
Tomorrow's Ark SS I guide the first three levels of the road trust team play to wait for the mountain to penetrate

Tomorrow's Ark SS Wu Guide Pioneer Activity officially opened, this copy of the event because it is the first stage, so it is very simple and brainless, especially the first three levels do not involve any new mechanism of the ice cream machine, alone with a mountain pure hang-up machine to wait for work can be done and graduated, the specific trust team playing style in detail.

Tomorrow's Ark SS I guide the first three levels of the road trust team play to wait for the mountain to penetrate


There is no difficulty is very simple and brainless, directly in front of the door to put a mountain, a husband and wife when the level is not open, the early enemies do not have any difficulty and pressure, easy and directly let the mountain alone to get it, of course, there is no mountain players can consider borrowing one, or use high-level output higher ground units to get it alone, the difficulty is really low.

Tomorrow's Ark SS I guide the first three levels of the road trust team play to wait for the mountain to penetrate


This level is still not difficult, graduation is also too simple, the enemy's survivability is still relatively high, the mountain also has to fight two more punches to clean up and get it done, although there is an additional additional ammunition of the enemy but the output is no real threat to the mountain, overestimating the enemy's output gold content, or that sentence, no mountain can consider using other high-output ground units, survival worries with a wet mother on the line.

Tomorrow's Ark SS I guide the first three levels of the road trust team play to wait for the mountain to penetrate


The difficulty began to increase, mainly the quality of the enemy increased, but it is still easy to get it, the left side of the deployment of Huang + Sai Ma, can be replaced by other milk shield + high output guards, Huang can use thorns, so that the left side of the output effect is better, the right side directly deploy a mountain, on the one hand, absorb additional attacks to help Huang to reduce pressure, in addition, you can also eat a new big shield brother, the overall difficulty is still relatively low, easy to pass the level without pressure.

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