
It turns out that in front of the universe, your life is an "illusion", and most people can only live in vain

It turns out that in front of the universe, your life is an "illusion", and most people can only live in vain


It is a universe of infinite time, but finite lifespans. No matter what kind of life, in front of the stars of the universe, it is simply unspeakable.

Just like we often say "a hundred years of time", for ordinary people, it is only thirty-six thousand five hundred days, but for the universe, it seems that it is not even a blink of an eye.

In this regard, Su Shi said that sending ephemera to heaven and earth is a millet in the sea.

In fact, we are like little bugs, stored between this heaven and earth, and like a grain of rice, we are floating in this vast and boundless sea. Perhaps, a storm, a terrifying wave, everything will become a smoke cloud of history.

Heaven and earth are vast to mankind; the universe is vast to heaven and earth. Since then, we can come to a truth, the universe is endless to mankind.

In the red dust world, everything we see is a mirror flower and water moon. When we look at the world from a larger perspective and look at ourselves, we will find that life is an "illusion".

Young people have not thought about the meaning of life, and those who have almost left immediately want to understand that after this life, like dust, like bubbles, like phantoms, like all nothingness, in the end they all turn into a wisp of green smoke, as if they have never come to this world.

All life, in the big picture, is just data in the game.

It turns out that in front of the universe, your life is an "illusion", and most people can only live in vain


Someone once proposed a concept:

If this universe is a huge piece of software, and the earth is just a program in it, human beings are just one code after another in the program. In short, every letter symbol.

When the program runs again and again, the human being has changed for more than ten or twenty generations. Except for a very small number of letter symbols that can be highlighted at a specific time, for other letter symbols, after operation, they are completely dusted.

In the face of endless time, in fact, everything in the world is developing and changing, going through the process of germination, prosperity and decline. Life is like this, and so is heaven and earth.

The earth code in the previous paragraph is dinosaurs, the earth code in the second paragraph is human, and then in the back, who is it? This depends on the choice of "time".

When it comes to time, there is actually a saying that says it well, in front of time, everything is fair.

In other words, everything that has come and gone through the ages, nothing is eternal, everything is changing. Even the edges of huge cities and pools have now become ruins and broken walls in the yellow sand desert, and who knows their existence?

Under the ruins and walls of the Yellow Sand Desert, there are still the remains of countless people, and who are these people? No one knew, as if they had never been into this world.

In fact, in the face of the huge time-running machine, everything that happens is inevitable. All rise and fall is a process of cyclical development. Man can only experience, and then be dusted by history.

It turns out that in front of the universe, your life is an "illusion", and most people can only live in vain


Life is an "illusion".

A successful businessman once asked his staff, what do I have to do to be famous for eternity and live forever?

After the staff heard the boss's words, they did not know how to answer, because the staff knew that everything would disappear, and even if they had money, they would become a passing cloud, so why talk about eternal life?

However, in order not to sweep the face of the boss, he said a sentence: "Sponsor some children, establish a good image, or erect a monument to yourself, may live forever." ”

After listening to the words of the staff, the boss felt that it made sense, so he deliberately sponsored some children, established some schools by the way, and then rebuilt the ancestral ancestral hall and carved a monument in front of the ancestral hall to show his contribution.

After a few decades, the businessman left, the children did not keep the family wealth, the whole family fell, and the grandchildren even cut off the family's blood because they were not married.

As a result, the monument that stood in front of the ancestral hall and the entire ancestral hall also disappeared with the planning of the city.

Everything is an "illusion." The eternal life we think of as eternal life is nothing more than our own fantasy. The world will not change, that is, it will always change, washing away all memories, until the day when the past becomes dust.

It turns out that in front of the universe, your life is an "illusion", and most people can only live in vain


In this regard, some people will wonder, why is life an illusion, is our life meaningless?

We might as well ask ourselves, what exactly is "meaning"? In fact, everyone has a different answer.

You think eating, drinking and having fun is meaning, I think hard work is meaning, he thinks making a lot of money is meaning, she thinks that family well-being is meaning... There are as many people as there are in this world.

However, these "views" cannot escape one point in the end, that is, the silence of time.

Everything in the past is unattainable because it has passed; everything in the future is unattainable, because no one knows what will happen to the world; everything in the present is still unattainable, because the "moment" is a fact that human beings cannot transcend.

Some sages sighed, a grain of sand sees the world, a flower sees the kingdom of heaven, the palm holds the infinite, a moment is eternal destruction.

We always think that we can grasp everything, but we don't know that everything will be lost from our fingers, and finally countless traces of human development will be formed, as if it is like an ocean, no matter how you throw stones, you can't stir up a little wave.

Man, after all, can only perceive things within the scope of self-knowledge. In fact, how life is, how the red dust world is, are all products of time, and they will eventually dissipate with time, and finally they are all "empty".

Wen/Shushan has deer

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