
Lead the camel home

author:Ideal Lao Zhang 815
Lead the camel home

The picture is taken from the Internet

I remember when I was in elementary school, the teacher left homework and asked me to keep a diary every day and check it once a week. The things of the school days are the same, and there is nothing new to write about, so it has become a common thing to make up stories and make up a diary, but unfortunately in the future, I can't even make up a story, but the homework still has to be handed in, and things like watching ants move and fly fights are also written into the diary. Probably because the teacher thought that I was coping with my homework, and once said in front of the whole class that my diary was very interesting, but it was meaningless, and asked me to write more meaningful things in the future.

Of course, I knew that the teacher asked us to practice writing in the diary, but in reality, there are so many meaningful things that happen. I still remember that there was another task that I still find funny: to do a good deed during the holidays. Of course, this must be a meaningful thing, but meaningful good people and good things are not easy to do, now that I think about it, to complete this task, it really needs the right time, place and people, and it is indispensable, otherwise it will not be completed at all, and finally my honest and honest homework is basically blank. It's a pity that after the start of school, the teacher commented on the homework, and I realized that I was the only one who was blank, and I was surprised that my classmates could find opportunities to do good deeds, why couldn't I have encountered such an opportunity. Later, I learned that their "good people and good deeds" are basically helping grandmothers or grandfathers cross the road, and it turns out that the whole holiday classmates are guarding the side of the road and waiting for the old people to cross the road.

Lead the camel home

The picture is taken from the Internet

Two days ago, I saw a particularly interesting story, about a Fujian buddy who went to Xinjiang for a poor trip, and when he got there, he saw a camel that he liked very much since he was a child, and he was very happy, so he thought about how to get a camel back to his hometown. This buddy is really powerful, he really bought a camel, in order to be able to transport the camel home, and bought a second-hand tractor, just like that, the buddy drove the tractor, and his beloved camel stood on the tractor, all the way from Xinjiang - Gansu - Ningxia - Shanxi...... Thousands of miles, all the way south, spend all the money on the body, set up a stall on the side of the road, "camel group photo": standing group photo 5 yuan, riding group photo 10 yuan, enough to set off to the next station to close the stall and continue walking. In this way, I went all the way to Hangzhou, and the "kind" passers-by called the police, and when the police and traffic police arrived, they looked at the tractor driven by the guy and the camel on the tractor, and they were also blindfolded. When he learned that the guy wanted to bring the camel home as a pet, the police officer at the scene completely collapsed. In the end, after the coordination of the relevant departments, the camel was sold to a local zoo, the man's tractor was also disposed of, and the government gave the man a return fee. Before the reporter arrived, the guy had already left Hangzhou by train. I thought this was the end of the matter, but some people felt that leading the camel home was a "very meaningful thing", and should be publicized and reported, when the reporter found the guy, the guy and his family were setting up a night stall, and the scene was that the guy was dancing a big spoon in the back to make a meal ordered by the diners, and the young man's daughter-in-law was busy entertaining guests in front. The reporter waited for the guy to finish and chatted with him about it, the guy smiled and said that he didn't think there was any point in this matter, but he thought it was very interesting, and he told the reporter that his community does not allow large "pets", so the official handling should be more reasonable. Looking at the guy who was covered in oil and smoke, the reporter had long lost interest in reporting, and even felt a little disappointed.

The life of the people is more of a thick fireworks, even if you think about whether it is meaningful to do things, you really get entangled in these and then do things, I'm afraid it is only in books.

Three meals a day, love life, and everything you eat has a taste.

Lead the camel home

The picture is taken from the Internet

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