
The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

author:Enshi grass in the cracks

A few days ago, we just finished talking about the liver opening in the eyes, and someone consulted at the bottom, whether the kidneys are open to the ear.

It is true that the kidneys are open to the ears, but not only that, but not only that, but the kidneys are also opened in the second yin, don't you know?

Today, we're going to talk about kidneys.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

Enlighten your ears

In fact, the kidneys are open to the ear, presumably there are some friends who have the foundation of Chinese medicine who have some understanding, so here we will briefly go through it.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

Whether a person's hearing is sensitive is closely related to whether the essence in the kidney is full.

If the essence in the kidney is full and the sea of marrow is nourished, the hearing is sensitive; conversely, the essence in the kidney is weak and the sea of marrow is de-nourished, and the hearing loss is reduced.

However, some elderly people have gradual decline in the essence of the kidneys, and the sea of marrow is empty, so tinnitus and deafness are more common, so there is a saying that the kidneys are open to the ears.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

Magnet can be described as a good medicine for the treatment of deafness and tinnitus.

Magnet, although the name is magnetic, but there is no magnetism, its quality is hard and crisp, the main into the liver, kidney meridian, the work can supplement the liver and kidneys and deaf eyes, but also can help the kidneys to calm the breath.

"Materia Medica": "Kidney deficiency, deafness, deafness and dimwitted are used." "

"Outline": "Blind eyes and ears, stop gold sores and blood." "

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop


Opened in the second yin

Today's highlight is still to talk about the kidney opening in the second yin.

The so-called two yin, that is, the anterior yin and the posterior yin, the excretion of the human body's second stool, are closely related to the gasification function of the kidneys.

If the kidney yin is insufficient, the virtual fire is easy to be endogenous, burning the jin liquid in the intestine, which can cause the intestinal fluid to wither and constipation.

For example, if we compare our intestines to a river, the kidney yin is a babbling stream, and the dregs in the body are like a boat on the stream, which will flow down the river until it is discharged from the human body.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

And people with kidney deficiency, their intestines are like a dry river, the boat has long been stranded, and can only rely on brute force to expel it from the body, Chinese medicine is very vivid to call it "waterless boat", which is also one of the reasons why some people can't pull out even if they are full of energy.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

Usually, if people with yin deficiency and intestinal constipation rush to eat senna, rhubarb and other drugs that have been accumulated under diarrhea, although simple, but too rough, let's imagine, the boat ran aground, but rely on brute force to push and shove, will not it leave a deep scratch on the river? Not only is it easy to damage the intestine, but it also tends to do more with less.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop


The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop


So since there is a shortage of water, why not fill the river with water? Wouldn't it be beautiful to increase the water and sail?

Therefore, for such people with dry bowel constipation, there is a very suitable basic recipe - liquid soup (Xuan Ginseng, Mai Dong, Raw Land), from the "Wen Disease Article Identification". As the name suggests, increasing fluid and boating is also.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop


The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

Mai Dong

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

Raw land

If the kidney and yang are damaged, it is usually difficult to warm the spleen and soil of the life gate, and the transportation is abnormal, the gasification has no right, the yin and cold are strong, and the yang will eventually be deflated.

So, you go to see some people, early in the morning before dawn, on the abdominal pain is unbearable, just go straight to the toilet, this is not the law of stool, Chinese medicine called five more diarrhea, there is a more vivid title, chicken singing diarrhea.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

There is a very classic formula for the treatment of such five-more diarrhea - Sishen Pills (Schisandra, Nutmeg, Evodia, Psoralen), from the "Internal Medicine Abstract". Gong shan warms the kidneys and yang, and relieves abdominal pain.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop


The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop


The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop


The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

Tonify psoralen

In addition, the excretion of urine is also related to the gasification function of the kidneys.

People with insufficient kidney yang have frequent nocturnal urine and long urination.

And everyone to give an example is easier to understand, the human kidney yang, like a fire in the body, the bladder, just like the storage of human turbid fluid kettle, kidney yang can be the pot of clear liquid up transpiration, attached to the lungs, and re-infusion, the remaining turbidity will be discharged from the body.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

Once the kidney yang is insufficient, the fire is not strong enough, the clear liquid does not completely steam upwards, and most of it is left in the bladder as a kettle.

Chinese medicine believes that ah, the night is yin, the day is yang, the first half of the night is yang, the second half of the night is yin, so the second half of the night is the yin of the yin, therefore, many elderly people have insufficient kidney yang, coupled with environmental factors, the symptoms of frequent urination in the second half of the night are particularly significant, and because the water in the bladder can not be transpired in time, so the urine is also more clear and long.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

What about the person with the kidney deficiency, the urine is short and yellow.

Or the pot we just said, but there is little water left in the pot, the fire below, or normal burning, over time, the water in the pot is getting less and less, the concentration of turbidity is relatively large, so the urine is short and yellow.

The kidneys are open to the ear, and the two yins are also opened, and it is time to talk about the relationship between the kidneys and the poop

I'll write about it today, and we'll talk about it tomorrow.

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