
Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

author:Xiao Han Yan said

Many people watch "Camel Xiangzi" and sympathize with Xiangzi, because a person who is so diligent and capable has completely degenerated after experiencing three failed car purchases and fallen into the bottom of society. A person who works so hard cannot live the life he wants no matter what.

After fifteen years, I watched "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to find that fate never treated Xiangzi badly, and gave him several times and three times. Among them, the tiger girl is a clear proof. Tiger Lady is the best nobleman in Shoko's life, and she brings a huge turnaround to Shoko. She comes with a wealth of love to save Shoko. But Shoko was too selfish and stupid to let such a good opportunity slip away in vain, and finally took the life of Tiger Girl.

The scene of the death of the tiger girl in childbirth is heart-wrenching. Her love for Shoko is deep and great, and Shoko is not worthy of him at all.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

Who is the Tiger Girl

Tiger Lady is Liu Si's only daughter. Liu Si is a single stick, who has traveled south and north all his life, fought group fights, knelt over iron cables, experienced richly, and had rough emotions.

Liu Si has taken tiger girls with him since he was a child and raised his daughter as a boy, so tiger girls not only look like tiger heads and tiger brains, but also have a temper like a father, and have a pungent atmosphere. Helping her father to do things is a good hand, she is like a man, even swearing has the cheerfulness of a man, sometimes more tricks.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

Liu Siye beat the outside, the tiger girl hit the inside, and the father and daughter managed the people and the depot like iron barrels. Renhe factory became the authority of the foreign car industry, and the methods of the Liu family's father and daughter were often in the mouths of the coachman and the owner, such as the quotation of the reader.

Tiger Girl's appearance frightened men, and no one dared to marry her as a wife. Tiger girls do not go to the heart, men want to marry, tiger girls may not want to marry. Marriage is a big deal, and tiger girls have to decide for themselves. Since childhood, under the guidance of Liu Si, Tiger Lady has her own ideas for what to do.

If there is love, be brave enough to chase

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

For life events, Tiger Lady has her own ideas. Choosing a husband, Tiger Lady does not want to throw hydrangeas, she has her own standards and requirements.

Tiger Girl deals with foreign coachmen every day. Among the many foreign coachmen, Tiger Lady hit Shoko.

Tiger Girl loves Shoko. Because no matter what she said, Shoko always listened attentively and did not argue with her; other coachmen always spoke horizontally; although she was not afraid of them, she did not want to pay more attention to them; her words were reserved for Shoko to hear.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

After Xiangzi lost her first car, she went to great lengths to return to Beijing from the camp and back to Renhe Factory. Tiger Lady let him eat, as if to entertain an old friend, and Shoko's heart suddenly warmed up.

For Xiangzi, Tiger Girl is one hundred and one kind, loving, and all sincere, people and factory forty more than forty coachmen, only Xiangzi dares to prying eyes with Tiger Girl. She instructed Shoko to take care of her body, and to buy a car, she had to stop leisurely, and her body was not iron.

(The book card has been added here, please check the headline number platform)

One night, Tiger Lady cleaned up the factory, made a table of undercooked dishes, and made another meal of herself. Her face was smeared with powder, her lips were smeared with rouge, and she put on a small light green silk jacket that she usually wore, and a pair of green fat legged pants on her lower body. The green jacket glows in the electric light, appearing soft and plain; the fat black pants are slightly moved by the small wind, and the tiger girl has infinite tenderness in her heart.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

She took the dominoes and played a punch. The gua elephant shows that Shoko will return tonight. Seeing that it was past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Shoko did come back, and her face did not look very good. This stupid big guy may be in trouble again. Tiger Lady was secretly happy in her heart.

Tiger Lady invites Shoko to drink, and Shoko repeatedly refuses to say no. Tiger Girl was annoyed, and Shoko, who was originally depressed, drank it, cup after cup. Then I got drunk.

Tiger Lady plugged the door and pulled Xiangzi onto the kang. Then the two were together.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy
The lights went out in the house. It was dark in the sky. From time to time one or two stars pierced into the Milky Way, or rowed into the darkness, with red or white tails of light, fluttering or stiff, falling straight or sweeping, sometimes lit, trembling, giving the sky some turbulence of light and heat, giving the darkness some flickering bursts. Sometimes one or two stars, sometimes several stars, sometimes a single giant star pierced across the sky, the tail of light was extremely long, radiating star flowers; red, fading yellow; at the end of the advance, suddenly the sky corner was whitened like a wild pleasure, as if piercing through the darkness of the ten thousand weights, penetrating and lingering some milky white light. The afterglow dissipated, the darkness seemed to shake a few times, and then wrapped up, and the quiet and lazy stars returned to their original positions, smiling in the autumn wind. There are some autumn fireflies flying on the ground that seek lovers, and they also play star-like games.

