
What does it mean to be limited? What does [Qi Limit] mean?

What does it mean to be limited? What does [Qi Limit] mean?

Qi limited pinyin qí xiàn

What does it mean to be chi-limited

Qi limit

qí xiàn

1. Ultimate; limit. ● Liezi Tang Qing: "North of the North Sea, I don't know how many tens of millions of miles away from Qizhou." The name of its country is the end of the north, and it is not known that the boundaries of the world are limited." 2.

limit. ● "Book of Jin, Biography of Foreign Relatives, Yang Xuan": "Extravagant and extravagant, the cost is not limited."

★ "Qi Limit" in hanyu Da Dictionary, p. 18231, vol. 12, 1430

See also: Qi limit

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