
The third VTN Wine Festival kicked off Guo Yang and VTN created a new retail of wine


HANGZHOU, Sept. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, the 3rd VTN Wine Festival 2021 officially kicked off with a global live broadcast. In the live broadcast, Guo Yang, the general manager of the wine family, international wine critic and VTN wine business department, on behalf of the VTN International Brand Member Club, officially signed a contract with four major wine brands such as Luzhou Laojiao PandaJing, Song Dynasty Official Cellar, Dry Dew Winery and Santa Rita Winery, thus opening a new chapter of cooperation between VTN in the wine industry.

<b>Guo Yang: The legendary life of a wine family</b>

As the general manager of VTN's wine division, Guo Yang is usually known as a wine expert, in fact, his relationship with wine is not only this, he also has another identity - "the third generation heir of China's first wine family"

The third VTN Wine Festival kicked off Guo Yang and VTN created a new retail of wine

Guo Yang's grandfather Guo Qichang is the founder of the new Chinese wine industry, the founder of the first bottle of dry red, dry white and sparkling wine, known as the "father of Chinese wine" Guo Songyuan, in the early days of the reform and opening up in the 80s, he introduced Chinese wine to the market, and was the first representative of the market to carry out market-oriented operation of Chinese wine

The inheritance of the family and the influence of wine culture allowed Guo Yang to choose the bioengineering major of Jiangnan University (formerly Wuxi University of Light Industry) on the way to study, which is the cradle of the cultivation of talents in the domestic brewing industry Master's degree students studied in the winemaking major of the University of Adelaide, Australia, the university is one of the most famous international wine schools, carried out viticulture, winemaking and tasting and other professional courses, all-round training of excellent professional skills of wine international talents During the study period, Guo Yang participated in a number of research projects in the school. And in many well-known wineries at home and abroad to learn and practice

After returning to China with an international vision that is higher than ordinary people, Guo Yang joined the China Food Fermentation Industry Research Institute of the National Research Institute, serving as a researcher in the direction of wine During this period, he successfully invented a national patent (ranked as the first inventor), participated in 2 national scientific research projects, published more than 10 academic journal papers, tutored several master's students In addition to immersing themselves in academic research, he also led the organization of the China International Wine Academic Forum, serving as G100 for many times. Experts and judges of domestic and foreign wine competitions such as the China Wine Competition and Wine100 were invited to visit well-known wine regions at home and abroad to promote academic and cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign wines from multiple channels In 2012, Guo Yang became the youngest national wine judge in the country at that time

In the years of dealing with wine, Guo Yang's honor and identity are also increasing year by year, the winner of the Wine Australia Best Lecturer Wine and Cultural Achievement Award, the Australian Wine Authority certified "Cultural and Educational Achievement Award", the member of the Australian Wine Hall of Fame, the Knight Medal awarded by the French Champagne Association, the Chinese National Wine Judge, etc. These honors and recognitions bring Guo Yang more responsibility

This is the so-called "greater the ability, the greater the responsibility" Guo Yang will be the next stop of his career, chose to be in VTN, become the general manager and selection officer of the VTN wine business department, and create an innovative benchmark in the new retail of domestic wine with a decentralized wine sales model

<b>VTN: Use quality thinking to create "explosive products"</b>

At this global wine festival, Mr. Luis Schmidt Montes, Chilean ambassador to China, congratulated VTN and the Chilean wine brand Santa Rita on reaching cooperation, and also praised Guo Yang, saying that from Guo Yang's body, he can see his deep feelings and enthusiasm for wine, as well as very professional knowledge and unique insights

In VTN, Guo Yang completely released his enthusiasm and experience in alcohol products Guo Yang keenly found that the dominance of the wine market is not in the hands of manufacturers, nor in the hands of experts, but in the hands of consumers, the first thing a product should do is to profoundly affect consumers, "use consumers to influence consumers", through consumers to achieve word-of-mouth chain communication, so as to create one after another "explosive products"

