
Marjorie Horoscope for the twelve constellations from March 14 to March 20, 2022

Marjorie Horoscope for the twelve constellations from March 14 to March 20, 2022

[Aries] Translator: @c4ndy

You need to follow your hunches and compassion, but be careful not to put your loved ones or friends on stage. If you're expecting miracles, you may end up disappointed when they don't meet your hopes. The truth may not be their fault, because you've seen something that wasn't offered at first. After midweek, while you'd rather disappear into a quiet space for a break, your conscience will make you helpful.

[Taurus] Translator: @ Pink Rice Cooker

If you feel sluggish these days, then completely mess it up and let the problem go unchecked. Your head feels like you've experienced the fog of the deep sea or you feel unpowered. Just note that you're not misled by vague intuition or unreliable information from others. After midweek, balancing the need for the future with your momentary desire for fun is part of the message conveyed by the full moon. You have to find a way to both own the cake and enjoy eating it at the same time.

[Gemini] Translator: @ginnyisdog

Sometimes you may feel sleepy or uncertain throughout the day, or feel that things are not as clear and direct as they should be. On the bright side, you are compassionate, kind, sensitive, and aware of the needs of others, but don't let sentimentality make you too generous. After midweek, the full moon occurs at the lowest end of your astrolabe, which indicates that you need to take a break from too many things and think more about yourself instead. You can't rationally decide everything and forget your own mind.

[Cancer] Translator: @ Not fat is strong

You may feel chaotic this week, with low concentration and energy. Put your usual requirements aside and do nothing. You're not in the mood to control or resist. After midweek as the full moon runs through the daily communication area of your astrolabe, you will restart your energy. You won't have boring time, but try not to get yourself caught up in trivialities. If you can stand a little farther and get a broader view, you will get better judgment.

[Leo] Translator: @ Fish that can't yoga

Focus your attention on the quiet company that makes you feel good, you don't want to do any strenuous activities next, you need to protect yourself, treat yourself like precious porcelain. Stay away from those who are ambitious. You may restart after midweek. You know that without money, you can't be happy, but you also know that good friends are important.

[Virgo] Translator: @A miao's star lake miao

If everything is out of plan, don't panic. Neptune these days are not conducive to your self-improvement, or boost your self-confidence or energy. Living at a slow pace is not laziness or waste, just go with the flow. As you approach the weekend, the full moon in your own zodiac sign will be important for intimate partnerships. You will need more support, as well as the freedom to please yourself. This may not make sense, but that's how you feel. Until you're sane about what you're expecting, it's best to take a step back.

Marjorie Horoscope for the twelve constellations from March 14 to March 20, 2022

[Libra] Translator: @ Scoop Mirror

If you're in a vulnerable state, or if certain plans don't go well, adjust yourself. When the dust settles and the fog clears, you'll be more decisive about how to solve the problem. This is not the time to start a vigorous discussion. You prefer to retreat to a protected space, cut off from the outside world. You will be pulled by your sense of responsibility, thinking of working and serving others. Try to find a balance between these and your own needs.

[Scorpio] Translator: @ meat bun delicious w

If you have complaints or resentments, this week is not a good time to deal with them. Anger or stubbornness do not work. It's also not a good time to go about business or do anything that requires attention to detail. Your main goal is to have fun and enjoy life. You might have a wise idea to make a long-term plan. If you get by, you won't get any good results.

[Sagittarius] Translator: @ Hidden Wind Pulling Branches

Maybe you don't want to face an unpleasant situation or lose embarrassment. Relationships with others can confuse you. Try to figure out if this confusion was intentional. Intimate people may try to put smoke bombs or avoid. There's little point in trying to suppress them, but at least if you learn about it, you can be patient and wait for the moment. You may have been on the edge of your time at home or with your loved ones in recent days, but you'll be eager to attract attention and raise awareness at work or socially.

Capricorn Translator: @Milk and Tea Tea

If you're expecting something from your friends or loved ones, be sure to proceed with caution. They may be trying to deceive you. Don't let your heart lead you to a dead end, you need to set limits on yourself. After the middle of the week, the adventurous full moon will give you the urge to change, broaden your horizons, and make your life challenging and exciting again. Pay attention to the corners and corners of life.

[Aquarius] Translator: @ Tangled bacteria Zzzzzzzzzz

You will make some self-sacrifice, but don't be an airbag or a martyr. Be helpful, but also assert your rights. If relationship problems bother you, you'll need to be more straightforward, even if it takes considerable effort to push yourself forward. On the other hand, your emotions can be stressful, so it's important not to overreact to something short-lived. You can ask someone close to you for support or advice. Learn to ask questions.

[Pisces] Translator: @ is not fat is strong

Neptune's early days close to the Sun may be beautiful, sensitive, inspired, and creative, but not very practical. This can make you unfounded. It's important not to take any of your feelings for granted. It's important to control your imagination and repeatedly confirm that you're really in the right direction. After midweek, the full moon will make you think carefully about a relationship. You want more support and you want to be independent. You need to know how to meet your needs without external forces.

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