
Before the death of a seriously ill patient, most of them will appear 3 precursors, and the family needs to be mentally prepared!

In China, only a few people can really end up without disease, and the vast majority of the rest of the people's deaths are related to various serious diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, liver and kidney failure and so on.

Although the current medical technology is constantly improving and improving, it is very difficult to save lives for severe diseases, and eventually patients will die due to complications and organ failure.

Before the death of a seriously ill patient, most of them will appear 3 precursors, and the family needs to be mentally prepared!

When the clinic declares that treatment is no longer meaningful, it means that the patient has reached the final chapter of life, and it may be in just a few hours, days, or weeks that the patient will die.

As a family member, when you know that the disease is irreparable and death is coming, accompanying the patient is the best comfort for the patient and yourself.

So the question is, when a seriously ill patient is about to die, what will happen?

Before the death of a seriously ill patient, most of them will appear 3 precursors, and the family needs to be mentally prepared!

1. Gibberish

Although we are all staunch materialists, after all, there are many things in this world that are difficult to explain by science, especially in the face of death and the unknown, everyone is always accustomed to using superstition and the cycle of birth and death to explain. For example, if a patient talks nonsense before he dies, many people think that the patient sees another world.

But in fact, the reason why there is a similar performance is because the patient's organ function has entered a period of failure, the brain cells have begun to wither and gradually die, and the central system has failed. Especially after a serious decline in cardiopulmonary function, patients will have symptoms of delirium and gibberish;

Before the death of a seriously ill patient, most of them will appear 3 precursors, and the family needs to be mentally prepared!

2. The temperature of hands and feet decreases

The clinical definition of death is the patient's brain death and cardiac arrest. And only the heartbeat means blood circulation. However, after entering the near-death phase, the function of the patient's whole body organs will gradually decline, and the heart is no exception. The very end of the human limb is where the blood circulation will eventually reach.

When the death knell of death rings, the patient's blood circulation rate will gradually slow down, and the heart's ability to pump blood will become worse and worse. The hands and feet and other parts can not get sufficient blood oxygen supply, so the patient's local body temperature will become lower and lower, and symptoms such as cold hands and feet and pale skin will appear;

Before the death of a seriously ill patient, most of them will appear 3 precursors, and the family needs to be mentally prepared!

3. Swelling of the whole body

In mainland china, the vast majority of patients who die of illness will have symptoms of general edema. This is the case because the patient's whole body organs have failed, such as heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure and so on. The patient's plasma osmolality is gradually imbalanced, and a large amount of water penetrates into the tissue space, causing swelling of the whole body.

In addition to the above three symptoms, before the death of a severely ill patient, there may be many other abnormal manifestations, such as the patient falling into a deep coma, breathing becoming weaker and weaker, heart rate abnormalities and so on. When the patient's breathing completely stops and his heartbeat stops, it means that his life has come to an end, and this short life is completely over.

Before the death of a seriously ill patient, most of them will appear 3 precursors, and the family needs to be mentally prepared!

For animals with complex emotions, it is indeed very painful to say goodbye to relatives, and it is often difficult for us to accept, even when the relatives have stopped beating, they are still begging doctors for meaningless rescue. However, if you think about it, for the seriously ill, death means the cessation of suffering, which is not a relief.

Moreover, man disappears from this world, death is only the beginning, and the last person who remembers him dies, that is really disappearing. So, although the relatives have said goodbye to themselves, they will always be in our hearts, you just need to remember that he once came and gave you infinite love and happiness. In the years to come, you will also continue to move forward with this love.

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