
Harry Potter mobile game: planning to personally go down to the news? Is the most authentic Hogwarts!

Wizards! finally! Our long-awaited Hogsmeade Village revelations are finally here!! Sure enough, surprises often come inadvertently! No, the Harry Potter mobile game planner finally came with the news of Hogsmeade Village! When you think of Hogsmeade Village, you can't help but think of the Honey Duke Candy Shop, the Three Brooms Bar... Sweet candy and butter beer are really eye-catching! Σ(っ °Д °;)っ So, let's not take a look at what wonderful content is in this planning and breaking news!

Harry Potter mobile game: planning to personally go down to the news? Is the most authentic Hogwarts!

(Live-action Hogsmeade)

Harry Potter mobile game: planning to personally go down to the news? Is the most authentic Hogwarts!

(Harry Potter mobile game restored Hogsmeade)

As the only pure wizarding village in the original book, Hogsmeade Village can be said to be the source of happiness for Hogwarts students ~ The Harry Potter trio has experienced many "thrilling" events in Hogsmeade Village....... Of course, as a foodie badger, the event belongs to the event, and the food can not be left behind! Therefore, the first reaction to hearing Hogsmeade Village must be to go straight to the Honey Duke Candy Shop~

Harry Potter mobile game: planning to personally go down to the news? Is the most authentic Hogwarts!

That in this breaking news, everyone can already clearly see the whole picture of the Honey Duke candy store ~ the candy all over the store seems to have made people smell the sweet aroma of candy ~ and the popular pop chocolate baby, which is also already stupid, thinking about how to jump out of the window... Not much to say, Harry Potter mobile game gkd! I'm going to buy candy to eat!

Harry Potter mobile game: planning to personally go down to the news? Is the most authentic Hogwarts!

In addition to Hogsmeade Village, Mrs. Pattif's Tea House is also on the list of daily routines (that's where Harry Potter and Cho Jang dated!). Very distinctive golden fat angel, with dessert and pink background wall, proper love breath ~ and so on, so rounded this is the official love holy land for us! (No-) This must not wait for the line, drag the family to punch a wave of ~

Harry Potter mobile game: planning to personally go down to the news? Is the most authentic Hogwarts!

Of course, in addition to Hogsmeade Village, the Harry Potter mobile game production team has also brought us many other surprises ~ multiple sets of concept art displays of design appearances have satisfied the appetite of players! Needless to say, this is going to call and update quickly! After all, there are three different styles of design, children make choices, and wizards must want it! Who makes good-looking clothes never too much~

Harry Potter mobile game: planning to personally go down to the news? Is the most authentic Hogwarts!
Harry Potter mobile game: planning to personally go down to the news? Is the most authentic Hogwarts!
Harry Potter mobile game: planning to personally go down to the news? Is the most authentic Hogwarts!

That Harry Potter mobile game as an officially authorized adaptation of the genuine IP mobile game, in the restoration and authenticity has always maintained a very professional attitude and high-precision production requirements, so as to bring us many high-quality works and happy Hogwarts magic experience. At the same time, I also believe that Harry Potter mobile games will bring us more high-quality game content! Well, let's see you at Hogwarts

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