
"It's better to be born than to be born"! 6 lunar birthdays, but whoever occupies one, will be rich and noble in his life

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is not to be superstitious!

The moon is like the ninth night of practice, and the dragon is rui.

Ten perfect blessings moisten the heart, and the fourteenth moon is full of laughter.

Nineteen stars are strategic, and twenty are brave and brave.

On the 25th, the wealth is rolling, and the five blessings are boundless.

Although the auspicious day of birth is good, my life is the most important.

The elegance of the ancients is still there, and my generation worked hard to write brocades.

The ancients said: "Fortune is only encountered, and the cycle cannot be found." In the vast history, people always have a mysterious curiosity and yearning for "natural wealth".

"Life and death are fateful, wealth is in the sky." Although we can't choose our birth, there is a folk saying that certain lunar birthdays seem to be tied to a lifetime of wealth.

Today, we might as well discuss a few lunar birthdays with a relaxed and witty attitude, and see if those days that are circulated in the community and endowed with auspicious meanings can really add a touch of color to people's destiny.

However, it is important to remember that true wealth still needs to be earned by one's own hard work and wisdom.

"It's better to be born than to be born"! 6 lunar birthdays, but whoever occupies one, will be rich and noble in his life

The ninth day of the lunar calendar: the dragon raises its head, and the rui qi is born

On the ninth day of the lunar calendar, the prosperous day of the dragon, just like the image of the "Zhou Yi" trigram, said: "The flying dragon is in the sky, and it is beneficial to see the adult." Although the saying "February 2, the dragon raises its head" does not directly refer to this day, the auspiciousness it contains coincides with the ninth day of the first month.

Those born on this day are as described in "Chu Ci Nine Songs": "Take the red leopard from the ci of the ci, and the Xinyi car will tie the laurel flag." "The boat of its life, since its departure, has carried extraordinary weather and uninhibited dreams.

In ancient times, the Yellow Emperor fought against Chi You, with the help of the dragon, flooded the Seventh Army, and achieved the unification of China. Born when the dragon raised its head, it was as if inheriting this ancient heroic spirit, they had a vast cloud in their hearts, not afraid of floating clouds to cover their eyes, and dared to fight the wind and waves in the torrent of the times. There is a cloud in "Zhuangzi Getaway": "There is a fish in the North Underworld, and its name is Kun." Turned into a bird, its name is Peng. "These characters are those who want to turn fish into Peng, with the ambition to soar to 90,000 miles, and pursue a higher realm of life.

Let's say that the word "dragon qi" is not a vain talk, "The Book of Rites: The Order of the Month" contains: "The moon of Meng Chun, the day in the barracks, the beginning of the rain." "The rainy season is the day when the dragon raises its head, and the water vapor rises between heaven and earth, moistening all things, symbolizing the vigor of vitality and the sprout of hope.

People born in Si Shi seem to have the purest vitality in heaven and earth, walking in the world, not only to survive, but also to pursue the transcendent realm of "dragon leaping into the abyss".

"Historical Records: Gaozu Benji" records that when Liu Bang was born, "there is a dragon fighting in the wild, and his motherhood is born." The allegorical revelation reveals the extraordinary personalities of those born on the day of the "dragon's raise", who often show leadership qualities in their respective fields, leading change and creating the future.

On the ninth day of the lunar calendar, when the dragon raises its head, it is not only the spring return of nature to the earth and the revival of all things, but also a symbol of courage to open up and constantly surpass in the humanistic spirit.

Those who were born in Sri should remember the words of "Zuo Chuan": "There is virtue in the Tai, followed by meritorious service, followed by speech, although it has not been abandoned for a long time, this is immortal." "To stand up with virtue, to establish the world with meritorious deeds, and to pass on the world with words, in order to live up to the auspicious day of this "dragon raising its head", and achieve an extraordinary life.

