
Don't miss these 6 kinds of wild vegetables, you can buy them in the market, and you have to buy them even if you are expensive, otherwise you will have to wait for the next year

author:Rice Xiaoqi

Don't miss these 6 kinds of wild vegetables, you can buy them in the market, and you have to buy them even if you are expensive, otherwise you will have to wait for the next year

In spring, whenever the weather is good, I like to go out and travel. However, due to the special circumstances now, you can't go to distant places, you can only go to some local villages. However, the natural scenery of the countryside is good, the air is good, and there are all kinds of wild vegetables to pick, which is also a good place to play in the spring. When I go to the wild, my parents like to pick wild vegetables the most. Because there are all kinds of wild vegetables in the wild, this is a gift from nature.

Don't miss these 6 kinds of wild vegetables, you can buy them in the market, and you have to buy them even if you are expensive, otherwise you will have to wait for the next year

Many people do not know wild vegetables, and even if they encounter them in the wild, they do not know how to distinguish between wild vegetables and wild grasses. If you do not know wild vegetables, it is recommended not to pick and eat them at will, so as not to be poisoned by mistake. I recommend 6 kinds of wild vegetables here, you can buy them in the wet market, don't miss it. Although the price is a little expensive, in order to taste the deliciousness of spring wild vegetables, even if it is expensive, you must be willing to buy it, otherwise you will have to wait for the next year.

1. Cabbage

Don't miss these 6 kinds of wild vegetables, you can buy them in the market, and you have to buy them even if you are expensive, otherwise you will have to wait for the next year

This wild vegetable grows on hillsides, on the edge of fields or on both sides of roads, and is widely distributed. Many people will pick it and then take it to the market to sell, because the picking is more difficult, so the price of selling is also more expensive. It is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients, such as protein, vitamins (BCE), carotene, and minerals. The calcium content is very high, or two or three times that of milk, and there are 11 kinds of amino acids, which is why the taste is so delicious.

2. Toon

Don't miss these 6 kinds of wild vegetables, you can buy them in the market, and you have to buy them even if you are expensive, otherwise you will have to wait for the next year

Toon is a wild vegetable that grows on trees, and although it can be eaten, it is essentially a leaf, that is, the tender leaves of toon trees. The taste of toon is very fragrant, so it is called toon, and there is a kind of called ailanthus, two different, one can be eaten, the other can not be eaten. Although toon is also cultivated, there is no difference between artificial and wild. So whether it's a wet market or a supermarket, you can buy toon. Toon is rich in vitamin C, carotene, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients, toon also has a special volatile aromatic organic matter, which can appetize and strengthen the spleen and enhance appetite.

3. Bracken

Don't miss these 6 kinds of wild vegetables, you can buy them in the market, and you have to buy them even if you are expensive, otherwise you will have to wait for the next year

Bracken is a young stem that grows from ferns, rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as rich in dietary fiber. Because of its delicious taste and special taste, it is loved by people, so in the spring, during the season when bracken is growing, many people will go to the wild to pick it, and bracken is very recognizable. Bracken can also be cultivated, so in the spring, bracken is also more common, and can be bought in wet markets or supermarkets.

4. Wild onions

Don't miss these 6 kinds of wild vegetables, you can buy them in the market, and you have to buy them even if you are expensive, otherwise you will have to wait for the next year

Wild onions are also called "wild garlic", "bird onions", etc., and now the shallots we often eat are domesticated from wild onions. Wild onions have high nutritional value, such as protein, carotene, vitamins, minerals and various trace elements. In particular, the unique volatile substance of wild onion has a spicy taste and has the effect of relieving the cold. Wild onions are also more common, in the wild fields, hillsides, will grow, so people often pick wild onions to sell, vegetable markets can buy.

5. Purslane

Don't miss these 6 kinds of wild vegetables, you can buy them in the market, and you have to buy them even if you are expensive, otherwise you will have to wait for the next year

Purslane is a very vigorous wild vegetable hardy and waterlogging, growing in various places, in the countryside, and even in the wasteland around the house will have its figure, so the market often appears purslane, its price is not too expensive. Purslane is rich in dihydroxyethylamine, malic acid, glucose, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin E, carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C and other nutrients. In particular, the content of omega-3 fatty acids is very high, and there is a certain miracle effect on cholesterol.

6. Wild amaranth

Don't miss these 6 kinds of wild vegetables, you can buy them in the market, and you have to buy them even if you are expensive, otherwise you will have to wait for the next year

Wild amaranth is not the same as the grown amaranth sold in the wet market, the difference between the two is relatively large, and the taste and nutritional value are much worse. Wild amaranth is delicious, has higher nutritional value, and is rich in iron and calcium. Spring is the growing season of wild amaranth, which is occasionally encountered in the wild, and if you meet it in a wet market, don't miss it, no matter how expensive it is, you have to buy it.

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