
E week KM ranking: north and south in the same frame, cargo ships suffered

Narrow roads meet, and the sea of stars competes;

Ten thousand ships fight, who is the lord to sink and float.

In New Eden,

Every day many ships fall into the sea of stars,

So during this week,

And what are the high-priced ships that are discounted?

Let's take a look!


North and south are in the same frame, and the cargo ship suffers

E week KM ranking: north and south in the same frame, cargo ships suffered

Since 3V declared war on PIBC, the two sides have organized a large number of hidden bombardment teams and HOT teams to harvest each other through wormholes, fibers, etc., and have frequent activities every night. Not only are the monster ships affected by the war, but the cargo ships and industries that are responsible for daily transportation and logistics are also miserable. The North and South cargo ships shown here are all destroyed at 22:06, in a dramatic frame, showing the living environment of industrial/manufacturing players under the war.


The Divine Costume Plunder Squad was taken away by a wave of anti-harvesting

E week KM ranking: north and south in the same frame, cargo ships suffered

Since the modification of battleline manufacturing, the plunder has gradually shifted from pure PVE spawners to PVP combat ships. It should be noted that although the plunder can be carried and fought, it is also powerless in the face of a certain number of people, and the performance is not necessarily much stronger than the ordinary PVP battle. The two 3V plunder ships in the picture are reasonably equipped, complete with drugs, complete sets of brain plugs, and Xiao Ke even brought a steel plate in order to prevent the second kill, but still only carried 40,000-50,000 damage and was destroyed.

Although plunder is good, the most reliable thing is that there are many people


The rare ship Tiamat PVP was destroyed by THE HOT

E week KM ranking: north and south in the same frame, cargo ships suffered

The Tiama Special class is a rare ship rewarded by the European Atsai, and the national costume is mainly obtained through a limited-time treasure chest lottery, which is far more rare than ordinary demons, small ghosts and golden rich. This Tiamat was well-equipped, dressed in a god suit, and thought that he would shoot a matchless video and did not want to be destroyed by the T1 Patrol of 14 people. It seems that it is not so simple to want to be unmatched.


Low Ann Kong Fort KM shows a vest infidelity, or is there another hidden plot?

E week KM ranking: north and south in the same frame, cargo ships suffered

On the afternoon of March 19, a white empty castle in the 2-jump position of pibc Jedi outlet 2 in A low Anridia was demolished. The air fort itself is not worth mentioning, but the construction crew involved in the signature on the KM is worth playing, and there is a case where THE PIBC KDS legion personnel and the "old star" Blue Canopus are in the same frame. Is this KDS officer an old man's star vest? Or did the steamed bun hire the old man star in the same 3V war, and the two sides had already de facto Lalan? Further findings are awaited.


The anti-harvest was targeted by the hidden bombardment

E week KM ranking: north and south in the same frame, cargo ships suffered

At about 18:00 on the afternoon of March 20, the 3V26-man hidden bombardment team entered the Harvest of Theory, and the local legion organized a counter-harvest team of heavy blockade + light assault + firepower to meet the battle. I wanted to arrest people through light surprise + heavy blocking, 2 battle columns output, not to mention the regiment to extinguish the hidden bombardment, good villains can also leave a few heads. Not wanting to sneak up, the 2 battle lines with jumping knives were also doomed, and the remaining ships were quickly destroyed. This year, has the hidden bombardment harvest been so fierce? What combination of ships is needed to counter-stealth bombardment?

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The above is the km kill list of the week, what suggestions do small partners have?

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