
"Master and disciple" Li Fabin hopes for the Tokyo Olympics Wu Jingbiao may bid farewell to this

author:China News Network

Tianjin, September 2 (China News Service) -- After Long Qingquan withdrew due to injury, the competition between Wu Jingbiao and Li Fabin, two Fujian teammates, became the biggest attraction in the men's 56 kg weightlifting field of the National Games. In the end, "master and disciple" Li Fabin took away the gold medal.

"I'm here for the gold medal." Compared with Long Qingquan and Wu Jingbiao, the two world champions, the 24-year-old Li Fabin describes himself as a "little brother", but he does not hide his desire for the championship. This is the second time that Li Fabin has stepped onto the field of the National Games, and unlike the ignorance of four years ago, this time he has a clear goal.

"Master and disciple" Li Fabin hopes for the Tokyo Olympics Wu Jingbiao may bid farewell to this

Source: Wu Jingbiao. Photo by Wang Dongming, China News Service

On the field, the competition between Li Fabin and Wu Jingbiao continued until the last moment. Li Fabin, who was 2 kilograms ahead of the lift, lifted 155 kilograms in the second snatch, leaving the pressure to his "brother". Wu Jingbiao, who then appeared on the stage, failed to overcome the weight of 158 kilograms in two attempts, and the gold medal eventually fell into Li Fabin's pocket.

"Thank you for persevering." After winning the championship, Li Fabin told reporters that although the early training was quite effective, after experiencing the process of injury and weight loss, he also had fluctuations in his thinking, but it was good to persist. "As far as I'm concerned, all I have to do in the game is to try my best to fight. In fact, today I am not in good overall condition, playing in general. Everyone is of the same level, and winning is persistence. ”

"Wu Jingbiao and Long Qingquan, one is my brother and the other is my eldest brother, they have taught me many things. I will continue to work hard and learn from them all the time. "The gold medal is in hand, and Li Fabin is still very humble. In fact, at the National Men's Weightlifting Championships and the 13th National Games Qualifiers in April this year, Li Fabin won the championship after defeating two big brothers. He said that only if he worked harder would he be able to appear on the field of the Tokyo Olympics in three years.

Li Fabin is moving fast toward the goal, while Wu Jingbiao and the Tokyo Olympics may be drifting away. After failing to lift 158 kilograms in the second attempt, Wu Jingbiao, who fell on the field, was reluctant to get up for a long time. Somewhat frustrated, he said after the game that maybe today was his closing battle.

Just like the National Games four years ago, Wu Jingbiao admitted that today he still lost on the success rate. Six appearances in the test, the grasp lift, the deadlift each successfully. The total result of 283 kg obviously could not satisfy Wu Jingbiao himself.

"The results did not meet expectations, and I can only blame myself." Pre-match adjustments still need to be summarized continuously, and there may not be several opportunities to summarize. The former world champion could not hide the loss and helplessness on his face. The regrets of the 2012 London Olympics may not have a chance to make up for it.

I have failed and I have broken through myself. Wu Jingbiao said that his experience of the three National Games is just like life, with ups and downs. For the future, Wu Jingbiao has no clear plan, he said to reporters with some pity: "Go back and summarize it and look at it again." (End)

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