
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered

When we put down our phones and looked up

There will always be some

Delightful fragments of life

Follow the lens of the editor to see

Are these fragments also present in your life?


drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered

You'll find it when you get up early

When the sun rises in the east

The beauty of the early morning is heartwarming

The sunlight that suddenly shines through when you go out

Warmth and warmth make people feel cheerful

drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered


drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered

"What's you going to eat at noon today?" This is not

A question you have to think about every day

In the face of food,

We don't have any resistance

Then let's have a good meal together

Treat yourself to hard work

drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered


drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered

Accompanied by a beautiful sunset

Milk tea with friends

Sit in the stands and watch the basketball game

Talk about today's interesting facts and harvests

The beauty of this moment is worth remembering

drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered


drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered

Peaceful nights were our free time

Meet up with your roommates

Watch the show and eat a snack

Or review today's learning

Fill in unfinished notes in a timely manner

Bring the day to a successful conclusion

drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered
drip! Today's fragments of life have been delivered

Today's fragments of life are shared here

What other interesting fragments of life do you have?

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