
Why can camels chew cacti? If the mouth is not pricked, won't the intestines be scratched?

author:Chenben cloth
Why can camels chew cacti? If the mouth is not pricked, won't the intestines be scratched?
Why can camels chew cacti? If the mouth is not pricked, won't the intestines be scratched?
Why can camels chew cacti? If the mouth is not pricked, won't the intestines be scratched?

Camels are able to chew cacti without getting pricked because of their special mouth structure and digestive system. The details are as follows:

- Oral structure: The inside of their mouth is covered with conical mastoid processes. These papillae are made of keratin, which resembles human fingernails and hair, and are very hard. This natural armor allows the camel not to be pricked by sharp thorns when chewing on a cactus. In addition, when they eat cacti, they chew them several times like chewing gum, using their mastids to smooth out the spines before swallowing, thus avoiding injuries to their esophagus.

- Digestive system: Camels are ruminants, which means they have a unique digestive system that efficiently handles rough plant material. After the initial chewing, the food is stored in the rumen and then regurgitated for fine chewing. Such a mechanism helps to further destroy the cactus' spikes, reducing potential damage to the intestines.

In summary, camels are able to safely consume cacti thanks to their adaptable physiological characteristics, including a hard oral mastoid process and efficient ruminant digestion. These traits work together to allow camels to survive in extreme environments like deserts and get the water they need from tricky plants.

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