
Liu Haiping is finally gone? Apple iPhone 14 Pro rendering exposure: Fruit powder charge

Keke comments: In the moment when the hole screen and even the screen camera have appeared, the iPhone's bangs screen is indeed quite responsive. So I feel that the upgrade of the design ID is really necessary, after all, this is the world's best-selling smartphone, and this year's toothpaste can be squeezed more.

Recently, there has been a lot of news related to the iPhone 14 series. The latest has even been made from leaked CAD renderings of the iPhone 14 Pro, which is the first time that the iPhone 14 Pro has been rendered in detail. Judging from the rendering, the iPhone 14 Pro has indeed made a big breakthrough, especially the screen that fruit fans care about.

Liu Haiping is finally gone? Apple iPhone 14 Pro rendering exposure: Fruit powder charge

For the bangs that have been spat on for several years, Apple in the iPhone 14 Pro is finally open, the screen of the iPhone 14 Pro will adopt the design of the center double digging hole, the large "pill" digging hole is expected to integrate a variety of sensors, used to achieve Face ID; and the small digging hole on the right is the front camera, the two digging holes present an exclamation point shape, compared to the ancestral bangs screen, the screen ratio and perception have improved a lot.

Liu Haiping is finally gone? Apple iPhone 14 Pro rendering exposure: Fruit powder charge

However, in the iPhone 13 series, Apple has just refined the bangs, I feel that the inventory of the new bangs screen will still be a lot, if you want to change the screen design, then who will digest this part of the screen? This is a very interesting question, will it be digested by the non-Pro series?

Liu Haiping is finally gone? Apple iPhone 14 Pro rendering exposure: Fruit powder charge

In terms of the back of the fuselage, we can see that although the rear lens group has not been redesigned, it takes up more space than the iPhone 13 Pro, and the bulge should also be more obvious. In this way, the iPhone 14 Pro is still a good upgrade for shooting.

Liu Haiping is finally gone? Apple iPhone 14 Pro rendering exposure: Fruit powder charge

The increase in the rear lens module may be due to the replacement of the sensor, or it is more expected that Apple can get a new sensor with high pixels. Although 12 million is very stable, I still want to see if the high-pixel outsole can bring stronger shooting performance to the iPhone.

Liu Haiping is finally gone? Apple iPhone 14 Pro rendering exposure: Fruit powder charge

In other respects, it is rumored that only the iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max will be equipped with a new A16 processor this year, and in order to better distinguish it from the regular version, the configuration will also have greater differences (and non-Pro versions). As for the design, the iPhone 14 series still maintains a right-angle border design, and it is expected that the right-angle border will continue in the future this year's iPhone. Add the Kekebat public account to get more exciting information.

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