the head of the teenager; run forward, do not stay. The spring light is just beckoning people to be diligent, and they are not waiting to whip themselves. The spring breeze is on the road, and the future can be expected.

Well Long Water: From the spring onwards

Embrace spring! Spring light has illuminated the green runway for us, spring color has prepared a beautiful garland for us, spring wind has drummed up wings for us to fly, spring thunder has sounded the starting horn for us, and the excited heart cannot stop flying.

As long as you love life, as long as you work hard, as long as you are down-to-earth, then you will run in the spring and run freely. Life is restless, please keep running posture, life will become more colorful.

Work hard and do not slacken off. You have to believe that as long as you are running, every day is spring. Start in the spring and go now. Ignite your dreams with passion and create your own miracle of life!

Well long water, Linqu an educator.

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