
From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?

author:I am Lan Elf

To be honest, if I hadn't stumbled upon a video of Oprah's interview with her on TV in 2020, I think I probably would never have thought she was such a courageous, well-intentioned, and loving person, because over the years, the most I've seen in the media and on the Internet is her shocking and bizarre outfit, which is really very compelling, but it also prevents me from understanding her wishes, and I admit that I am one of many mortals who look at people. Now, after inadvertently seeing and listening to her real experience and inner feelings, the admiration and emotion in my heart suddenly arise. I'm not a fan of hers, just a pure passerby, but now, I want to know more about her.

She is Lady Gaga, a popular female singer, songwriter, actress and philanthropist who has been known worldwide for 12 years.

From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?

Lady Gaga

From an early age, Lady Gaga suffered from school bullying, humiliation, and inner inferiority because of her appearance; at the age of 19, she suffered multiple sexual assaults, which caused her to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, and due to the lack of timely intervention, this painful mental illness further led to the physical pain that tormented her for many years, a fibromyalgia syndrome that made her whole body ache. After becoming famous, he suffered a series of blows such as the betrayal of his agent and the abandonment of his partner, and it was difficult for anyone to bear the pain, but Lady Gaga was tenacious and self-helped again and again, breaking through the unbearable pain of these ordinary people again and again, without complaining, without resentment, but with love.

Her redemption for herself began with the determined pursuit of her dreams, even if this process of pursuit made too many people uncomfortable, even scorned her, mocked and slandered, she did not flinch, she used the same courage as her "earth-shattering, weeping ghost god" costume, defiant of the world's contemptuous gaze. Because, all of this is under her control, these are her self-redemption tricks.

From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?

From the strange outfits that initially shocked the world, to the slow return to the true self.

From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?

She not only let her talent be fully displayed, but also made the world pop music scene deeply brand her name. She walked out of a particularly rough and wonderful road, and all the bittersweet and bittersweet along the way polished her little by little, so that she could finally unload the cruel tricks she had and talk about it all with peace and warmth.

From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?

And began to move from self-redemption to love and help for others.

From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?

Yes! This maverick, brave and talented woman began her spiritual awakening, she began to pay attention to mental health, and wanted to help more people in need!

From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?

She accepted the pain she had experienced over the years, and she found the value that those pains brought to her. She knows that feeling too well, so she can better understand and understand other suffering people, empathize with them, and use more appropriate ways to encourage and help them out of the haze.

From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?

She told the story of the arduous mental journey over the years, so frank and true, that people were shocked. In the program, she also sincerely and solemnly reads her promise to everyone about the future:

"I promise to do my best to bring together the world's greatest minds and unite to solve the mental health crisis that is beguing our world, and I want to start a treatment center because I am giving to others as well as to myself."

From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?

She said that, and really did.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic raged around the world, and on April 18, to express her gratitude to the medical staff, Lady Gaga and the non-profit organization Global Citizen jointly launched the charity concert "One World: Together At Home". The concert lasted eight hours and included celebrities from all over the world, from host to attendees, including Celine Dion, Lang Lang, Billie Eilish, Paul McCartney, Alanis Morissette, Andrea Bocelli, Chris Martin, Elton Martin, and Otherworld. Nearly 100 well-known musicians from around the world, including Elton John, John Legend, Keith Urban, Lizzo, Stevie Wonder, and more, performed at home, with about 2.7 billion viewers online at the time. Lady Gaga also appealed to charities and philanthropists to donate a staggering US$127.9 million (about RMB9.05 billion) and donated the funds to the WHO COVID-19 Response Fund.

From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?
From the transformation of shocking world to love, what has she experienced over the years?

"I believe in kindness, and kindness heals the world." This is the sentence that touched me the most, and it is also the warmest expression to the world.

【About the Author】

Founder of LanJing ~ Guilin Lanjing Psychological Counseling Center, National Second-level Psychological Counselor, National Third-level Health Management Division, Pink Ribbon Care Foundation Transmission Ambassador, Body, Mind and Soul Growth Mentor, Popular Vocal Teacher.

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