
Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

author:First Chef

Now the weather, the temperature change range is large, suddenly cold and hot, the stomach is easy to get cold, spring health should start from the intestine, should be less sour and less spicy more vegetables, balanced diet, eat a winter of sweet and salty greasy, indigestible food, now is not to give the body a good holiday?

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring
Today Xiaobian recommended to everyone is the "spring three treasures", eat more of these crude fiber vegetables, can help you promote digestion, clean the intestines, a relaxed, healthy health, each ingredient has two different methods, like can be collected first, learn to do it for the family to eat.
Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

First, lettuce: can promote the normal metabolism of the human body, maintain the function of various organs of the body, the taste is very fresh, eat slightly bitter, it can make the intestinal peristalsis more regular, can appetize healthy food, promote digestion. Generally, it can be mixed cold and fried, and the taste is very good.

Recommended recipe: 【Stir-fried meat slices with lettuce】

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

Ingredient list: 1. Peel a lettuce, change the knife to cut into diamond-shaped slices, a red pepper cut into diamond-shaped slices, a piece of lean pork, cut into even thin slices, put into a basin.

2. Next, marinate the meat slices: add salt, pepper, cooking wine to the pot, grasp well with your hands, pour in half an egg white, mix well in one direction, then add corn starch to grasp and mix evenly, and finally add vegetable oil to prevent the meat slices from sticking, put aside and marinate for 10 minutes.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

3. Cut a spring onion into pieces, a small piece of ginger into ginger slices, a few garlic slices into garlic slices, put them together in a pot and set aside.

4. Boil water in a pot, add salt to the bottom flavor, then add a little vegetable oil, after the water is boiled, add lettuce and red pepper, blanch the water for 30 seconds and turn off the heat to remove.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

5. Add cooking oil to another pot, when the oil temperature is 40% hot, add the marinated meat slices, wait for the meat slices to change color, pour out the control oil, add a little cooking oil to the pot, add green onions, ginger and garlic to fry, pour in the shredded meat and stir-fry, then pour in lettuce and red pepper, turn on high heat and stir-fry for 30 seconds.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

6. Start seasoning below: add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken essence, 1 gram of sugar to fresh, continue to stir-fry evenly, cook in 5 grams of soy sauce to fresh, stir-fry a few times hook into the water starch, pour a little oil before cooking, simply stir-fry a few times, delicious.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

Recommended recipe: [Cold mix lettuce shredded]

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

Ingredient list: 1, prepare to peel a nest shoot, first use a knife to cut into three pieces, and then cut into thin slices, hand code flat cut into even filaments, put into a basin of water to soak, so that you can make the lettuce shredded more crisp to eat, prepare half a red pepper, remove the inner pepper, cut into red pepper shreds, and bamboo shoots soaked together, used for color matching.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

2, a few grains of garlic in turn pat flat, cut into minced garlic into a small pot for later, and then fish out the soaked bamboo shoots, put into a colander to control the dry water, prepare a mixing pot, pour in the chopped garlic, add 2 grams of salt to taste, sugar 1 gram to fresh, white vinegar 5 grams, monosodium glutamate 1 gram seasoning, sesame oil 3 grams, chili oil 10 grams, do not like to eat spicy can not be put.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

3, with chopsticks stir evenly, dissolve the seasoning, pour into the water control after the nest bamboo shoot silk, upside down the basin mix well, so that the bottom of the basin seasoning and ingredients fully integrated, and finally cut a few coriander into the basin, mix well again, you can put on the plate to eat.

Second, leeks: leek dietary fiber is relatively rich, can promote intestinal peristalsis, enhance digestive function, promote human metabolism, but also prevent anemia, protect heart health, leeks are spring seasonal dishes, can be eaten appropriately, general dumplings or scrambled eggs are delicious, but remember not to eat with honey, easy diarrhea.

Recommended recipe: 【Leek pie】

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

Ingredient list: 1. Take a small basin, pour 300 grams of flour, add 1 gram of salt to increase the gluten of the flour, then stir, add the appropriate amount of boiling water, stir while adding.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

2. After stirring into dough, add a little vegetable oil, which can make the dough softer, then knead into a softer dough, seal plastic wrap, and wake up for 10 minutes.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

3. Prepare a small basin, beat in 3 eggs, add 1 gram of salt to the bottom flavor, then add a few drops of white vinegar to remove the fish, stir well and beat well.

4. Heat the pan, add a little vegetable oil to the slippery pan, pour in the egg liquid after the oil is hot, stir it with chopsticks, fry the eggs, pour it into a small basin and set aside.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

5. Prepare a small handful of leeks, cut into chopped leeks, put them in a pot, half a red pepper, cut into red pepper grains, and put the leeks together.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

6. A small handful of soaked vermicelli, chopped with a knife and put into the pot, add a little vegetable oil to the pot and mix well, so that you can lock the water inside the leek and avoid the leek from coming out of the water.

