
Uncle Ming Miscellaneous: In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, who in the end is on the wrong side of history between China and the United States?

author:Qin'an Strategy

【Editor's Note】This article is authorized by the author and reprinted from the public account "Uncle Ming Miscellaneous", there are many wonderful contents, welcome to pay attention.

1) On the evening of March 18, Beijing time, the leaders of China and the United States held a video meeting. Obviously, this meeting was proposed by the US side. The two leaders talked for 110 minutes. When describing the meeting, the US side used the words "direct", "substantive" and "concrete". There is a very interesting point here, the Chinese side sent the news of this video meeting faster than the US side, much more detailed than the US side, and conveyed China's position to the world at the first time. The US media has also paid attention to this. In the current complicated world situation, the United States has a clear goal for this meeting. First, to manage the so-called "competition" between China and the United States; second, to focus on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and use moral kidnapping and power coercion to ask China not to provide "material" help to Russia. One of the statements that the United States has repeatedly mentioned recently is that "in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, China must stand on the right side of history." Judging from the ins and outs of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the words and deeds of China and the United States in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, who is on the right side of history? Who is on the wrong side of history?

Uncle Ming Miscellaneous: In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, who in the end is on the wrong side of history between China and the United States?

2) In international relations, the so-called "standing on the right side of history" means that when looking at and handling international hotspot issues, we should adhere to the principles of justice and morality, distinguish between right and wrong, and strive to maintain world peace and stability. The so-called "standing on the wrong side of history" means that, whether right or wrong, we should only proceed from safeguarding our own interests, stir up waters on international hotspot issues, add fuel to the fire, issue "war gains," create crises, and take advantage of chaos to seek profits.

3) If this criterion is clarified, it will be clear whether China and the United States are right or wrong in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. In the 31 years since the end of the "Cold War," the United States, proceeding from safeguarding its own narrow interests, has repeatedly promoted NATO's eastward expansion, eroded Russia's strategic security, and even engaged in "personality assassination" and "color revolution" against Russian President Putin himself. The fundamental reason for the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is that the United States launched a "color revolution" in Ukraine in an effort to build Ukraine into an "anti-Russian fortress" and an "anti-Russian front." Behind this, it embodies the hegemonic thinking and hegemonic logic of the United States of "using Ukraine to subdue Russia." At the same time, the United States also hopes to provoke a Conflict between Russia and Ukraine, incite the fear and hatred of EU countries against Russia, and create a new "Cold War" and "Iron Curtain" in Europe, which is the so-called "control of Europe by Russia." Before and after the outbreak of the entire Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the world completely failed to see the sincerity and efforts of the United States to commit to peace. Instead, it has seen the United States constantly adding fuel to the fire, in order to contain and consume Russia, the United States will not hesitate to shed the last drop of Ukrainian blood, and the United States will not hesitate to push its so-called ally, the European Union, into a bad situation of energy shortages and a large influx of refugees. Again, it is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, but it is even more fatal to be a friend of the United States. The various practices of the United States of "dead friends do not die of poverty" are staggering.

Uncle Ming Miscellaneous: In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, who in the end is on the wrong side of history between China and the United States?

4) Between countries, we should not have reached the point of fighting each other. It is precisely the United States' encouragement, instigation and arming of Ukraine, and it is precisely the United States' containment, humiliation and suppression of Russia that has stifled the last hope for peace. Since the founding of the United States, it has long pursued the so-called "Monroe Doctrine", regarding the entire Western Hemisphere as the "backyard" of the United States and not allowing other major countries to interfere. During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, the United States did not hesitate to threaten nuclear war and prevent the Soviet Union from deploying missiles in Cuba that could threaten the United States. Can today's United States allow Russia to establish a military alliance with Mexico? Can Russia be allowed to form a siege against the United States in any latin American country? Do not do to others what you do not want. What the United States itself cannot accept, why should Russia accept it? Why should Russia swallow the bitter fruit that the United States itself cannot swallow? Whether it is the United States or Russia, for a big country, it will never allow a "fortress" that opposes itself and threatens itself on its doorstep. If it appears, both the United States and Russia will find a way to get rid of this "fortress". It is precisely the United States that wants to build Ukraine into an "anti-Russian fortress" that has sown deep seeds for today's Russian-Ukrainian conflict. It is not an exaggeration to say that the United States is the initiator of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. In order to resolve the contradictions between Russia and Ukraine, it is necessary to resolve the contradictions between Russia and the United States, which is the so-called "ringer who must tie the bell to the ringer."

Uncle Ming Miscellaneous: In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, who in the end is on the wrong side of history between China and the United States?

5) The United States has a hundred opportunities to avoid pushing Russia and Ukraine into war, but the United States has chosen to intensify contradictions, provoke conflicts, and then profit from them. If the United States remains strategically sober, respects Russia's legitimate security concerns after the Cold War, and establishes a durable Peace Mechanism in Europe that embraces Russia, it is entirely possible. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia had neither the will nor the ability to attack Europe and the United States. But the United States lacks the most basic respect, let alone acceptance, for a Russia that "killed" the Soviet Union as a token of submission and strives to be close to the West. The United States continued to revel around the "corpses" of the Soviet Union, constantly stimulating the national pride of Russians and constantly limiting Russia's security space. This is a "stupid choice" that an arrogant, arrogant, short-sighted superpower would make. Before the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States also had every opportunity to negotiate sincerely and in good faith with Russia to resolve the crisis. However, the United States rejected Russia's legitimate security concerns and forced Russia into the path of a Jedi counterattack. We can say that the United States never intended to respect and accommodate Russia, and the United States never intended to establish a long-term peace and stability mechanism in Europe. What the United States wants is for Russia and Ukraine to fight a big fight, and the United States will further weaken and consume Russia; what the United States wants is to force Russia to act, and then sabotage the process of reconciliation and cooperation between Russia and Europe. For the United States, it seems that only the more chaotic and turbulent the world, the more profitable the United States will be. This is a very frightening conclusion. In other words, the United States is no longer a positive force for safeguarding world peace and promoting world development, and the United States has "blackened" into the greatest threat to world peace.

