
Greeting the Asian Games, Offering True Feelings - Mr. Guo Mu used the calligraphy and painting exhibition to convey the spirit of the Asian Games

With 180 days to go before the opening of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou in 2022, the whole city of Hangzhou is busy to welcome this sports event, and many enterprises and the public are also actively participating in sports public welfare activities. Conveying the spirit of the Asian Games and looking forward to the Asian Games, Hangzhou is full of a strong festive atmosphere of welcoming the Asian Games and looking forward to the Asian Games.

In this upcoming Asian Games event, everyone is looking forward to it. For the wonderful opening of this grand event, everyone is also using practical actions to help the Asian Games, which reminds me of the interview with Mr. Guo Mu more than 20 years ago when he was specially invited to Beijing to participate in the opening of the 11th Beijing Asian Games.

The 11th Asian Games in Beijing, China, 1990, was the first and largest international multi-sport event hosted by China, with a total of 6,578 sports delegations from 37 countries and regions that are members of the Olympic Council of Asia. In order to host the 1990 Beijing Asian Games, like the Hangzhou Asian Games, everyone has done a lot of preparatory work and efforts, building the Olympic Sports Center and the Main Stadium of the Asian Games mainly based on the Asian Games Village, as well as a large number of interchanges and spacious roads.

Greeting the Asian Games, Offering True Feelings - Mr. Guo Mu used the calligraphy and painting exhibition to convey the spirit of the Asian Games

In order to support the Asian Games to be held in Beijing for the first time, Mr. Guo Mu also actively participated in the 11th Beijing Asian Games with practical actions. Before the opening of the Asian Games in Beijing, Mr. Guo Mu held the fourth "Guo Mu Calligraphy and Painting Works Exhibition" public welfare activity in Hangzhou. At the scene of the calligraphy and painting exhibition, Mr. Guo Mu sold 60 calligraphy and painting works, and all the proceeds were donated to the Zhejiang Provincial Foundation of the 11th Asian Games.

Greeting the Asian Games, Offering True Feelings - Mr. Guo Mu used the calligraphy and painting exhibition to convey the spirit of the Asian Games
Greeting the Asian Games, Offering True Feelings - Mr. Guo Mu used the calligraphy and painting exhibition to convey the spirit of the Asian Games

In the "Exhibition of Guo Mu's Calligraphy and Painting Works", Li Zemin, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Liu Feng, deputy secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and many other provincial leaders attended the opening ceremony, carefully watched Mr. Guo Mu's calligraphy and painting works, and highly praised these works with profound foundation, unique style, strong ideological and artistic nature. Mr. Guo Mu was commended and affirmed that he could come up with such a good work for charity donation.

Greeting the Asian Games, Offering True Feelings - Mr. Guo Mu used the calligraphy and painting exhibition to convey the spirit of the Asian Games
Greeting the Asian Games, Offering True Feelings - Mr. Guo Mu used the calligraphy and painting exhibition to convey the spirit of the Asian Games

Mr. Guo Mu is a famous Chinese calligrapher and painter. Since he was a child, he liked to learn calligraphy and painting, and under the guidance of the old man, he read posts, pro-post, back post, silent post, and studied various inscriptions. From the age of nine, he copied Zhao Mengfu's "Seven Views"; During his secondary school years, he was fond of Han Li, Shan Yi Ying, Li Zhou, Kong Ware and Rare Huang Poetry Stele. After turning to Yiduo, he received the guidance of Sha Lao after arriving in Hangzhou, and often accompanied Sha Menghai, Li Kuchan and Tan Jiancheng to participate in various art activities. He has held 15 exhibitions of personal calligraphy and painting works in Huzhou, Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Beijing, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Germany and other places, and has participated in more than 900 international exhibitions and activities in more than 100 countries in the world.

Greeting the Asian Games, Offering True Feelings - Mr. Guo Mu used the calligraphy and painting exhibition to convey the spirit of the Asian Games

Welcome the Asian Games and help the Asian Games. Mr. Guo Mu supported the 1990 Beijing Asian Games with the public welfare activities of the Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, demonstrating his enthusiastic expectations and selfless dedication to China's first Asian Games. In order to express his sincere support for Mr. Guo Mu, the Organizing Committee of the Beijing Asian Games specially invited Mr. Guo Mu to attend the opening ceremony of the 11th China Beijing Asian Games as an "artist representative".

Since then, Mr. Guo Mu has formed an indissoluble relationship with the Asian Games. Today, the 19th Asian Games in 2022 will be held in Hangzhou, and Mr. Guo Mu is even more excited, and he has a lot of feelings when he mentions the Asian Games. While looking forward to the arrival of the Hangzhou Asian Games and sending good wishes for the Asian Games, it also aroused Mr. Guo Mu's full memories of the 11th Asian Games.

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