
【Tianjin and Mining Two Sessions】Scientific and Technological Innovation Unlock more "card neck" technology

author:Netinfo Hedong

  In the government work report, it is proposed to promote scientific and technological innovation, promote industrial optimization and upgrading, break through supply constraints and blockages, and rely on innovation to improve the quality of development.

  So, how to use the shortest time and the best solution to unlock more "card neck" technology as soon as possible to provide strong technical support for the high-quality development of the industry? Tianjin deputies and members attending the two sessions of the National People's Congress said one after another that the world of Tianjin's development depends on the great change of concepts, and it is necessary to open up the "Tianjin Gate" on the head, optimize the new layout, open up the whole chain, improve competitiveness, enhance the driving force, use scientific and technological innovation to solve development problems, and constantly open up a new realm of high-quality development in Tianjin.

  Optimize the layout

  Promote the deep integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain

  "According to the requirements of the 14th Five-Year Plan, we must not only fully carry out global cooperation and actively participate in global competition, but also form a relatively complete and coordinated industrial chain, supply chain, innovation chain and value chain, and need to lay out and build a scientific and technological innovation chain with endogenous power in advance." Cao Xiaohong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, suggested that it is necessary to further optimize the layout of scientific and technological innovation, improve the transformation policy of scientific and technological achievements, and promote the deep integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain.

  After a large number of field research, Cao Xiaohong found that the current integration of the mainland industrial chain and the innovation chain is not deep enough, and the phenomenon of "two skins" still exists. Compared with the research and experimental development (R&D) funding of the global science and technology powers, although the mainland is close to the scale efficiency investment in terms of total volume, there are structural problems. There are still some problems of mismatch between the reform of the mainland's scientific and technological system and the innovation of scientific and technological policies compared with the laws of industrial demand and scientific and technological innovation activities.

  Cao Xiaohong suggested that it is necessary to sort out the key core technologies, industrial impact and property rights distribution of the current industrial chain, focus on the construction needs of a safe and controllable industrial chain, and optimize the overall layout and resource allocation of scientific and technological innovation. It is necessary to promote enterprises to extend to the upstream of the chain of scientific and technological innovation, participate more in and invest in basic research activities, and produce more basic and original scientific and technological achievements. Encourage enterprises to independently carry out basic research or carry out basic research cooperation with universities and research institutes, and build a "research and development consortium" of key core technologies. It is proposed to amend the relevant provisions of the Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation of the Ministry of Finance on Further Improving the Pre-tax Deduction Policy for R&D Expenses (No. 13 [2021]) to encourage basic research from the policy level.

  "It is proposed to expand the coverage of document No. 13 [2021] of the State Administration of Taxation of the Ministry of Finance to the productive service industry around the coordinated development of the manufacturing industry and the productive service industry." At the same time, in view of the characteristics and development laws of small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises, when considering the conversion of equity income from joint-stock science and technology enterprises into equity capital at the current stage, the preferential policy of exempting natural person shareholders from income tax will be implemented, and the policy bottleneck restricting the rolling accumulation and development of capital of small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises will be opened. Cao Xiaohong said.

  Open up the whole chain

  Lead the high-quality development of the Chinese medicine industry

  "The core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry comes from innovation, and only by mastering key core technologies can we not be 'stuck in the neck' by others." Zhang Boli, a deputy to the National People's Congress, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and honorary president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that last year, the city benchmarked national laboratories and focused on the needs of industrial development, and the first batch of 5 Haihe laboratories were listed.

  As a national strategic scientific and technological force cultivated by the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the modern Chinese medicine Haihe Laboratory relies on scientific and technological innovation to drive and promote the high-quality development of the chinese medicine industry as its own responsibility. As the director of the laboratory, Zhang Boli felt a heavy responsibility, organized and carried out expert demonstration meetings for many times, and finally established four key research directions: modern Chinese medicine research and development model and key technology research, modern Chinese medicine preparation key technology research, Chinese medicine advanced manufacturing complete set of technology research and transformation, and Chinese medicine clinical evaluation and evidence transformation, with major scientific research breakthroughs, major theoretical innovations, important platform construction and important achievement transformation as the goal, to open up the whole chain of basic research, technological breakthroughs and industrial transformation. In just a few months, it has been closely linked with relevant enterprises and organized and launched a number of research projects urgently needed by the industry.