"It's better to be born than to be born"! 6 lunar birthdays, but whoever occupies one, will be rich and noble in his life

The tenth day of the lunar calendar: perfect and perfect, and the blessings are profound

In traditional Chinese culture, the character "ten" is not only the accumulation of numbers, but also carries profound cultural meanings and philosophies. "Zhou Yi Dictionary Upload" has a cloud: "Dry strategy, six out of two; Kun's policy, there are four out of one hundred and forty, and three hundred and sixty, the day of the current period. "Three hundred and sixty" symbolizes the completeness and completeness of all things in heaven and earth, and "ten", as the basic unit that constitutes this perfect number, naturally becomes a symbol of perfection and perfection.

In the timing system of the lunar calendar, the tenth day of the lunar month is like the starting point of life's journey, indicating that a new life will start its wonderful journey with the blessing of "perfection".

The ancient book "Zhuangzi Foreign Things" records: "The person who is in the fish is in the fish, and he forgets the fish when he gets the fish; The hoof is so in the rabbit, get the rabbit and forget the hoof. Although this is not a direct reference to the "ten", it does speak of the wisdom of pursuing the essence rather than the appearance.

People born on the 10th day of the lunar calendar, under the influence of such culture, can often understand the importance of seeking the true self and grasping the essence in the complex world, so that they can "forget the fish" at all stages of life, and maintain a pure and tenacious heart on the road of pursuing career and life.

In modern literature, the writer Yu Hua shows the suffering and perseverance of life in his work "Alive", the protagonist Fugui's life is full of ups and downs, but he never gives up his yearning for a better life, which is in line with the unremitting pursuit behind "perfection". In modern society, people still pursue inner peace and quality of life in the fast-paced life, and the meaning of the 10th day of the lunar calendar has been endowed with more modern interpretations of balance, harmony and continuous progress.

In ancient and modern folk customs, there are also many beautiful sustenances for "ten". For example, at weddings, "perfect" is often used as a blessing to imply that the newlyweds have a happy marriage and can achieve the best state in all aspects of life. During the Spring Festival, many places have the tradition of "Ten Scenic Plates" or "Ten Dishes", each of which contains an auspicious meaning, symbolizing the coming year's wealth and perfection. These customs are not only the inheritance of traditional culture, but also the common vision of modern people for a better life.

In contemporary times, with the integration of technology and culture, the celebration of the 10th day of the Lunar New Year has become more diverse and innovative. People shared stories and blessings of "perfection" through online social platforms, and artists created "ten beautiful pictures" that reflected the spirit of the times, expressing their hopes for the future.

Whether it is ancient poetry and classics, modern literature, film and television works, or even daily folk activities, the tenth day of the lunar calendar, as a cultural symbol, transcends time and space, connecting people's eternal pursuit of perfection and happiness.

"It's better to be born than to be born"! 6 lunar birthdays, but whoever occupies one, will be rich and noble in his life

Lunar Calendar 14: The full moon is full and people are reunited, and the love is deep

"The moon to the Mid-Autumn Festival is clear, and the love is deeper and stronger." On the 14th day of the lunar calendar, a special day close to the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is like a wash, and the silver light is sprinkled all over the world, implying reunion and harmony. There is a cloud in the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Jiuling's "Looking at the Moon and Huaiyuan": "The moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time." This not only depicts the romance of enjoying the same bright moon under the moonlight, but also expresses the feelings that no matter where you are, people's hearts can be connected.

People born on such nights seem to be born with an ability to perceive emotions delicately, and their feelings are as warm as the full moon, shining on the hearts of those around them.

The modern poet Hai Zi wrote in "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms": "From tomorrow, care about food and vegetables. I have a house facing the sea and spring is blooming. Although it does not directly refer to the full moon, it conveys the love for simple life and the yearning for beautiful emotions, which coincides with the characteristics of those born on the 14th day of the lunar calendar. What they pursue is not only the richness of the material world, but also the fullness and harmony of the spiritual home.

Psychologist Carl Rogers once said, "Love is deep understanding and acceptance." In people born on the 14th day of the lunar calendar, this understanding and acceptance is not only reflected in the deep friendship with their families, but also in a wide range of interpersonal interactions.

