
Arteta's two-year purge of the four major cancers saved tens of millions of dollars in wages, and the Gunners got back on track or fought the Champions League again

Arteta's first two years in charge of Arsenal have been ups and downs, but with his energetic youngsters on track to lead the team to Champions League qualification for the first time in five years, few can say he doesn't look like a true Premier League manager. Tactically, Arteta's team has undergone a radical transformation since winning the FA Cup 3-5-2 in his first season in charge. Now they are an energetic and pressure-pressed team, with An attacking system centred on Erdegaard up front, using fluid coordination to constantly attack opponents' goals. But Arteta's influence off the pitch is as great as his influence on the pitch. Recently, a video clip appeared on social media documenting the Spaniard's first press conference as Gunners manager, and many found it interesting to review some of the comments Arteta has made so far in his tenure.

Arteta's two-year purge of the four major cancers saved tens of millions of dollars in wages, and the Gunners got back on track or fought the Champions League again

Regarding his tactical thinking, Arteta is understandably tight-lipped. So, as Arsenal manager, the first substantive thing he said to the media was not about how his team would play, but about their ideas, attitudes and key to his plans. "First of all, everyone has to respect each other," he said, "and I want people to take responsibility for what I ask them to do." I don't want them to go into hiding, I want people to take responsibility for their work, I want people to bring passion and energy to the club. Anyone who doesn't believe in this or has a negative impact is not enough to adapt to this environment or culture. "Since Arteta came here and made these announcements, a large number of players – especially the older, entrenched players, some of whom had been considered untouchable – have left. In fact, Arteta has slashed wage spending: Arsenal allegedly paid £131 million a year in the year he came, compared to £81 million this season. At the same time, Arsenal's league standings have improved significantly. So Arteta stuck to his principles and eased the burden on the club – but who did he kick?

A German international

Arteta's two-year purge of the four major cancers saved tens of millions of dollars in wages, and the Gunners got back on track or fought the Champions League again

There is nothing wrong with the illustrations

The earliest purge of big names under Arteta, of course, was the most notable news, of which was the German's deportation to Fenerbahce in 2021. In fact, the German had a good start under the new coach and had success in Arteta's first few games. But the situation quickly deteriorated after the pandemic brought the 2019-2020 season to a standstill in March, and the Germans were excluded from Arsenal's Premier League squad for the following season. While Arteta insisted the decision was tactical, many pointed to the Refusal of the German to participate in the outbreak-related wage cuts as one of the reasons for his exodus. Either way, the German was a high earner who didn't fit Arteta's long-term vision of team unity, so he was abandoned.


Arteta's two-year purge of the four major cancers saved tens of millions of dollars in wages, and the Gunners got back on track or fought the Champions League again

In 2016, Mustafi signed for £35m. Many were surprised by the cost, but the good form at previous club Valencia meant expectations were high for the Germany international. But Mustafi's time at the Emirates Stadium was dragged down by an out-of-place defensive system that earned him a bad reputation. He also has close ties to the germans mentioned above: in 2014, they won the World Cup together. In Arteta's first summer in charge, he was out of the game – the club and the players decided to terminate his contract and he returned to Germany. Arsenal's defence has changed radically under Arteta's leadership, with many citing Mustafi's departure as the beginning of the change.


Arteta's two-year purge of the four major cancers saved tens of millions of dollars in wages, and the Gunners got back on track or fought the Champions League again

Willian was one of the first players to join the club during Arteta's tenure. Joining for free from Chelsea in 2020, he became the epitome of Espanyol's first mediocre coaching season. Just a year later, his huge contract of £250,000 a week was torn up. He later admitted that time at Arsenal was "the worst time he's ever had as a professional" and Willian's troubles off the pitch were clearly responsible for his rapid decline in arteta's plans. He returned to Brazil – and the Corinthian club of his childhood – while Arsenal could only bemoan a costly mistake.


Arteta's two-year purge of the four major cancers saved tens of millions of dollars in wages, and the Gunners got back on track or fought the Champions League again

Aubameyang moved to Barcelona in January 2022, where he quickly regained form, which could be more striking than the other three, a story of more ups and downs. But this is not surprising. In 2020, in a frenzied marketing campaign (at least in hindsight) Aubameyang was comically seen as another team superstar after Thierry, but the Gabon international failed to help the team secure another major trophy at the club after a contract extension. After a second disciplinary violation in 2021, it's clear his time to become Arsenal captain has arrived. Arteta's ruthlessness in discipline was once again revealed: Oba was stripped of his position as captain and sent to Catalonia in disgrace for the benefit of the club and for his own benefit.

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