
Teach you three steps to do a good job in management improvement and improve organizational effectiveness

author:Wang Yizhi systematic learning

Performance of inefficient management

Teach you three steps to do a good job in management improvement and improve organizational effectiveness

"If you want to be rich, build roads first" is a recognized way to change a region, I still remember when I was a child, there was a loess road in my hometown that led to outsourcing, and when it rained, the roads became slippery and muddy, and the motto of the adults in the village at that time was to study hard and leave here in the future. Not only are several villages around us like this, but now the villages and villages have built roads, and there are not only highways but also high-speed rail stations nearby, which has suddenly brought the economy to fire. The same principle also applies to the management reform and improvement of the organization, I have seen many organizations also personally experience the lack of sound communication channels and communication methods in the organization, forming an island of information. As a result, the management efficiency and quality of the entire organization are particularly low, and for such an organization, it is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

Meeting communication is inefficient and has no focus

Generally for a lack of a well-managed organization, you only need to attend one of their meetings to determine. The first characteristic of this type of organization is that it loves to hold meetings, and likes to organize a meeting to communicate and solve no matter what. The second is that the meeting has not been focused for a very long time. Every detail is mentioned in a meeting, whether it is important or not. Everyone knows that people's attention is time-limited, and it is often because of this kind of smelly and long meeting that everyone is absent-minded, and a lot of important information is missed.

Everyone is reporting good news but not worry, and is unwilling to expose the problem

This phenomenon exists in many organizations, and in fact, it has a lot to do with the culture of the organization. It often causes a herd effect, that is, some new recruits may report some problems and risks at the beginning but one is not paid attention to and solved, and the other is that their management is not in place in the comparison of those who do not report problems and risks.

The most important thing is not to investigate the cause after the problem, so that everyone is willing to hide the problem and risk, until the last moment to give the leader a surprise.

There is a lack of monitoring and quality control of the work process

Because there is no good supervision measure, everyone works according to the assembly line and repeats the work. As a manager, you need to have four major links: planning, organization, leadership and control. The lack of an information superhighway for organizational management does not have a data support and rational analysis. Then the main work of managers is to wait quietly for the problem to occur in addition to patting their heads. This way of managing is sure to be of low quality.

How to achieve management improvement in three steps and improve organizational effectiveness

Teach you three steps to do a good job in management improvement and improve organizational effectiveness

So what should the real way of management look like? The first thing that needs to be made clear is that everything is speaking with data. The management range of the team without data support can only be under the premise of a small number of personnel and all of them are working in a unified location, and it is certainly problematic for a team with a large number of personnel and a dispersed office to record the process and work of collating and analyzing the work data, but to communicate with pure language. Secondly, the problems and risks analyzed by data can form a closed loop to solve, with preparation in advance, inspection in the event, and feedback after the fact, rather than a linear process lacking feedback. Finally, the management of the organization is not only to deal with daily work, but more importantly, the maturity of organizational management is constantly improving. For example, a typical error and problem can be timely early warning and avoidance in future management work, rather than always falling behind in the same place or problem.

The absence of any of the above is incomplete management.

So how can these three elements of management be implemented? We need to go through the following steps to achieve this:

Step 1: Manage the establishment and maintenance of the ledger

The so-called management ledger is the record of our daily work and the statistics of important data of our work. First of all, the statistics of important data this ledger is actually implemented in many organizations, but I have encountered many situations that the ledger is there, but there is no strict maintenance and utilization, the maintenance of the ledger is to follow up the changes in the data in real time to update the ledger, and the ledger of many organizations is not consistent with the actual situation. Such a ledger has actually lost its meaning. The reason for this situation is that the ledger is not well utilized, that is, after the record is recorded, it is archived or shelved, and everyone gradually attaches less and less importance to the ledger and does not actively maintain it. The second is the record of personal work, many people also think it is not necessary, but it is precisely because we can summarize and analyze the work over a period of time that we can absorb relevant lessons in time to achieve management maturity.

Step 2: Establish a sound communication management mechanism

Perfect communication management mechanism, focusing on conference management. A perfect and efficient conference management has the following requirements: there must be preparation before the meeting, there must be a charter for the meeting, there must be a resolution at the meeting, and there must be follow-up after the meeting.

Be prepared before the meeting

Before the meeting, it is necessary to prepare the relevant documents needed for the meeting, and avoid that there is no document to assist everyone's report and elaboration during the meeting. This is the reason why the ledger system was called for the first step, and the ledger was sorted out before the meeting in order to provide evidence at the meeting.

The conference must have a charter

Before the meeting is convened, there must be a meeting charter, telling everyone the purpose of the meeting, the topic of the meeting, the order and timing of the meeting, etc. But why, in some cases, is it that although the Conference has formulated its statutes, it cannot be observed? This is because when we are in a meeting, without control, it is easy to get caught up in a discussion of a specific issue. And if this discussion continues for a long time, it will disrupt the charter of the entire meeting, so the meeting also needs to have a moderator for proper control.

The Conference must have a resolution

Meetings and communications require everyone to reach consensus on some work and issues in the past. Therefore, what is important in the minutes of the meeting is not the record of the process but the resolution of the meeting on the issue, and the relevant matters that need to be tracked after the meeting are formed through these resolutions.

There will be a follow-up after the meeting

After the completion of the meeting is not the end of the meeting, the matters that need to be followed up at the meeting must be set up to the time node and the responsible person to track and guide the solution in order to be regarded as the real completion of a meeting communication.

Step 3: Establish a performance system that meets the actual conditions

For some work, we will always see that there will always be some people who can actively implement according to the communication and plan, and there will be some people who will procrastinate and even ignore the resolution of communication. If there is no performance system that rewards the advanced and educates and punishes the backward, everyone adopts the form of a big pot of rice, and if they do more and do less, do good and do bad, the organization will form an atmosphere of prevarication and irresponsibility. The aforementioned reporting good news and not reporting worry is formed in this way, so it is necessary to establish a performance system to assist in landing.

The establishment of the performance system must be based on the actual situation of the organization, not according to the imagination and the reference of other companies. Because a bad performance system will not only not play a motivating role, but will discourage everyone's enthusiasm. For example, the principle of formulating performance is that everyone can achieve it with a little effort, and everyone's enthusiasm will be mobilized. If the performance of the formulation is too high, everyone can't achieve it no matter how hard they try, then everyone will give up trying to lie flat.

Considerations for managing the promotion process

Teach you three steps to do a good job in management improvement and improve organizational effectiveness

The landing of these systems is to change some of everyone's habits, so some corresponding measures and means should be taken in the process of landing.

First of all, it needs to be recognized and supported by the leadership, and only in this way can we truly achieve the landing. Because every organization actually has a gene that is only a leader. Leaders' preferences and habits influence the cultural atmosphere of the entire organization. Therefore, after obtaining the support of the leadership, even if there are some opinions below, they will be the most popular for implementation.

Secondly, we must communicate with the leader in a timely manner to explain the results achieved and the next step of the implementation plan, many times if we are not able to report to the leader at the right time, it will cause the leader to doubt the effect. Especially if there are voices of opposition below.

Finally, we must have firm confidence and courage, and many managers like to be good old people and are not willing to offend others. But we found that the good old people simply can't lead a team well, and the performance of managers is reflected in improving the performance of team members. How to improve the performance of team members is to guide his work and correct problems in a timely manner. In this way, the performance of team members will improve, and the performance of managers will improve. And to be a good old man is to be lazy in his own management work.


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