  As a veteran of the "epidemic", in the prevention and control of the epidemic in Aomi Kerong, Zhang Boli led the team to give full play to the advantages of the laboratory TCM evidence-based evaluation platform, carried out investigation and research on the symptoms of infected patients, served the optimization of the clinical diagnosis and treatment plan of traditional Chinese medicine, and personally went to the front line to guide clinical treatment, and developed the "Qingjin Yiqi Granules" for patient rehabilitation.

  "Innovation is the first driving force to lead development, and talent is the first resource for innovation." We have also formulated a project system such as talent introduction and project selection, and are currently introducing a group of high-level talents at home and abroad and launching more than 30 research projects. Chamberlain introduced. In addition, the Research Center for Quality Evaluation Technology and Standards of Chinese Medicines has been established to strengthen the research on quality standards of Chinese medicines and lead the high-quality development of the Chinese medicine industry.

  "Keep an eye on" the new engineering

  Support high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement

  The government work report emphasizes that it is necessary to enhance the ability of scientific and technological innovation and enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, which makes Li Jiajun, a deputy to the National People's Congress and former secretary of the party committee of Tianjin University, very excited, he introduced that since the "13th Five-Year Plan", Tianjin University has undertaken a total of 100 national key research and development program projects, and has gathered in the fields of synthetic biology, clean and efficient utilization of coal, efficient development of water resources, new display materials, intelligent robots and other fields to form a cluster of advantageous projects.

  As the leader of China's higher engineering education, Tianjin University takes the construction of new engineering as a starting point, focuses on the major strategic needs of the country, gives full play to the strength of advantageous disciplines, coordinates the layout in the fields of aerospace and oceans, information networks, artificial intelligence, life sciences and other fields, starts the construction of large-scale seismic engineering simulation research facilities, and approves the construction of national scientific research platforms such as "Frontier Science Center for Synthetic Biology" and "National Center for Applied Mathematics", and also sets up a number of interdisciplinary and cross-border joint centralized research platforms to promote core technology research in key areas.

  "Tianjin is a pioneer city of Industrial Civilization in China, with a strong foundation for the development of the manufacturing industry, and the major national strategy of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has given it the functional positioning of the national advanced manufacturing research and development base, which is unique among all provinces." Li Jiajun said that it is recommended that the relevant parties of the state increase their support for Tianjin to further promote the establishment of a manufacturing city, promote more non-capital functions in Beijing to Tianjin, and support Tianjin in cultivating and building state-level advanced manufacturing clusters such as information security and power batteries; support Tianjin in building a national demonstration zone for the high-quality development of the xinchuang industry, create a full-stack xinchuang solution, and create a "model model" for the national xinchuang industry; accelerate the layout of key new energy vehicle projects in Tianjin, build a national new energy vehicle base, and enhance the innovation ability of the urban manufacturing industry.

  Multiple measures at the same time

  Enhance the driving force of scientific and technological innovation in colleges and universities

  Colleges and universities are not only the cradle for cultivating talents in various fields, but also the main front for research and discovery of high and new technologies. How to enhance the driving force of scientific and technological innovation in colleges and universities? Sun Changlong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League, suggested that we speed up the building of strategic scientific and technological forces in colleges and universities so that they can undertake the mission of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

  "At present, the discipline barriers of colleges and universities are strong, and there are many 'discipline islands', which has become a bottleneck restricting universities from serving social development through their own scientific and technological advantages." In the survey, Sun Changlong found that the cross-college, cross-school integration and collaborative innovation ability of university talents and innovation resources is low, the innovation resources are scattered, the scale of the innovation team is small, and the in-depth exchange and cooperation between scientific researchers is insufficient. In addition, the institutional mechanism for promoting interdisciplinary and cross-organizational cooperation is not yet perfect, and the institutional mechanisms for resource sharing and collaborative innovation, talent evaluation and incentive policies need to be further established and improved.

  Sun Changlong said that we should rely on the most advantageous innovation units of universities, strengthen the construction of new scientific research institutions and major platforms, appropriately advance the layout, and establish and improve the major scientific research infrastructure and open innovation platform system that support the national strategic scientific and technological strength. Establish and improve a diversified investment model of "government leadership, social participation, stable support and institutional allocation as the mainstay, supplemented by competition in funds or planned projects", and explore a new model of scientific research organization that is multi-level complementary and multi-type subjects of industry, education and research are coordinated by industry, education and research. Actively explore and implement the interdisciplinary, cross-field and cross-organizational mutual recognition mechanism of scientific research achievements, create an open, inclusive, and equal communication of scientific research "soft" environment, so that more researchers can be at ease to engage in difficult, long-term and high-risk original innovation and source innovation.

Source: Tianjin Daily