
The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?

The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?

Spring breeze on the earth, everything recovers, but also with the virus also followed.

According to the National Health Commission, at 0-24:00 on March 13, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 1,437 new confirmed cases and 788 new cases of local asymptomatic.

The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?

In the face of successive new local cases, many cities have also begun to carry out a series of epidemic prevention and control work:

For example, the nucleic acid testing of all employees in Shenzhen and Jilin, the suspension of all non-essential movements and activities, the suspension of buses and subways in the city, except for those involved in epidemic prevention work, all administrative and public institution personnel in the city are working from home.

The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?

All available data reflect the fact that the number of confirmed cases in the country will rise significantly in nearly a month.

The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?

Obviously, after vaccination, why is there still a possibility of being infected?

Looking at the whole country, only a few provinces and regions have not been affected by this round of epidemics, and the vast majority of regions have basically seen new local epidemics.

In the past two years, countries around the world have extensively carried out new crown vaccination activities, and many people have completed the whole process of vaccination, but as the epidemic continues to ferment, there have been many cases of new crown vaccines but still infected with the virus.

The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?

Why am I still infected after the COVID-19 vaccine?

Some people think that as long as they have been vaccinated against the new crown, there is no risk of infection at all, as if with a "golden bell cover", the new crown virus can no longer invade the human body.

However, in fact, this is not the case, no matter which vaccine, can not provide 100% protection, there is still a risk of the virus breaking through the existing antibodies to cause infection, hepatitis B vaccine, chicken pox vaccine, measles vaccine and other vaccines are like this, the same is true of the new crown vaccine.

The reason why breakthrough infections still occur after vaccination is mainly caused by the following three factors.

1. Insufficient antibodies

Everyone's physical condition is different, some people after the injection of the new crown vaccine, the body does not stimulate enough immune response, it can not constitute a fully effective defense system, the number of antibodies is not enough, there is a risk of breakthrough infection.

2. Insufficient time for vaccination

If, at the time of vaccination, the immune system has not yet had time to produce antibodies, and the virus has invaded the body, then the body's immune system is also not enough to resist the virus.

3. Virus mutation

At present, the new crown virus has been constantly mutating, and the emergence of mutant strains will reduce the protective efficacy of vaccines, resulting in breakthrough infections.

In other words, every mutation has the potential to make the virus change, so that the antibodies produced by the vaccine cannot accurately identify the invading virus, and cannot stimulate the immune response in time, resulting in a breakthrough infection.

The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?

The epidemic will coexist with humans for a long time, and vaccines are the best weapon at present

Despite the severity of the epidemic, the most favorable weapon for dealing with the current epidemic at this stage is still the new crown vaccine.

Once the human body is vaccinated, on the one hand, antibodies to the new crown virus are formed in the body, so as to obtain immunity, which effectively reduces the risk of illness, severe illness and death.

On the other hand, through the orderly vaccination of the new crown virus, an immune barrier is established in the population, the epidemic of the new crown virus is blocked, and the scope of the virus expansion is reduced.

The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?

Children and the elderly need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in a timely manner

According to foreign data, the most important strain of the global virus epidemic is Omi kerong, which has a large spread and is easy to infect, which is more harmful to the elderly, children and other vulnerable people.

In Singapore, for example, children are currently the group with the highest infection rate of the Omilkejunn variant, first children aged 5-11 years, followed by adolescents aged 12-19 years.

The National Health Commission has also repeatedly emphasized that the elderly and children are prone to develop severe or critical illness after being infected with the new crown virus, so it calls on children and the elderly who meet the vaccination conditions to be vaccinated in a timely manner.

The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?

The available research literature shows that the existing vaccine still has a certain protective effect on the Omiljung variant, but the relative ability to prevent infection has declined, and the rate of severe illness and mortality caused by it has not increased.

However, the vaccine will decline over time, so people still need to complete the whole process of vaccination as soon as possible, and how to strengthen the population that meets the vaccination conditions, and also need to be vaccinated in time to strengthen treatment and increase the effectiveness of the vaccine.

The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?
The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?

(The literature shows that 2 doses of this vaccine are effective in preventing hospitalization due to infection with Omiclon; strengthening the vaccination may help improve effectiveness.) )

Of course, in addition to timely vaccination, personal self-epidemic prevention and control also needs to be done well, such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently and ventilating, and not going to crowded places.

Under the epidemic, every city is not an island.

I hope that everyone can work together to fight the epidemic, overcome the difficulties of the times, and restore the normal order of life as soon as possible.

The number of new infected people exceeded 1,000 in a single day? In the epidemic of Olmi kerong, how big is the role of vaccines?


[1] Pan Feng. Establishing an immune barrier is the best strategy to end the new crown epidemic[J].China Medical Herald,2021,18(36):1-3.

[2] LI Chenyan. "Should be connected" to enhance protection, eligible elderly people as soon as possible to vaccinate the reinforcing needle[N]. Wen Wei Po, 2021-12-03(005).

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