
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School

author:Say Shi Yuandi

On October 22nd, Liu Qing, head of the Hebei Admissions Team of Tsinghua University and professor of the Department of Energy and Power of Tsinghua University, came to our school and gave an exciting report meeting for the representatives of the second year of high school students.

Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School

▲ Professor Liu Qing made a report

In the report, Professor Liu Qing introduced in detail the profound historical heritage, colorful university life, advanced education concepts and first-class education environment of Tsinghua University. It was also mentioned that Zaoqiang Middle School is an excellent student source base of Tsinghua University, and praised the hard-working, practical and hard-working Zao middle school students, and hoped that more outstanding students in Zaoqiang would apply for Tsinghua University and realize their dreams in life at Tsinghua University.

Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School

▲ School leaders, teachers and students listened carefully to the report

Through listening to the lecture, the students really felt the Tsinghua spirit of "self-improvement and generous morality" carried by Professor Liu, and were deeply infected by this spirit.

Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School

▲ Professor Liu Qing and President Kong attended the symposium

Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School
Professor Liu Qing of Tsinghua University came to Hengshui Zaoqiang Middle School

▲ Professor Liu Qing talked with the students and answered their questions

After the report, Professor Liu Qing exchanged cordially with the senior high school students of our university, explained in detail about the enrollment policy and professional direction of Tsinghua University, focused on the advantages and characteristics of Tsinghua University's "Strong Foundation Plan", and encouraged the students to work hard for the ideal, study hard, and enter Tsinghua Park with excellent comprehensive quality and college entrance examination results.

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