
Do you know when the golden period of baby language is? How to promote your baby's language development?

author:Lucy's Emotional Journal

Some parents are not very clear about when the child's language golden period is, today I will share with you, the golden period of children's language training is the baby's one to three years old, at this time, if the training is in place, the baby's language development will be very rapid, if the training is not in place, it will not only affect the baby's language development, but also affect the baby's intellectual development. Affects the golden period of your baby's language development. Usually parents have misunderstandings, and parents must avoid these six misunderstandings!

Do you know when the golden period of baby language is? How to promote your baby's language development?

1. Language interaction. Many parents don't like to talk very much, or don't want to talk after a day of work, which does not create a language environment for the baby. Therefore, we must talk to the baby more often, and take the trouble to talk more, the baby can feel that the parents are willing to talk to him, and the baby is happy and willing to learn.

2. Speak at a slower pace. When parents and babies communicate, don't be like the smooth mouth of the back comedy, the speed of speech is too fast, too many one-time expressions the baby can't understand at all, which is not conducive to the development of the baby's language.

Do you know when the golden period of baby language is? How to promote your baby's language development?

3. Don't rush to answer questions with your baby, such as going out and meeting a friend to ask what your baby's name is. How old are you? The baby has not yet spoken, the parents first answer the questions for the baby, directly depriving the child of the right to speak, what we have to do is to stare at the child's eyes and tell the child that you tell the aunt what your name is and how old you are.

4. To learn to pretend to be stupid, the baby often wants something can not be expressed, always with a finger, parents see the baby in a hurry, immediately can understand, long-term people who lead the baby many times a look and a movement adults know what the baby wants to do, the baby even does not need to point to meet their own mind, so it is not conducive to the baby to open his mouth.

Do you know when the golden period of baby language is? How to promote your baby's language development?

5. Eating, many parents are always worried that the child is afraid of getting stuck in the baby, the baby is very big or eats mushy food, the child's mouth does not pass to chew hard things, there is no way to exercise the oral muscles well, which will cause the child to speak late, slurred speech, drooling...... Even at the age of tooth replacement, teeth do not fall out on their own. Parents must pay attention to the issue of eating!

Do you know when the golden period of baby language is? How to promote your baby's language development?

6. Be sure to take your children out of the house. Expand your social circle and change the way you live at home. Curiosity encourages babies to express themselves. Going out can improve your baby's abilities in all aspects.

Grasp the key points and seize the golden period in order to help the baby grow smarter, come on parents!

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