This love affair, the author Lao She wrote particularly beautifully, can be called textbook perfection. Such a beautiful love affair between men and women can be seen that Tiger Girl panders to Xiangzi in every way, and Xiangzi also has feelings for Tiger Girl.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

As a thirty-eight-year-old girl, Tiger Lady wants to marry, which is understandable, and she is not hungry.

She did not find a random person to marry, she took a fancy to the honest and diligent Shoko, he did not have bad habits, did not smoke, did not drink, worked hard, did not talk much, but had his own principles of doing things, also had his own life plan, and lived happily every day.

The old woman does not marry, and the ground is falling to the sky. Tiger Girl has this kind of strength, she is straightforward and cute: I love Shoko, I want to marry Shoko! I'm not young, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to marry someone. I have decided this matter, and the Heavenly King Lao Tzu cannot stop it.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

This straight-forward personality is much better than the kind of woman who hides something and knows how to play hide-and-seek with men. People say yes?

Compared to Tiger Girl, Shoko is too weak chicken. He was obviously attracted to the tiger girl, got on the tiger girl's kang, and left at dawn.

I won't be able to hold your hand again after dawn

  I will slowly leave your dreams after dawn

  Not daring to say goodbye is not being able to say it

  What reason should you use to keep you after dawn?

  All that remains after dawn is loneliness

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

We all know that in the matter of men and women, if men do not take the initiative, women cannot be stronger than men. Therefore, Shoko's behavior is a manifestation of irresponsibility. Shoko has a scumbag temperament in her bones.

Tiger Lady makes a little trick, and Shoko obediently takes the bait

After sleeping with Shoko, Tiger Girl confirmed her love even more.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

When love comes, she is happy. However, this happiness is to be given, and it is also necessary to learn to accept disappointment and pain and parting. Since then, life is no longer pure. However, all the endings, Tiger Lady has thought about it.

However, Shoko did not think so. After coming down from the tiger girl's kang, Shoko regretted it. He quickly fled and went to Mr. Cao's house to pull Bao Yue, in order to avoid the tiger girl.

Shoko reflects on her actions and confirms that she does not love Tiger Girl, because she is not a pure love girl, and she and herself are not the first time. Besides, she is old and ugly, and she is still powerful... It's good to just be a friend, but to marry home and be a wife, Shoko doesn't want to wronged herself.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

He even thought of leaving Beiping, or marrying a woman immediately, so as to break the idea of tiger girl. But I thought about it, I loved Beiping, and I couldn't afford to raise a wife, and I still put thirty yuan in Liu Si's place, and if I married my relatives, that money would definitely not be returned.

As a result, Shoko did nothing and let her days go on day by day.

The result, of course, was that tiger chicks came looking for her. She held her stomach and found Mr. Cao's house. Tell Shoko that she has it.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

Shoko was stunned. Tiger Lady gave him advice, Liu Si let him come on his birthday, coaxed the old man to be happy, and then slowly recognized his father.

Shoko said that she was busy and did not want to go.

Tiger Girl said something straight to her neck: This is not the end of the listen! I can't find it! Don't give in, I really hurt you, and you don't have to know what to do! me bull's neck, no good for you, tell you!

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

In the process of giving Advice to Shoko, Tiger Girl has such a declaration: the old man will not go down to his relatives. I don't care, I like you, like it, whatever else it does!

I like you! Tiger Lady said this loudly.

Courage is the only virtue that cannot be forged. This virtue, tiger chicks have. If there is love, it is brave to chase, and tiger girls have the courage and determination of modern women to pursue love.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

Tiger Lady decides for herself and marries Shoko

On Liu Si's birthday, Xiangzi came. Unfortunately, Tiger Girl's pre-planned plan was wrong, and the old man was furious and resolutely disagreed with the marriage between Tiger Girl and Shoko. Finally, in full view of everyone, Tiger Lady became her own master and married herself to Shoko.

Tiger Lady married herself.

