
The constellation full of spirit and without lack of reason, walks between reason and sensibility all his life

Some people say that sensibility is suitable for love, rationality is suitable for survival, but it is not!

Whether it is feelings or life, it is necessary to coexist with rationality and sensibility. If a person is too emotional, then it will be very painful in the relationship, and life will not solve any problems. And a person who is too rational is too indifferent in his feelings, and will solve problems in life, but he has no human touch.

The constellation full of spirit and without lack of reason, walks between reason and sensibility all his life

01 Capricorn: Love with emotion and live with reason

Capricorns are full of wisdom, do not blindly follow others, have their own thoughts, and are able to persevere.

They are very cautious and can deal with problems calmly and rationally. Rather than subjective speculation. People who love work have clear thinking and correct attitudes, and between ideals and reality, they can distinguish what kind of ways and methods are more conducive to their own development.

Emotionally, Capricorn does not put love on his lips every day.

But there is no lack of rambling and spirituality, the trivial things in life, in capricorn's view is not worth mentioning, but also willing to wash their hands and make soup for their families, lovers, some people love like a waterfall, but Capricorn love is like a trickle of water, soothing and long, Capricorn love is the progression of time, is forever together.

The constellation full of spirit and without lack of reason, walks between reason and sensibility all his life

02 Gemini

Gemini has spent his life walking in a staggered manner, but he also understands what he really wants.

He is active, sensual, bursting, and rational. A Gemini walks in many of the opposite sex, but can also understand what is suitable for him and what is his favorite, he made a rational judgment, thus also achieving a balance between feelings, life and career.

A person, too emotional, has no reason, either love to the extreme, or mess up the square inch, not only do not do good things, but also do not manage good feelings.

The constellation full of spirit and without lack of reason, walks between reason and sensibility all his life

So often it feels like you're giving too much and getting too little. And if a person is too rational, he will lose his human touch, and everyone will stay away, then he will eventually be lonely for a lifetime.

03 Pisces

Pisces is left-handed rational and right-handed is sensual. One is suitable for survival, one is suitable for love, and it can be said that Pisces is intelligent.

Pisces romanticism is a lifetime of pursuit, but also a lifetime of waiting, and they also have extraordinary insight and empathy in the human sophistication, so Pisces is emotional, sensual people are gentle and kind.

We have been longing to be redeemed all our lives, and the good soul of Pisces is the light in our lives!

Pisces is full of spirit, and reason is not lacking.

In the changing world, a light Pisces, because of his true disposition, has received enough attention, but there is still some rationality in his heart, he can see the truth and truth of things clearly, and digest it in his heart. It's an ability. And with the ability that others do not have, you can get the opportunities that others do not have.

A smart person will often encounter many opportunities, and only a smart person can quickly seize the opportunity.

The constellation full of spirit and without lack of reason, walks between reason and sensibility all his life

04 Libra

As a representative of elegance, in the wind and snow, Libra has a certain sensibility, but at the same time there will be a rational balance, because Libra is mostly a person who usually pays attention to balance.

Some people say that Libra is to see the value of the face, it is conceivable that Libra is sensual, they will be moved by the beautiful appearance, and the interesting soul, although a little impulsive, but beauty is what everyone yearns for.

In addition to sensibility, there is also rational analysis, and a philosopher has said: Men do not need women with depth, but they need women with arcs. Too emotional, easy to be trapped by love, difficult for themselves, but also trouble others, and too rational, too realistic, lack of interest. This will not only make the opposite sex prohibitive, but also make the same sex feel very uncomfortable.

Walking on the road of life, sensibility is a kind of romance, although full of uncertainty, but gives people temperature, while reason is not divorced from reality, intelligent and measured.

Walking in the passers-by of life, to be a person who integrates sensibility and rationality, only the reflection of sensibility and rationality is a full and vivid life!

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