They are like the center of the interpersonal magnetic field, attracting the people around them, using their empathy and communication skills to resolve conflicts and promote harmony. As a popular modern saying goes, "Not all hugs have to be fruitful, but every understanding can be heartwarming." ”

Although modern poet Yu Xiuhua's "Crossing Half of China to Sleep with You" is famous for its straightforward and passionate emotions, there are also fragments of delicate depictions of deep emotions, reflecting modern people's desire for emotional depth. The philosophy of life of those born on the 14th day of the lunar calendar is particularly precious in this social context—they teach us that no matter how the times change, the cherishing and maintenance of emotions and the pursuit of harmonious interpersonal relationships are always the cornerstones of inner happiness and success.

Born on the night of the full moon, they seem to have been born with the ability to find their own peace and harmony in the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Their stories are like modern poems, which not only have the magnificence of "the moon is born on the sea", but also the warmth of "the moon is the hometown of Ming", and also contain the tolerance and fraternity of "thousands of miles together".

In this rapidly changing era, they use their own way to interpret the profound connotation of "full moon and reunion, deep affection", reminding us that no matter how far we go, we should not forget the destination of the soul and the nourishment of emotions.

"It's better to be born than to be born"! 6 lunar birthdays, but whoever occupies one, will be rich and noble in his life

Lunar Nineteen: Ninety-nine return to the truth, thick accumulation

"The road is long, I will go up and down and seek." Qu Yuan's famous sentence is just like the inner monologue of a person born on the nineteenth day of the lunar calendar. They know that in the long journey of life, every step of accumulation is a step towards a higher realm.

In the fast pace of modern society, they seem to be still water, but they inadvertently show amazing energy and talent, as Steve Jobs said: "You can't connect the dots in advance; It's only in the future that you will understand how they were strung together. ”

"Ninety-nine return to the truth, not for the end, but for the new beginning." This is not only the wisdom of repetition and continuous sublimation in Taoist philosophy, but also reflects the life philosophy of people on the 19th lunar calendar. They believe that the accumulation of each stage is for a higher quality outbreak, and every return is for a better departure.

In the Internet era, this spirit is embodied in those programmers and entrepreneurs who work silently, coding and planning for countless days and nights, until the application or product that changes the industry is born.

In popular culture, the term "underdog" is often used to describe people who were initially underdogged but eventually achieved something extraordinary through hard work.

People born on the 19th lunar calendar may be the "Underdog" in reality, and they use their own stories to interpret the modern life attitude of "low-key luxury with connotation". They not only practice "accumulation" in personal development, but also play a key role in teamwork, winning respect and recognition with their profound heritage and timely contributions.

"The years do not live, and the seasons flow." In the face of the passage of time, people born on the 19th day of the lunar calendar know how to cherish and plan.

They have proved with their actions that real success is not in the momentary glory, but in the continuous accumulation and timely blooming. In their world, every "ninety-nine return to the truth" is a transcendence of the self, and every "accumulation" is the best gift to the future.

"It's better to be born than to be born"! 6 lunar birthdays, but whoever occupies one, will be rich and noble in his life

Lunar Calendar 20: Double Ten auspicious, wise and brave

"Twenty", a number that implies the best of both worlds, just like the ancients: "The way of civil and martial arts, one piece and one relaxation, complement each other." "People born on the twentieth day of the lunar calendar seem to be born with the dual wings of wisdom and courage, and they soar in the vast sky of life, not only diving and exploring in the ocean of knowledge, but also bravely climbing on the top of the challenging mountain.

Modern psychologist Daniel Goleman emphasized the importance of emotional intelligence in his book "Emotional Intelligence", pointing out that people with high emotional intelligence can effectively manage emotions and use wisdom to make decisions, which coincides with the characteristics of people born on the twentieth lunar calendar. Not only do they have the wisdom to solve problems, but they also have the courage to stay calm and act bravely under pressure, just like Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series, who is not only brilliant and knowledgeable, but also never flinched in the face of difficulties and dangers, showing extraordinary courage.

