
How to avoid tension during the IVF process in Thailand

With the continuous development and progress of IVF technology, it has become the most effective way to treat infertility, and it is gradually accepted and chosen by more and more infertility patients. Because the IVF treatment cycle is relatively long, in this treatment process, women will inevitably appear nervous, excessive pressure and other situations, although, pressure is a common human feeling, but too much pressure will affect the success of IVF, so women during treatment or try to avoid excessive pressure, should relax the mood, and then ensure the smooth progress of IVF.

How to avoid tension during the IVF process in Thailand

Hengjian Overseas said that most patients who choose to do IVF have not yet become pregnant after a long period of pregnancy preparation and treatment. Inevitably, they will have a lot of stress during the IVF cycle. However, excessive audience and extreme tension will also have a certain impact on IVF pregnancy. So, how to relieve tension when doing IVF?

1. Trust the doctor

A lot of times anxiety is due to not understanding the situation. Your own speculation will only make you more anxious. The best way is to take the initiative to ask the doctor about the problem, fully communicate with the attending doctor, understand the whole process from the doctor, and actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment, so that the success rate will be higher.

2. Let go of the psychological burden

Understand that what you are doing is only to help you conceive through high-tech technology, and don't feel anything different. Only by letting go of the psychological burden can we better cooperate with the doctor and be an ordinary mother normally.

How to avoid tension during the IVF process in Thailand

3. Adjust your mentality and emotions:

During the treatment process, adjust your mentality appropriately, correctly understand the results of IVF, do not pay too much attention, suffer from gains and losses, and try to relax. For the long-term treatment of IVF, it is necessary to treat it with an optimistic attitude, and a stable mood can make up for the lack of drugs and escort the ultimate realization of the goal.

4. Family support and encouragement

The whole test tube process, almost most of the time is a woman's business, but this child is by no means a woman's alone, therefore, the husband should give his wife intimate care and encouragement, as far as possible to accompany his wife to check together, experience the wife's hardships, give her comfort and support when she is depressed and sad, so that the wife can easily and happily go through the whole process.

How to avoid tension during the IVF process in Thailand

5. Find a hobby and divert your attention

From the moment they enter the IVF cycle, many patients do nothing, don't get out of bed, don't work, and are single-minded about having a baby. Doing so actually increases their own pressure, reminding themselves all the time that it is not easy to have a baby and cannot fail! In fact, doing something within your reach is more conducive to relaxing your mood, such as doing easier work or housework, reading books and newspapers, listening to music, communicating with relatives and friends, choosing a hobby, and trying to relax yourself.

6. Exercise appropriately and reasonably

During the test tube period, natural remedies such as yoga and breathing meditation can be combined with test tube therapy, which can help relieve stress, relax the mood, and play a good role in physiological regulation of endocrine and psychological stress reduction.

Hengjian Overseas Reminder: Through the above introduction, I believe that everyone already knows the impact of emotions on the success rate of IVF, so it is recommended that patients, since they choose IVF fertility, then relax their mentality, prepare for pregnancy well, and cooperate with doctors to do a good job in each technical process.

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