
You're not fat, really, I have proof!

You're not fat, really, I have proof!

This article is about 2600 words and takes about 6 minutes to read

Two days I talked live about the topic of weight loss, probably hundreds of netizens left a message saying to play back, but there was no screen recording at that time, so I sorted out the transcript to everyone (because the word count is too much, today I only share the first half, and the second half is sent next week).

Friends who missed the live broadcast can pay attention to my video number, next Wednesday there should be a live broadcast with the theme of weight loss, and you can receive the start reminder at the first time by paying attention to it.


Are you really fat?

Many friends are not really fat, but when looking in the mirror, they are not satisfied with their figure, especially bloggers who can often brush a good body on social platforms now, it is inevitable that there will be some body anxiety, and they feel that there is a little bit of extra meat.

But in fact, this is not "fat", you can calculate according to the following three indicators, friends who exceed the standard have the courage to say that they are "fat"!


We usually use the body mass index (BMI, Body mass index) to judge whether fat is fat or not, because it is very convenient to use, easy to measure, so it is used by health agencies around the world for obesity screening.

The calculation method is to divide the weight in kilograms, divided by the height in meters twice, according to the standard of Chinese:

Below 18.5 is considered wasting

18.5~24 is very standard

24 to 28 is overweight

More than 28 are obese

However, the disadvantages of using BMI to define "obesity" are also obvious: BMI has no way to distinguish between fat and non-fat tissue, and for individuals, the size of the waistline and the degree of fat accumulation are actually important factors associated with the high incidence of some chronic diseases.

You're not fat, really, I have proof!

| waistline to waist-hip ratio

The waist circumference to waist-to-hip ratio is an indicator of whether you are centrally obese, and these two data have been found to be significantly associated with the risk of developing a variety of chronic diseases.

In addition, studies have found that people who have more fat accumulation in the waist and abdomen have a higher risk of heart disease than those who have more fat accumulation in the buttocks and legs.

There are many different standards for measuring waist circumference, for ordinary people to choose the finest part of the waist measurement, and hip measurement to choose the hip most convex place. Measure with a soft ruler that is not elastic to adhere to the skin, but do not press against the skin.

The waist-to-hip ratio is the waist circumference value divided by the hip circumference value.

Women's waist circumference ≤ 80cm, waist and hips than ≤ 0.85 is better

Men have a waist circumference of ≤ 90cm and a waist-hip ratio of ≤ 0.9

You're not fat, really, I have proof!

| fat

The normal range of body fat rates in adults is 20% to 25% for women and 15% to 18% for men.

There are many ways to measure body fat rate, but unfortunately, the instruments that can obtain more accurate values are not available for home use.

For example, it is currently believed that the most accurate way to determine human body composition is the dual energy X-ray absorption method (DEXA), which can distinguish the fat, muscle and bone mineral content of various parts after scanning the human body, and will use this instrument to measure bone density in very high-level hospitals.

The home body fat meter generally uses the BIA bioelectrical impedance method, according to the different conductivity of fat tissue and muscle tissue to measure the body fat rate, but how much water you drink, whether the skin is dry, whether the standing posture is consistent, etc. will affect the value it measures, so you can't die in numbers, you can only observe the trend.


How to set a weight loss goal for real fat?

5% to 10% weight loss in | 6 months

If you are not very fat (most of your friends are in this case), from a medical point of view, it is encouraged to lose 5% to 10% of the weight in 6 months, and the benefit is already great, and the physical condition can be greatly improved.

You're not fat, really, I have proof!

| ideal for fat loss and 4 pounds per month

A very ideal fat loss is pure fat loss without weight loss.

I remember about six or seven years ago, I was chatting with a female celebrity, and she said that if I worked out and ate reasonably every day, I should gain weight, because she was quite thin, so she might get better.

If you really value weight, the standard does not need to be set too high, 4 pounds per month is enough.


Weight reduction speed formula

| a heat gap of 500kcal

In fact, the rate of burning fat is limited, it is impossible to burn too much in a short period of time, it is more water.

