
"New Batman": The superhero of "Literary Fan" may see "sleepy" many people

author:The principal is big

"New Batman" is a more "literary" movie, and his highlight is not in fighting and killing, but in how to interpret the "Batman spirit". What impressed me most was not his "drag racing scene" or how he fought with the "Riddler", but that he held a red glow stick, although covered in mud, but still insisted on leading the crowd to the light.

"New Batman": The superhero of "Literary Fan" may see "sleepy" many people

The Douban rating of "New Batman" is currently as high as 7.8, but I wouldn't recommend that everyone watch it. Because of the style of this movie, it is easy to cause a "polarization" situation. Especially for audiences who prefer "popcorn movies", the style of the film may disappoint you. After all, this is not the kind of "fist to flesh" action movie, nor is it the kind of science fiction film that pursues "big scenes". Therefore, this is why some people think that three hours is not enough to watch, but some people feel that watching three minutes is sleepy.

"New Batman": The superhero of "Literary Fan" may see "sleepy" many people

"Batman" is a very "literary" superhero. Batman's family is rich, he is a well-known rich man in Gotham City, but the whole movie really does not show how rich he is, and when he takes off his Batman suit, he looks like an untrimmed poet. He regards money as dung, it doesn't matter whether the family inheritance is inherited or not, he doesn't seek fame, he doesn't pursue profit, he just wants to implement the justice in his heart, he wants to use his own strength to save this gotham city shrouded in darkness.

"New Batman": The superhero of "Literary Fan" may see "sleepy" many people

So, before watching this movie, it's best that you yourself recognize the spirit of Batman. If you don't have enough patience and understanding of this movie, it may make you "sleepy" in the first place. The plot of the film's crime solving is more than the plot of the fight, and it is more inclined to let the audience use their brains to dig out the truth behind the case. The show involves crime, corruption, elections, charity and other more realistic elements, if you don't see Batman, you may not react for a while, this is a science fiction film.

"New Batman": The superhero of "Literary Fan" may see "sleepy" many people

Batman looks more like a "detective" with a force value than a "warrior" who only knows how to fight and kill. Batman is also a good citizen who is "law-abiding", he refuses to fight violence with violence, and the justice he implements, no matter who he faces, will not compromise, even in the face of a well-built catwoman, he still sticks to the bottom line. It's often said that "heroes are sadder than beauty", but Batman is an exception. So you need to identify with batman's spirit in order for you to watch the movie for three hours happily, and if you think he's just "preaching" to you, then watching the movie will become a "torture".

"New Batman": The superhero of "Literary Fan" may see "sleepy" many people

In addition to the Batman spirit that the movie wants to express, in terms of perception, this movie may also make many people "sleepy". The light of the film is very "dim", and the Gotham City presented in the film can be said to be dark, and it will last until the end of the case before there will be bright light.

"New Batman": The superhero of "Literary Fan" may see "sleepy" many people

My personal understanding of dim light is that Gotham City was originally deep in darkness, people could not see hope here, and finally batman appeared, which became the light of hope that illuminated Gotham City. However, the dim light is also easy to make some viewers "sleepy", because many people have long been accustomed to colorful pictures, and you let him watch a "black paint" movie for three hours, which is indeed a bit difficult. So, how much the audience wants to see the bright picture, just like the people of Gotham City, how much they want to look forward to the light coming.

"New Batman": The superhero of "Literary Fan" may see "sleepy" many people

Finally, I would like to remind you that you should not blindly pursue big IP and movie blockbusters. Choosing the right movie for you is the most important, and "The New Batman" focuses not on fighting and killing, but on the spiritual and ideological level. So, it's still recommended to find out if you can accept this type of superhero movie before watching it. A three-hour movie, like it's a "visual treat," like it becomes a "disaster."


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