7. Add 1 gram of thirteen spices, 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of pepper, 3 grams of oyster sauce, 2 grams of sesame oil, spices can also be added according to their own taste, and then pour in the egg crushed, mix well and set aside.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

8. Brush the board with cooking oil, take out a small piece of dough, spread it out by hand, and then use a rolling pin to roll out the rectangular crust and put on the adjusted filling.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

9. First fold the two sides to wrap the filling, and then roll it up from one end, and then press the interface underneath to make a raw embryo, and the remaining filling is prepared according to this method.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

10. The electric cake bell is hot, first brush a layer of cooking oil, then put on the prepared raw embryo, press it with your hand to form a round cake, then brush a little cooking oil, cover the pot lid, about half a minute later, turn the pie over, burn until one side is slightly yellow, turn the noodles again, so repeat the noodles several times, burn the pie to two sides golden, you can come out of the pot and plate.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

Recommended recipe: [Fried river prawns with leeks]

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

Ingredient list: 1. Fresh river shrimp about a pound, wash it several times with water and put it into the basin, then pour in water, add a spoonful of salt, soak it aside for five minutes, this step is to make the river shrimp spit out the impurities in the stomach, and then fish out and put it into a colander to control the dry water.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

2. Prepare a handful of leeks cut into 2 cm long pieces, cut a few shallots into green onions, handmade flapjacks, fold them on a plate and set aside.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

3. Heat the wok and add half a spoonful of cooking oil, when the oil is 40% hot, pour in the small river shrimp, turn on the medium heat and quickly stir-fry for a while, fry out the moisture inside the river shrimp, and then pour into the colander to control the oil for later.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

4. Add a little cooking oil to the pot, pour in the green onion and stir-fry, add the leek segments, quickly stir-fry a few times, pour in the river prawns and turn well, remove the heat and start seasoning.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

5. Add 1.5 grams of salt, 0.5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 0.5 grams of pepper powder, 1 gram of cumin powder, 1 gram of chili noodles, pour in a little bright oil, turn on high heat and quickly stir-fry for 10 seconds to dissolve the seasoning, then turn off the heat and put the pot into the dish, and then roll up with flapjacks to eat.

Third, cabbage: cabbage is a wild vegetable in the spring, particularly rich in nutrition, containing protein, calcium and a variety of trace elements, can clear heat and detoxification, a large number of crude fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, in addition to its taste in the wild vegetables is the most delicious, steaming to eat the most to ensure that nutrition is not lost.

【Steamed cabbage】

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

Ingredient list: 1. Prepare 400 grams of wild cabbage, wash it and put it in the basin, add an appropriate amount of vegetable oil, lock the moisture inside the cabbage, mix well with your hands, add the appropriate amount of flour, shake and mix well, it is advisable to not stick to the hands.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

2. Boil water in the pot, put on the grate stall on the steamer cloth, after the water boils on the spread of the mixed cabbage, it is best to spread it evenly, change to medium heat and steam for 5 minutes continuously.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

3. At this time of steaming, prepare a few grains of garlic cut into minced garlic into a basin, half a red pepper cut into small pieces, and minced garlic together, add 10 grams of sesame oil, 5 grams of red oil, 5 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 5 grams of soy sauce, and mix well with chopsticks.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

4. When the time comes, take out the steamed cabbage, put it into the mixing pot, quickly shake it with chopsticks, sprinkle a little salt into the bottom flavor, mix well into the plate, and finally pour the juice evenly on the top of the cabbage, delicious.

Recommended recipe: 【Scrambled eggs with cabbage】

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

Ingredient list: 1. Prepare half a catty of fresh cabbage, wash it and put it in the basin for later, add a scoop of water to the pot, add a spoonful of salt, increase the bottom flavor of the cabbage, and then add a few drops of vegetable oil to prevent the loss of nutrients from the cabbage.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

2. After the water boils, put in the washed cabbage, blanch for about ten seconds, the color of the cabbage can be fished out, put into a colander to squeeze out the water, put it on the board and chop it with a knife.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

3. Beat 4 eggs into a bowl, add the right amount of table salt according to your taste, and then stir well with chopsticks.

4. Heat the wok, add a little cooking oil, pour in the cabbage and eggs, spread it flat with a spoon, shake the wok to heat the eggs evenly, turn the noodles after frying, gently push with a spoon, fry the eggs, and you can start the pan and plate it.

Health care starts from the intestines, middle-aged and elderly people should often eat "three treasures", regulate the stomach and intestines, and live a healthy spring

Spring health, the first to nourish the intestines, eat more "spring 3 treasures", this season makes your stomach more relaxed, today's sharing is here, pay attention to the first chef, let you eat healthier, more happy.

(First Chef Article Editor: Le Le)

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