In the hands of Guo Yang, VTN has established a complete set of wine selection standards VTN wine is no longer a simple commodity, but a platform for sharing and tasting wine fun with consumers Based on accurate insight into consumer demand, the selected wine is better for consumers to remember that wine is a gift of nature and a work of art polished by time

As the selection officer of VTN fine wine, Guo Yang is strict to paranoid in the selection, the origin of the wine, the year, the quality of raw materials, the brewing process are indispensable, at the same time, different combinations can also bring consumers different products In Guo Yang's view, each bottle of wine selected by VTN brings not only tasting, but also through this bottle of wine and consumers to experience moving and surprise

From the cultivation and brewing of grapes to the maturation and aging, VTN's wines have the characteristics and heritage of becoming "explosive", from the old vine wines under the Baoge family to the winemaker collection series and blue flag series of Robert Otras Winery, the VTN wine products of "brand deep selection and user deep service" have become the style choice of many users with emphasis on quality and pursuit of extremes

It can be seen that the quality, fidelity, personalization, good price, several major factors to ensure that VTN can provide users with a long-term and stable supply of many wine "explosive products" September 9, 10:00 a.m. opened the "VTN Wine Festival, ten million good respect for the Mid-Autumn Festival" activities, will bring more eye-catching "explosive products" to global consumers

The third VTN Wine Festival kicked off Guo Yang and VTN created a new retail of wine

<b>New retail of liquor: comprehensively innovate the liquor sales model</b>

Since the year of Du Kang, wine has become an important node in the social retail industry, from liquor stores to current e-commerce, and then to the "new retail" that everyone is talking about, the sales model of liquor is iterative layer by layer, and it is eliminated in batches

Alcohol has always been an indispensable part of the daily consumption of the people, and the wide demand has formed a huge market China's liquor market has been developing for a long time, and the entire industry is also changing from the traditional single distribution channel model to the new retail model, trying to find a breakthrough in the market through the development of thinking and mode

Why break through because to survive

For the traditional liquor agency model, the biggest problem is that the sales level is too much and too complicated, and its business model is to rely on the asymmetry of price and logistics information to obtain profits Under the impact of the Internet, the drawbacks of the traditional model are exposed: a single commodity category, the quality of liquor is not guaranteed, the intermediate links are complex and the profit margin is reduced, and various expenses further compress the profits of liquor retail, which makes the traditional liquor sales model light up red

Because Internet e-commerce can provide more diverse products, giving consumers a richer choice, and is not limited by venue, space and time, a large number of squeezed out the market of traditional liquor channels, but traditional Internet e-commerce still has problems such as chaotic business management, opaque prices, uneven services, and repeatedly prohibited fake goods

With the increase of alcohol consumption year by year, consumption upgrading and market competition are becoming increasingly fierce, forcing the market to upgrade the sales model, and new retail of alcohol came into being

Among them, VTN is a very representative liquor new retail platform, and it has the advantages that other traditional platforms do not have The traditional sales model mentioned above, the layers of distribution it faces, as well as the authenticity of Internet merchants and the basic trust of consumers, have been perfectly solved in VTN

Guo Yang believes that VTN, as a new retail platform for wine, has very prominent advantages in terms of product fidelity, product price and selection

First of all, the brand matrix of VTN liquor is very complete, can provide consumers with wine, brandy, whiskey and liquor and many other categories, the brand matrix contains entry-level, mid-range to high-end products of different levels At the same time, VTN has also built a rare membership mall in China, providing preferred brands, genuine guarantees, high-end niche and high-quality full-link membership services Most importantly, VTN will make personalized recommendations according to consumer needs. Fundamentally solve the problem of blind selection of consumers, reduce the cost of trial and error of consumers

Guo Yang and VTN's dedication and persistence in the service quality of wine products and platform users will build VTN into a model of new retail model for wine Guo Yang said that in the future, VTN will continue to innovate and develop, bringing more surprises to the wine industry

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