
Will your baby look in the mirror and see something "unclean"? It is indeed not recommended to take photos at this age

When the mother plays with the baby, sometimes let the baby look at himself in the mirror and make the baby happy. However, if this is seen by the elderly in the family, it will tell you that the baby cannot look in the mirror, and some families will also cause contradictions between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

In the old man's statement, the baby's eyes are very clean, and looking in the mirror can see some "unclean" things, which will scare the baby. Especially if the baby just happens to cry that night, this statement is even more "real and credible".

So can the baby look in the mirror?

Will your baby look in the mirror and see something "unclean"? It is indeed not recommended to take photos at this age

In fact, this depends on the baby's age. If your baby is not yet 3 months old, it is indeed not recommended to look in the mirror for your baby. However, the reason has nothing to do with the fact that the baby will see some "unclean" things, but because it is related to the baby's vision.

The development of your baby's vision can be divided into several stages:


The fetus develops to the fourth week, and vision has formed. At this time, your baby's eyes are small and wrapped in a layer of cortex.

When the fetus is four or five months old, the eye nerves, blood vessels, water crystals, and retina begin to develop. By the end of the sixth month, the fetal eye has developed greatly.


In general, within 7 days of birth, the baby's vision is about 0.01 to 0.02, and at one month it is 0.05 to 0.1. Between 0-3 months, the baby's eyeballs are not fixed on an object, and the sight is still relatively blurry.

3 months

By this time, most babies' vision can smoothly "follow" moving objects, and they can also fix their gaze on an object, and they can focus and see the object clearly.

Will your baby look in the mirror and see something "unclean"? It is indeed not recommended to take photos at this age

3-6 months

During this period, the baby's retina has developed well, can see far and near, can easily debug and focus, and can see the details of objects clearly. At four months, three-dimensional vision begins to be established.

6 months - 1 year old

By this time, your baby's eyes are two-thirds the size of an adult's. You can look at objects with both eyes at the same time to obtain normal "two-eye vision". The ability to judge distance and depth also continues to improve.

1 year old - 2 years old

At this time, the baby's vision is fully developed. Eyes, hands and body are more coordinated. During this period, your baby's vision is about 0.1 to 0.3.

2 to 4 years old

Normal vision is 0.6 to 0.8 for three-year-olds and 0.8 to 1.0 for four-year-olds.

By the age of 7, the baby's normal vision reaches 1.0, and by the age of 9, the baby's vision development is complete and will not change again.

Will your baby look in the mirror and see something "unclean"? It is indeed not recommended to take photos at this age

It can be seen from the baby's visual development that before 3 months, the baby's visual development is not mature, and the sight is blurry. When looking in the mirror, you can't see clearly in the mirror, and the reflected light of the mirror is easy to stimulate the baby's eyes, causing some unnecessary damage to the baby's eyes, and the blurry image in the mirror is also easy to scare the baby.

At this time, special attention should be paid to not looking in the mirror to the baby in a place with strong light to avoid accidental damage to the baby's eyes.

When your baby turns three months old, look in the mirror. Because the baby's visual system is gradually perfected, seeing things gradually becomes clear, and logical thinking is gradually formed, and you can see the clear outline in the mirror.

Looking in the mirror at this time has some benefits for your baby:

Satisfy your baby's curiosity

Your baby will have a strong curiosity and he will find it very interesting when he looks in the mirror. You can let the baby play with the mirror, know yourself in the mirror, and teach the child to recognize his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, etc. This not only enhances your baby's curiosity, but also stimulates your baby's desire for something new.

Help your baby get to know themselves better

Looking in the mirror can take the image of yourself in the mirror as a friend, reach out to take a picture of the mirror, and take the initiative to play with the people in the mirror. This will make the baby gradually develop self-awareness, slowly realize that the child in the mirror is himself, and at the same time improve the baby's emotional and social skills.

Will your baby look in the mirror and see something "unclean"? It is indeed not recommended to take photos at this age

For the baby to look in the mirror, according to the baby's development rules, not too early, to avoid scaring the baby and causing accidental injury, if too late, you may miss a lot of interesting stories. It is recommended that when the baby is 3 months old, they can try to put the baby in front of the mirror to see what interesting stories are happening.

Of course, mirrors are fragile items, and when the baby looks in the mirror, it is necessary to avoid breaking the mirror, scratching the baby, and causing accidents.

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