
Averaged 2.2 steals per game for homegrown first! In addition, 2 data local top 15 CBA have emerged as a supernova

Averaged 2.2 steals per game for homegrown first! In addition, 2 data local top 15 CBA have emerged as a supernova

After the Jilin men's basketball team locked up the playoffs, foreign aid Jones was full of spirit and wrote a small essay. In the essay, Jones praised himself and the team, who won 14 of the last 17 games and locked in the playoffs without being favored. He also praised foreign aides such as Lif and Hudson, and among the local players, Jones only mentioned the name of Lin Tingqian.

"Lin Tingqian of tianjin is the hope for the future, and he is as good as some foreign aid." Jones is the representative of the CBA super foreign aid, cutting 40+ at every turn, almost single-handedly helping the Jilin men's basketball team enter the playoffs. There are not many players who can enter Jones's eyes, and Lin Tingqian can be praised by him as excellent as foreign aid, and this Chinese youngster is obviously not an idle person.

The data is also enough to prove that Lin Tingqian is outstanding. This season, Lin Tingqian can average 2.2 steals per game, and is tied for first place with Zhao Jiwei. The only foreign aides who have made more steals than Lin Tingqian are Trotter and Felton. It is not uncommon for a single game to reach 4 steals, and Lin Tingqian has reached 7 steals in a single game.

Averaged 2.2 steals per game for homegrown first! In addition, 2 data local top 15 CBA have emerged as a supernova

The number of steals is due to Lin Tingqian's fast speed and excellent defensive skills. More importantly, Lin Tingqian's data is not brushed, he does not like to take risks in defense, but is very team. It can be said that Lin Tingqian is the outer defensive gate of the Tianjin men's basketball team, echoing with the inner gate Zhang Zhaoxu, and has made great contributions to the Construction of an excellent defensive system for the Tianjin men's basketball team.

Can defend, but Lin Tingqian is not a sapper in the Tianjin men's basketball team, he is still an offensive arrow. This season, Lin Tingqian averaged 15.8 points per game, the highest among tianjin men's basketball players, second only to foreign aid Burton and Rochester. In the local players' scoring list, Lin Tingqian ranks 15th, stronger than his local defenders, second only to Wu Qiansun Minghui Zhao Yanhao and others. There are many games with a single score of 20+, and Lin Tingqian has also scored 32 points in a single game.

As the local offensive core of the Tianjin men's basketball team, Lin Tingqian can complete the task well because of his excellent three-point ability. The three-point shot is excellent and has been the most distinctive label on Lin Tingqian. ESPN, an authoritative sports media in the United States, once commented on Lin Tingqian: His basketball IQ is very high, and the outside three-point offense is stable and excellent, and he can always play in the right way. After a season of experience in the CBA, Lin Tingqian has obviously adapted to the strength of the CBA, and the breakthrough lethality has also increased greatly.

Averaged 2.2 steals per game for homegrown first! In addition, 2 data local top 15 CBA have emerged as a supernova

But Lin Tingqian is omnipotent in scoring and cannot hide his excellence in passing. This season, Lin Tingqian averaged 5.1 times per game, the most local players in the Tianjin men's basketball team. Among all the local players in the CBA, Lin Tingqian ranked 14th. A match with six assists in a single game is common for Lin Tingqian. What's more, Lin Tingqian has delivered 14 assists in a single game, like a master of organization.

One stat is ranked first in the local area, and two statistics are in the top 15 of local players, which is only Lin Tingqian's second CBA season, and how good it is can be seen. Lin Tingqian is also an absolute contributor to the Tianjin men's basketball team to enter the playoffs after many years, and he has not only won Jones' recognition, but also public opinion has praised him. In the current situation, Lin Tingqian can become better in the future, and becoming a local super giant is also a high-probability event.

For the Tianjin men's basketball team, with such an outstanding Lin Tingqian, the future is guaranteed. The Tianjin men's basketball team entered the CBA very early, but as an old team, it has been weak and deceitful for a long time. When the record is bad, the Tianjin men's basketball team has even been deducted the nickname of the bastard. This situation, in large part, is because the Tianjin men's basketball team does not have a qualified local core. Now that Lin Tingqian has helped the team enter the playoffs, it is expected to keep the team competitive for a long time in the future.

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