Uncle Ming Miscellaneous: In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, who in the end is on the wrong side of history between China and the United States?

6) The United States now only grasps the russian use of force, and then tries its best to describe Russia as an "aggressor", but the United States does not reflect on its own policy toward Russia after the "Cold War". This superficial and superficial attribution of the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict is neither in line with the historical context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict nor conducive to resolving the current conflict. After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States still did not make any moves to persuade peace and promote talks, but instead continued to provide various weapons to Ukraine, hoping to consume Russia, a geopolitical competitor identified by the United States, by shedding the blood of Ukrainians. What Ukrainians lack now is not javelin anti-tank missiles, stinger anti-aircraft missiles, nor military equipment such as various drones. No matter how much the United States armed Ukraine, it could not change the trend on the battlefield, nor could it change the fact that Ukraine must learn to coexist peacefully with Russia. The United States' move is nothing more than to achieve the goal of killing, injuring, and destroying the living forces and military equipment of the Russian army at the cost of the blood and lives of Ukrainians. This is not resolving the crisis at all, this is not solving the problem at all, this is adding fuel to the fire.

Uncle Ming Miscellaneous: In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, who in the end is on the wrong side of history between China and the United States?

7) It is advisable to solve the knot. The world is big, the earth is small. In any case, the United States must consider how to coexist peacefully with Russia. But where reason still prevails, the United States cannot eliminate Russia, nor can Russia eliminate the United States. The true wise man should have gained something in complex international relations, and at all times he should avoid fighting each other. Future historians will certainly have nothing good to say about the United States when they review the global geopolitical strategy of the United States after the "Cold War", especially the POLICY of the United States toward Russia. They see an arrogant, arbitrary, selfish superpower that tosses Russia, which is bent on integrating into the West, into a "corner" against a Russia that no longer poses a major threat to the West. This strategic short-sightedness dooms the United States to the wrong side of history.

8) If there is any country in this world that really wants Russia to live in peace with Ukraine, it must be China. China's relations with Russia and Ukraine are good, and if Russia and Ukraine live in peace, China can do business, deal with them, talk about investment, and seek cooperation at the same time. Unlike the "blackening" of the United States, the more peaceful and stable the world, the more China can create greater and more prosperity. Contrary to the United States taking advantage of chaos for profit, what China wants most is a dividend of peace and prosperity. This is determined by the endogenous and structural forces of the two countries. While the United States has in fact become a source of chaos in the world, China has become a positive force for maintaining world peace and stability.

Uncle Ming Miscellaneous: In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, who in the end is on the wrong side of history between China and the United States?

9) China not only wants Russia and Ukraine to live in peace, but China also wants Europe to be united, unified and strong. In the first two months of 2022, the EU once again became China's largest trading partner. The more stable and prosperous Europe is, the greater the potential and more obvious the effect of China-EU cooperation. While the United States continues to "pit" the EU as a teammate, China sincerely hopes that Europe will be stable, the EU will be united, the euro will be strong, and Europe will be stable for a long time. It is hoped that EU countries can see through the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, see through the various beautiful words of the United States, and see the essence of "America First". The future of the EU is definitely not to engage in any ideological and value alliance with the United States, still less to engage in any military and political alliance with the United States, but to reconcile with Russia in accordance with the EU's own interests, achieve long-term peace and stability in Europe, cooperate with China, and achieve European prosperity.

Uncle Ming Miscellaneous: In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, who in the end is on the wrong side of history between China and the United States?

10) The essence of the Contradiction between Russia and Ukraine is the contradiction between Russia and the United States, and the problems between the United States and Russia cannot be solved by others, let alone let others bear the consequences. The measures taken by the United States to arm Ukraine are extremely irresponsible, and the comprehensive sanctions and containment of Russia by the United States will not help. If US sanctions are not even possible for North Korea and Iran, how can the United States fantasize about bringing down Such a resource-rich and vast country as Russia through sanctions? The United States wants to use moral kidnapping and power coercion to demand that China choose a side in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and cooperate with the United States' strategy of strangling Russia, which is an extremely absurd and absurd move. Does the United States want China to help it "fight" its own "battle"? If the United States wants to stand on the right side of history, it must abandon its strategy of hostility to Russia and help Europe achieve great reconciliation and unity. Today's United States seems to have a very lack of truly responsible and far-sighted politicians to accomplish such an epoch-making historical mission. The various measures that the United States is now taking to add fuel to the fire, all kinds of measures to smear Russia, and all kinds of measures to force China to choose sides will not have any positive value in the long run. As long as the United States does not abandon its policy of hostility toward Russia, the United States will inevitably stand on the wrong side of history. Today, the United States can shed the blood of the Ukrainians and disrupt Europe's economy and security under the guise of all kinds of moral appearances, but the United States "cannot kill" Russia, and the short-sightedness and selfishness of the United States will only cultivate a Russia that is even more hostile to the United States and hates the United States. The United States will eventually embark on the path of rebellion and alienation because of its own choice. It won't happen today, and it won't happen tomorrow, but it will happen in the long run. The world will only be a better place if China continues to grow stronger, unites the vast majority of countries and peoples in the world, and forms a seal on the "evil thoughts" in the hearts of the United States as a country. Until then, the United States can run amok for a while, but it will never run amok. China has the patience, resources and courage to deal with the United States to the end.

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