
Electric vehicles ushered in the "new regulations", and car owners have expressed their approval: this is much more convenient

author:New life in Bose

People choose to ride an electric car out of the main figure is a convenience, first of all, electric vehicles must be much faster than walking, if it is going out shopping, then riding an electric car can save a lot of time, electric vehicles can also avoid traffic jams very well, compared with private cars, electric vehicles do not need to refuel, only need to charge every day, in short, electric vehicles save time and effort, more and more people will choose to buy an electric car. Although electric vehicles are convenient, there are also certain safety hazards, especially if they are not exercised according to the norms, it is easy to cause accidents.

Electric vehicles ushered in the "new regulations", and car owners have expressed their approval: this is much more convenient

People riding electric bikes

If people choose to drive out, they often encounter road congestion or can not find a parking lot, which also makes driving to the city very embarrassing, so many people prefer to use other modes of transportation rather than drive to the city, and take the bus or subway during peak hours are often particularly congested, electric vehicles do not have such a problem, in the congested section of the electric vehicle will not be affected at all, convenient and fast. A large number of electric vehicles can often be seen in non-motorized lanes, which also poses some problems even when electric vehicles are so popular.

Electric vehicles ushered in the "new regulations", and car owners have expressed their approval: this is much more convenient

The problem of riding an electric car

Some people will take a person in the back when riding an electric car, usually the electric car can only accommodate one person, if you sit behind another person will greatly increase the risk of electric vehicles, sometimes in the process of high-speed driving, if the people in the back row are not sitting steadily, it is easy to fall off the car, so the general electric vehicle is not allowed to bring people.

In addition to bringing people, many electric vehicle owners will also drive on the highway, mainly in order to be able to reach the destination more quickly, such behavior also has an impact on their own safety, if the rear of the motor vehicle is not careful it is easy to hit the electric vehicle.

In addition, electric vehicles also have the situation of running red lights across the road, because the driving restrictions on electric vehicles are less, and many car owners directly cross the road in order to facilitate the green light before the green light is on, at this time, if there is a car that happens to come, it will inevitably cause accidents. Because these accidents occur frequently, the transportation department has introduced new regulations for electric vehicles.

Electric vehicles ushered in the "new regulations", and car owners have expressed their approval: this is much more convenient

Electric vehicles usher in new regulations

The first is that people riding electric vehicles must wear helmets, in the past, electric vehicle accidents are drivers falling from the electric vehicle, resulting in skull damage or death, so when riding electric vehicles, the protection of the head is very important, you must wear a helmet. If it is found on the road to drive an electric vehicle without wearing a helmet, it will be punished, and oral education will be carried out at the first discovery, and a fine will be imposed on the second discovery.

Electric vehicles ushered in the "new regulations", and car owners have expressed their approval: this is much more convenient

But many people still do not have the awareness of self-protection, some are because they are in a hurry to travel without wearing a helmet, in order to recognize that such people can wear helmets in time, shared helmets will be fully implemented, and many areas will build rental places for shared helmets, the rental time is 24-72 hours, this time can be used free of charge, but if it exceeds the time, it will be charged. The choice of fee is mainly to allow everyone to cherish the helmet to avoid the situation of borrowing and not repaying, affecting the use of others.

Electric vehicles ushered in the "new regulations", and car owners have expressed their approval: this is much more convenient

Many car owners have also said that if the sharing helmet really arrives, riding an electric vehicle will be more convenient, and there will be no situation of forgetting to wear a helmet and being fined, but there are also some problems with sharing helmets, that is, due to the large number of wearers, it is easy to spread germs, which requires the relevant departments to disinfect the helmet even if it is better convenient for people to use.

Source: Mu Xiao Finance

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