"Those who know are not confused, those who are benevolent are not worried, and those who are brave are not afraid." This sentence of Confucius in the Analects depicts the three characteristics of the ideal personality, and this is precisely the true portrayal of those born on the twentieth lunar calendar. They illuminate the way forward with wisdom, soothe inner worries with kindness, and dispel the fear of moving forward with courage, showing the charisma of all-round development.

In pop culture, Forrest Gump in the movie "Forrest Gump", although he seems ordinary, with his wisdom beyond ordinary people and fearless courage, he has traveled all over the United States, experienced various situations in life, and influenced countless people. His experience proves that no matter what your background, if you have the wisdom to understand the world and the courage to face challenges, you can create your own legend.

People born on the twentieth lunar calendar have a life trajectory like a symphony that integrates wisdom and courage, with both the melodious of classical wisdom and the passion of modern courage.

In them, we see the true interpretation of "the best of both" and feel the infinite possibilities brought by "wisdom and bravery". In the rapidly changing modern society, they are continuing to write a wonderful chapter belonging to the "Twenty" in their own unique way.

"It's better to be born than to be born"! 6 lunar birthdays, but whoever occupies one, will be rich and noble in his life

The twenty-fifth day of the lunar calendar: five blessings are coming, and the wealth is abundant

"Twenty-five", this number in the long river of Chinese civilization, is not only a symbol of counting, but also a symbol of auspiciousness and abundance. It contains the balance and harmony of the five elements – metal, wood, water, fire and earth – and indicates that people born on the 25th day of the lunar calendar have the ability to reconcile all things and gather resources from all directions.

As the Book of Changes says: "Heaven and earth are handed over, and then wealth becomes the way of heaven and earth." "They are like a clear stream between heaven and earth, attracting the convergence of wealth and opportunity with their unique charm.

The ancients had a saying: "Five blessings: longevity, wealth, well-being, good virtue, and life." These five blessings are a perfect summary of people's happiness in life, and those born on the twenty-fifth day of the lunar calendar always seem to be able to inadvertently realize these five blessings one by one.

Their philosophy of life is just like what "Caigen Tan" advocates: "Wealth and fame, from morality, like the flowers of the mountains and forests, are comfortable and multiplying; Those who come from meritorious deeds are like flowers on the sill, and there are migrations and disadvantages. "What they pursue is not only material prosperity, but also spiritual fulfillment and moral nobility.

The modern writer Lu Yao wrote in "The Ordinary World": "Life cannot wait for others to arrange, you have to fight and struggle for yourself." "People born on the 25th day of the lunar calendar are such a group of active strugglers, who not only have the five blessings, but also know how to make the wealth come in like a river through unremitting efforts.

Their stories, like the modern version of "Tao Zhu Gong Shang Xun", convey the new meaning of the times that "the wise create opportunities, the clever borrow strength, and the rich think of the source".

Among the people, there is a saying that "on the fifth day of May, the God of Wealth lives in my house", although it refers to the Dragon Boat Festival, but people born on the 25th day of the lunar calendar seem to bring such blessings, so that families and careers are bathed in the glory of wealth.

As the modern pop song "Wishing you prosperity" sings: "I congratulate you on your fortune, congratulations on your wonderful, the best please come, the bad please go away." ”

People born on the 25th day of the lunar calendar have a life trajectory like a beautiful picture, intertwined with ancient wisdom and modern spirit, with both the traditional blessing of "five blessings" and the modern pursuit of "wealth and prosperity".

They use practical actions to interpret the truth of "God rewards diligence, local rewards kindness, and humanity rewards sincerity", whether it is the teachings of ancient sages or the practice of modern life, they have been vividly reflected in them.

"It's better to be born than to be born"! 6 lunar birthdays, but whoever occupies one, will be rich and noble in his life

Of course, all of the above is just the beautiful sustenance of folk customs and culture, and the real wealth of life depends on personal unremitting efforts and integrity.

As Su Shi said: "Those who set up great things in ancient times not only have supernatural talents, but also have perseverance." "No matter what day you are born, as long as you have a dream and a down-to-earth heart, everyone can write their own glorious chapter.

Let's take this lightness and humor and continue to explore and move forward on the road of life, and perhaps the next corner is the place where you are destined to be rich.