
Marjorie Horoscope for the twelve constellations from March 7 to March 13, 2022

Marjorie Horoscope for the twelve constellations from March 7 to March 13, 2022

[Aries] Translator: @c4ndy

You're not going to let yourself grow grass, so you'll be determined to set goals for the future in the coming weeks. Energetic friends and teammates can sometimes test your patience, but if you happen to be on their side, they will be valuable support. Looking forward optimistically, you'll shine in a large group. Your best circle of friends is always welcome, and when you want to go out for a walk, you won't be short of invitations or contact information.

[Taurus] Translator: @ Pink Rice Cooker

In the weeks that follow, when you throw up your hands and leave, no one will accuse you of lack of courage or too timid. You're trying to get Mars to leave its mark on your middle sky, which will make you ambitious and competitive. Venus is also in harmony, and you will also understand that charm convinces everything. Your goal is to impress influential people nearby. Compliments will get you most positions, so keep giving compliments. These suggestions may not always be sincere, but they will work as they should.

[Gemini] Translator: @ginnyisdog

Eager to try and passionately promote your point of view in all respects, you have expressed your expectations too strongly because you want to output. Luckily, your truthfulness and candor can ignite popular enthusiasm. During the weeks of Venus in Aquarius, you want to be adventurous and social. If you want to invite friends to dinner, you want it to be a feast, or with a foreign-related theme.

[Cancer] Translator: @ Not fat is strong

The coming weeks will be a mixed time. Sometimes it feels like a struggle, and you may not have patience with slow progress and the stubbornness of others. You have to make fair compromises about money or your love life to all those involved. Although you will tend to be confidential and don't want to share your deep needs. Only those who are very close will guess what you're thinking, because you'll go deeper into the search for better long-term answers.

[Leo] Translator: @ Fish that can't yoga

You're a little unimpressed with teamwork right now. If you can use synergy, you must do it better than yourself, and better yet, you can avoid the energy-wasting conflicts and differences between people. In the next few weeks, Venus will be in your opposite house, and good things will happen to your intimate relationship. Not only is your ta more enthusiastic and romantic, but you can also find yourself in this social background.

[Virgo] Translator: @SpaceBle

Over the next few weeks, you'll be energized, engaged in your work, and out of the chaos of reality. If you rush into chaos and collapse too quickly, you may fall into anger and even encounter accidents. Please value your physical health as you would with real things. Witty Venus and powerful Mars meet to form a union, and doing a good job will bring you comfort, and the company atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable. You'll be happy to do your job with care.

[Libra] Translator: @ Scoop Mirror

Your enthusiasm and passion will soar, and in the coming weeks, you have the right to be yourself. No one is going to push you into a corner and demand that you comply with their demands. You'll want to take responsibility and go your own way. You'll love to party and present yourself in a dramatic way. No one will miss your energetic personality, as the optimistic Mars and the fascinating Venus come to your place in the house of romance, innocence, entertainment, and self-expression.

[Scorpio] Translator: @ meat bun delicious w

In the next few weeks, when you are at home, feelings of impatience and nervousness may begin to well-flood. But you have to see the positive benefits of letting these emotions float out so that you can understand them and get rid of them all from your system. You know, behind your occasional grumpiness, you're actually trying to express your love for your intimate family. This is a good time to plan gatherings and tidy up the arrangements in the house, so everything went smoothly.

[Sagittarius] Translator: @ Hidden Wind Pulling Branches

In the weeks that follow, when you're rushing through excursions, writing letters, making phone calls, and talking non-stop, you may sometimes be too outspoken, while in other people you may be too argumentative. Luckily, the witty Venus is moving hand in hand with powerful Mars, and it'll make you glamorous when you blow up. Your harmonious use of words ensures that you are relaxed and not too aggressive, and you will be very convincing.

Capricorn Translator: @Milk and Tea Tea

You need to maintain your financial security for a long time, and in the coming weeks you will work to strengthen your financial security and financial accumulation. You will defend your rights and ensure that you get what you deserve. Venus will bring you irresistible banquets and luxuries, and you will have a journey of consumption. Small, inexpensive objects don't really impress people. Only the beautiful, luxurious, expensive good times in life that you love can touch your heart.

[Aquarius] Translator: @ Tangled bacteria Zzzzzzzzzz

Energetic Mars will now be in your sign for weeks, and your patience may be worn out by clearing the constant obstacles and dealing with those who oppose you. Some social tactics will help, but in general, your straightforward response is what you need to achieve your goals. Most importantly, you'll look great because your elaborate dressing attracts praise and praise from others, and you'll show your best in social situations.

[Pisces] Translator: @ is not fat is strong

There will be an emotional change this week and you will find that direct action or collision will not get you anything. In fact, the harder you push forward for a while, the less successful you become, and therefore you may need to develop patience as well. At the same time you are not as cheerful and outgoing as usual. But don't become pessimistic and depressed. The good side is that you're going to be exposed to creative or inspired things, and you're going to be softer, wiser, and more energetic because you're deeper connected to yourself or to people who are like you.

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