
Thai IVF failure experience, how to deal with it?

The word failure is quite unpopular, after all, in the current internet rapid spread environment, who does not want to succeed, right? Zhang Ailing said: Become famous early. This can be said to be the wish of 99% of people, after all, fame and fortune brought by fame, there are houses and cars, financial freedom, and reach the peak of life. But the reality is not so beautiful. Like a family who went to Thailand for IVF, the early stage was full of expectations, but for various reasons, the IVF ended in failure.

However, after combining various factors, it was found that the failure was not so bad. It is the same as the family who went to Thailand for IVF, through the experience of others' IVF failure, understand which links are prone to abnormalities, and when they carry out IVF fertility, they can take effective measures to avoid certain risks. There is also the experience of others in some portable Thai IVF. That about the situation and listen to Hengjian overseas point out for your detailed analysis!

Thai IVF failure experience, how to deal with it?

Why learn about someone else's IVF failure experience

1. Reduce the risk of IVF failure. Learn about the common causes of tube failure through other people's test tube failure experiences. Before IVF, there is psychological preparation, and you can be prepared in advance to take measures to deal with it.

There are also many unforeseen situations during IVF, learn to adjust the mentality, control emotions, and carry out IVF with positive emotions, and the probability of good pregnancy is relatively high.

2. Reduce the cost of test tubes in Thailand. From other IVF families, we learn the real situation of IVF, what processes there are, what matters need to be paid attention to, and what kind of mentality to maintain.

Then wait until you go to Thailand to test tube, do these related matters, good physical condition, good mentality, and strive for a successful IVF pregnancy.

Thai IVF failure experience, how to deal with it?

Understanding someone else's THAI IVF failure experience has two major effects

1. How to deal with test tube failure in Thailand

Because the choice of test tube intermediary fails - before choosing an intermediary, multiple comparisons, the best of the best; we must not blindly follow the trend.

Because the mentality adjustment is not improper, it fails - do a good job of psychological construction in advance, and learn to adjust the mentality to deal with various situations encountered during IVF.

Because the early pregnancy preparation was not in place and failed - Hengjian Overseas pointed out that in the early stage of IVF preparation, both husband and wife pay attention to balanced diet and nutrition; do not stay up late at work and rest; appropriate physical exercise to obtain high-quality sperm eggs.

Failure because of a poor endometrial environment – this is also common. Before the test tube family second test tube, do a physical examination, find the problem to take measures to solve, daily life to pay attention to the maintenance of the uterus.

2. Learn to prepare for the IVF period

Unfamiliar with overseas medical treatment - through multiple channels, learn about IVF in advance: such as climate, local hospitals, transportation, hotel accommodation. Food and cultural differences and so on.

Thai IVF failure experience, how to deal with it?

Because of the physical condition can not be transplanted in the current cycle - adjust the mentality, return to The country to adjust the body, and then go to Thailand for test tubes when the physical condition is good.

Test tubes in Thailand are expensive – provided you are financially prepared. The cost of test tubes in Thailand is more than 100,000 yuan, including medical expenses and living expenses, which is not a small amount, and having a certain economic strength is an important guarantee.

Extension: Why are there fetal heartbuds and fetal buds, and embryos are still suspended during the IVF period?

On the one hand, the HCG value is not high enough, and there are many embryos with fetal heartbutch buds, but the hCG only occurs when the HCG is only 10,000-20,000. Hengjian Overseas pointed out that another aspect is that the blood supply of the uterine artery is very poor and there will be fetal arrest.

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