However, if you are planning a weekly weight loss plan, there is a very classic algorithm: 1 kilogram of fat requires an additional consumption of 7700 kcal.

If you want to lose 4 pounds a month, 77002÷30, you have to have a calorie gap of 500 kcal per day.

You're not fat, really, I have proof!

How is the heat gap calculated and recorded |?

The core is to consume (basal metabolism + exercise) minus the intake arrangement of 500kcal.



First of all, you have to have a concept of how many calories you have in each meal of food you eat, whether you use the mint network app, or the "Chinese Food Ingredient List" and other books, it can be easier to find, and then with a kitchen scale, there is nothing to weigh yourself, two or three weeks down to practice the ability to estimate the calories of a meal.

Then the next step is also important to record, now there are many such tools, including my own development of dietary diary, can be quick and easy to record, starting from the first meal of each day, reasonable arrangement of how much to eat today and how much to eat in the next meal.

This is the applet link

You're not fat, really, I have proof!

At the end of the last day, the consumption minus the intake can be about 500.

how to generate a good | heat gap?

1, exercise is very important

There are many netizens who leave messages asking, if only the heat gap can be generated, then I can not exercise and only eat less?

This is not recommended, exercise is important.

It is difficult to stick to only eating less, and it is longer to combine exercise. Studies have confirmed that those who exercise regularly have a much better body-to-matching adjustment of caloric intake and calorie expenditure than those who don't exercise.

It seems a bit of a detour to say that people who exercise regularly know more about being hungry and not easy to eat.

You're not fat, really, I have proof!

For example:

Young people, people who exercise regularly, if they eat too many calories in this meal, they will feel that they can't eat it at the next meal;

Or once you eat enough calories, you will receive a "full" signal in time to stop eating.

People who do not exercise, this matching adjustment may be relatively weak, or relatively late, and it is more likely to have the problem of unconsciously eating too much.

Moreover, the effect of long-term exercise on appetite regulation patterns is also relatively long-term.

In addition, exercise can also bring many other benefits to the body, including helping to improve basal metabolism.

In fact, it is very simple to want to lose weight, as long as you insist on generating a large calorie deficit, weight loss can be very fast. But in large part at this time, it is because of the loss of water.

When the calorie intake is very low, the body will decompose the muscles to provide energy, the muscles themselves have water, coupled with eating less, electrolyte intake is insufficient, the human body in order to maintain normal osmotic pressure, will also drain a part of the water, it is easy to cause a significant loss of weight.

But this decline is very easy to rebound, and even some people's basal metabolism is getting lower and lower, and it will be easier and easier to get fat in the future, and they dare not eat.

You're not fat, really, I have proof!

2. What should I pay attention to when eating less?

Even if you want to lose weight by eating a little less, you can't eat too little. At the very least, you must ensure that there is enough protein, at least 60 grams a day, and if you have more, you can reach 100 grams.

Secondly, take a multi-vitamin-mineral supplement and eat some fruits and vegetables containing potassium to ensure the balance of your electrolytes. Things like iron and vitamin B12 help prevent anemia, and calcium and vitamin D prevent bone mass loss.

Finally, ensure the amount of water, lose weight too quickly can easily lead to gallstones, at this time it is very important to drink more water.

As for black coffee, green tea or some supplements, the evidence behind these things is not sufficient, it is difficult to improve your fat loss efficiency, and the greater effect may still give you spiritual comfort, such as relieving fatigue by drinking coffee and being able to tolerate higher intensity exercise.

Like what sugary drinks, sweets, fried foods, puffed foods, etc., try to eat as little as possible and give yourself regular quantities.

Vegetables and fruits account for half of the food, a quarter of the high-protein ingredients (lean meat, eggs, fish, shrimp nuts), dairy products can still be drunk.

Do you know your BMI, waistline to waist-to-hip ratio, body fat?

After doing this, do you find that you are really not fat?

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