
Eating a bag of instant noodles, does the liver need to be "detoxified" for 32 days? The answer may be different from what you think

author:Doctor Yuan talks about science

Instant noodles are a relatively common food in life, belonging to a kind of fast food, both dry food, can also be brewed with boiling water, not only delicious and delicious, it is also very convenient to make, can save a lot of time.

In today's society, in the case of the increasing pace of life, instant noodles are very popular with everyone, regardless of men, women and children, usually have the habit of eating instant noodles, especially office workers, usually time is more rushed, eating instant noodles is a common thing.

Although the emergence of instant noodles has greatly facilitated people's lives, in recent years, with the improvement of people's awareness of health, more and more people say that instant noodles are junk food, and eating them regularly will damage our health.

Recently, it was also circulated online

Out of "Eat."

A bag of instant noodles, the liver needs to be detoxified for 32 days", so is this an exaggeration or a real thing? Let's take a look.

Eating a bag of instant noodles, does the liver need to be "detoxified" for 32 days? The answer may be different from what you think

Eating a bag of instant noodles, does the liver need to be "detoxified" for 32 days? The answer may be different from what you think

In fact, about "eat a bag of instant noodles, the liver needs to detoxify for 32 days" is a bit exaggerated, clinically did not eat a pack of instant noodles to detoxify for a few days, instant noodles and ordinary food, after digestion and absorption of the gastrointestinal tract naturally excreted, will not stay in the body for a long time.

However, the added substances in instant noodles usually take 4-6 days to be fully metabolized, because each person's situation is different, so the metabolic time may also have certain differences, the number and type of food additives in instant noodles are within the allowable range of the country, and moderate consumption will not have too much impact on physical health, do not worry too much.

Eating a bag of instant noodles, does the liver need to be "detoxified" for 32 days? The answer may be different from what you think

Instant noodles are mainly made of flour, but also need to be fried at high temperatures, in addition to instant noodles will also add a lot of additives, preservatives, these ingredients may be difficult to digest, generally after eating instant noodles, it takes a period of time to digest these indigestible substances all metabolized.

For people with faster metabolic rates, it is usually possible to complete the metabolism in about 4 days, but if the metabolic rate is slower, it may take about 6 days to complete the metabolism.

The nutrient content in instant noodles is low, and eating a small amount will not have a greater impact on the human body, but if you eat instant noodles for a long time, it may lead to a lack of nutrients in the body, and may also cause the weakening of the body's immunity, coupled with the high calories in instant noodles, only occasionally eat once on it, and it is not recommended that everyone eat it as a staple food for a long time.

Eating a bag of instant noodles, does the liver need to be "detoxified" for 32 days? The answer may be different from what you think

What are the effects of eating instant noodles regularly?

get angry

Instant noodles themselves are fried foods, and a variety of spicy spices are added to the production process, so regular consumption may cause fire, dry mouth, sore throat, mouth ulcers and other symptoms.


Instant noodles are fried during the production process, which contains a lot of fat and high calories, and regular consumption may cause fat accumulation in the body, resulting in obesity, so obese or hyperlipidemia people should try to eat less.

Eating a bag of instant noodles, does the liver need to be "detoxified" for 32 days? The answer may be different from what you think


Usually the content of protein, minerals and vitamins in instant noodles is small, if the patient does not eat vegetables, fruits, etc., long-term consumption of instant noodles may lead to a lack of nutrients in the body, resulting in malnutrition.

Gastrointestinal discomfort

Instant noodle seasoning package contains more oil, long-term consumption will increase the burden of the digestive tract, resulting in gastrointestinal dysfunction, digestive function decline, in addition to high-fat food will promote gastric acid secretion, for patients with gastritis, gastric ulcers, may aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

Eating a bag of instant noodles, does the liver need to be "detoxified" for 32 days? The answer may be different from what you think

Conclusion: After reading the above article, I believe that everyone will have some gains, although instant noodles taste good, but often eat will have an adverse impact on the body, so usually should try to eat less or not, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and fish, meat, eggs and milk and other foods, which can not only supplement nutrition, but also conducive to good health.

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