
Domineering! The Chinese Super League giants have clearly refused to leave the core team: want to leave? Take 71 million!

Recently, the defending champion of the Chinese Super League, Shandong Taishan, the core of the midfield and South Korean star Sun Junhao, has been exposed to some English league teams. It is understood that at present, both Fulham and Southampton are interested in bringing in Sun Zhunhao, and for Sun Zhunhao, who is already over thirty years old, this is also his last chance to play in the Premier League. However, according to the news of the South Korean media, Shandong Taishan's determination to leave Sun Zhunhao is very large, and even offered a price that the other party could not accept to dispel Sun Zhunhao's idea of transferring.

Domineering! The Chinese Super League giants have clearly refused to leave the core team: want to leave? Take 71 million!

According to South Korean media MK, Shandong Taishan demanded a transfer fee of 13.6 billion won from the Fulham club that intends to introduce Sun Junhao, otherwise Sun Junhao will not be allowed to transfer. At current exchange rates, 13.6 billion won is equivalent to about 71 million yuan, or about 10 million euros. Considering Sun Junhao's actual stature, it is clear that Fulham will not buy this player at such a high price.

Domineering! The Chinese Super League giants have clearly refused to leave the core team: want to leave? Take 71 million!

Although there are many players in South Korea in major Leagues in Europe, it is rare to find those who can reach the level of tens of millions of euros. Take South Korea international Kim Hyun-jae, who transferred from Beijing Guoan to Fenerbahce last year, for example, the transfer fee is about 3 million euros, which is still in the case of Kim Hyun-jae's huge appreciation space, the other party is willing to pay money. Sun Zhunhao is now over thirty years old and plays in the relatively low-level Chinese Super League, so it can be basically concluded that Fulham will not pay such a huge transfer fee for him.

Domineering! The Chinese Super League giants have clearly refused to leave the core team: want to leave? Take 71 million!

Of course, from another point of view, Shandong Taishan is actually trying to persuade the team that played Sun Zhunhao's idea to "retreat from difficulties". For Shandong Taishan, Sun Zhunhao's position in the team is undoubtedly unshakable. Last season, the South Korean star played the MVP performance to help the team win the championship, and this year, with Moises' future uncertain, Sun Junhao's role in the Shandong Taishan midfielder is more important. For now, at least, Shandong Taishan really can't afford to lose Sun Zhunhao, unless he receives a sufficiently attractive offer.

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