In the original work, it is written that everything is done by yourself and done quickly. Tiger Lady rented two small rooms by herself; she found a framer and begged someone to write a few happy words. The house was mushy, and she went to talk about the palanquin.... When everything was done, she herself rushed to wear a red silk coat; she took care of all this herself, and then gave Shoko 30 yuan and told Shoko to buy a new dress from head to toe.
Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

On the sixth day of the first year, Tiger Lady sat on a flower palanquin. Without a word with her father, without the escort of her brothers, without the congratulations of relatives and friends, Tiger Lady married Xiangzi.

That night, Shoko learns that Tiger Girl is not pregnant. This thing tiger chicks become tricky. Tiger Girl explained to Shoko that the so-called pregnancy was nothing more than a pillow stuffed on the waistband of her pants. Tiger Girl laughed loudly, and tears came out of her eyes.

However, Tiger Lady is quite right. For the sake of Shoko, quarrel with Daddy. Tiger Lady Tu is not Tu Xiangzi this person. I have brought myself for so many years, and in the future, I will not all be Xiangzi, how cheap Xiangzi is making.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

After marriage, Tiger Lady pulled Shoko out shopping and playing every day. However, Shoko was not happy. He wanted to pull the car.

One day, he said that he wanted to discuss with Tiger Girl, and the first sentence was: How much money do you have? This sentence suddenly exposed Shoko's selfishness. To say that marrying a tiger girl is not for money, who believes it.

And tiger girl, the tiger girl who really loves Shoko, how does she think, she thinks it is, Shoko pulls a car, asks for food, she will always follow him. That's it.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy
In the original work, it is written that she (tiger girl) sat on the kangtou, dazed, vague, thinking of the happiness after marriage; her whole body was like a large red flower, and the fragrance opened warmly in the sun. No, I don't want Shoko. Let him go and pull the cart, he will go to ask for food, and he will have to follow him forever. Look, look at the women in the courtyard, if they can bear it, she can also bear it. Forget it, she didn't want to go to the Liu family.

After marriage, Tiger Lady was at ease to be the wife of a foreign coachman, and lived with Xiangzi with a dead heart, she carefully took care of Xiangzi's diet and living, and later took out money to buy a car for Xiangzi.

Pulling the car that Tiger Lady bought, Shoko was not satisfied. He was touched by a beautiful girl in the same courtyard, Xiao Fuzi. Every time I saw Xiao Fuzi, the clumsy Shoko had to say a few words.

This situation was quickly seen by tiger girls. Tiger Girl went crazy with jealousy. She began to beat Shoko and spread rumors about Xiaofuzi outside, almost forcing Xiaofuzi to survive.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

In fact, tiger girls' behavior is blameless. As the husband of Tiger Girl, Shoko is out with Xiaofuzi, which is beyond the duty of a husband. So you can't blame Tiger Girl for being angry.

Tiger Girl is pregnant, which also fully shows that she truly loves Shoko. Otherwise, she wouldn't have risked having children at the age of forty. But Tiger Girl did. She knew how difficult it was for an elderly woman to conceive and have a child, but she did it with all her might, except for a love word, what else could she do?

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

Some people say that Tiger Lady has no love for Shoko, only control.

This is certainly not true, no woman will control a man at the cost of her life, unless, of course, she loves him! Tiger Girl is the woman who gives love!

Unfortunately, the selfish Shoko refused to sell the car to raise money to send her to the hospital at the last moment of Tiger Girl's life, and finally buried Tiger Girl's life in vain.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

We can laugh at tiger girls for being ugly and tiger girls for speaking rudely, but we can't laugh at tiger girls' love for Shoko. Because this kind of love, which really flows from the heart, is beautiful. Unfortunately, she met someone unladylike and finally lost her life.

At the end of the novel, Xiangzi meets Liu Si, and Liu Si says a word: Fall into the fucking hands of you, and there is no death?!

The so-called zhi daughter Mo Ruo father. Liu Si went south and north, no one had ever seen it, and although Xiangzi looked honest, he was actually the most ruthless person. It was because Liu Si confirmed this, for the sake of Tiger Girl's happiness and for the safety of his own property, that he resolutely disagreed with the marriage between Tiger Girl and Xiangzi. Unfortunately, Tiger Girl was blinded by love, could not recognize the good and bad, and finally took her own life.

Look at "Camel Xiangzi" again, only to understand how great the love of the tiger girl is, and Xiangzi is not worthy

Every woman deserves better love. Be sure to polish your eyes and love someone who deserves to be loved, not just someone who looks honest.

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