
Yin and Yang Division: The endgame victory activity is coming again, and the seven-day clearance strategy is easy to get!

Endgame victory this activity was the first time online at the end of last year, although it is a small activity, but players can be familiar with the mechanism and operation of various types of gods through this activity, and have received a wave of praise, so after this week's update ushered in the second online, the rules of the event are the same as the last time, the difference is that this time the style god is different, let's take a look at the daily clearance operation.

Yin and Yang Division: The endgame victory activity is coming again, and the seven-day clearance strategy is easy to get!

Day1 piano tone is broken

One paragraph: The three skills of the demon qin confuse the enemy, and the first three skills of the jade algae are collected.

Second paragraph: Youqin two skills pull soldier mercenary, soldier taunt, Qingming open shield, Zashiki fire, yuzao first three skills, youqin two skills pull yuzao before casting three skills.

Three segments: No. 1 Demon Qin pulls the Red Leaf Kai Three Skill, No. 2 Youqin pulls the Phoenix Fire Three Skill, Kagura Storm gives The Red Leaf Three Skills, Hui Ye Ji continues to knot, and The Demon Qin Two Skill pulls the Red Leaf Kai Three Skill.

Yin and Yang Division: The endgame victory activity is coming again, and the seven-day clearance strategy is easy to get!

Day2 finches eat their bodies

One paragraph: Enter the three skills of the inner bird to the jade algae, and the three skills in front of the jade algae.

Second paragraph: The three skills of the Qingfang master, the seat is set on fire, and the three skills of the inner bird are given to the Qingfang owner, and the Qingfang owner puts three more skills to finish.

Three paragraphs: Enter the three skills of the inner bird to give shou wu, shou no three skills to hit the jade algae, Kagura wind to give shou wu, shou no three skills to hit Cimu.

Yin and Yang Division: The endgame victory activity is coming again, and the seven-day clearance strategy is easy to get!

Day3 Day Magic Flame

One paragraph: Eight hundred star meteorites, asura three skills mark star bear boy, asura open three more skills to finish.

Second paragraph: Asura three skills mark the mercenary, the double demon piano pulls each other to make the asura's rationality value to 5 points, the remaining type of shenpu attack, Kagura wind gives the asura three skills.

Three segments: Under the asura three skill marker patio, the great snake pulls the asura indiscriminate attack to suppress the black boy's blood line, and the black boy's three skills end.

Yin and Yang Division: The endgame victory activity is coming again, and the seven-day clearance strategy is easy to get!

Day4 is willing to pay back

One paragraph: Taro circle opens the boundary, then opens three skills to mark the day and the square, zashiki to fight the fire, and taro round to open three skills to mark the ghost swallow.

Second paragraph: Taro Circle Pu Attack Rain Girl, 9 Levels with Open Junction Boundary, Unknown Fire Pu Attack Phoenix Fire, Suzuka Imperial First Three Skills, Taro Round Pu Attack End.

Three paragraphs: Ghost Swallow Three Skills, Soldier Mercenary, Hiwa Fang Unmask, Zashiki Fire, Kagura Storm Pull Mercenary Three Skill Taunt, Ghost Cut Three Skills Chopping Taro Circle, Ghost Swallow Pu Attack Big Tengu, Follow-up Ghost Cut Three Skills To See Kagu Finish.

Yin and Yang Division: The endgame victory activity is coming again, and the seven-day clearance strategy is easy to get!

Day5 Lotus Bloom

One paragraph: Emperor Shi Tian'er skill control ghost cut, follow-up hang-up can be, red label to the ghost cut.

Second Paragraph: Emperor Shi Tian'er skill controls the Dream Eating Tapir, so that the Dream Eating Tapir Pu attacks the fire, the Crab Ji three skills, and the Unknown Fire re-attacks the Dream Tapir.

Three paragraphs: Emperor Shi Tian'er skill control star bear, star bear arbitrarily attack a unit, ancient cage fire silent emperor shi tian, then emperor shi tian no consumption put three skills, mountain rabbit and then pull strip, zashiki fire, emperor shi tian two skill control ghost swallow, ghost cut three skills Gui tuan, mountain rabbit pull strip, emperor shi tian three skill ending.

Yin and Yang Division: The endgame victory activity is coming again, and the seven-day clearance strategy is easy to get!

Day6 Endgame Battle

One paragraph: Emperor Shi Tian'er skill control into the Inner Sparrow Pu Attack, Yuzao's first three skills to receive.

Second paragraph: Emperor Shitian controls the cloud outer mirror to turn the black mirror, the star bear three skills control the taro circle, and the ghost cut the three skills to cut the taro circle. Star Bear Zaipu attacks the taro circle, Emperor Shi Tian'er skill controls Hui Ye Ji Pu attack, Ghost Cut Three Skill Slash Hui Ye Ji, Emperor Shi Tian Three Skill Finish.

Three paragraphs: Taro Circle Pu Attack SP Mountain Wind, Into the Inner Bird Three Skills to Taro Circle, Emperor Shi Tian'er Skill Control Sp Mountain Wind Pu Attack Taro Circle, Taro Circle 9 Level with Open Junction, Lu Maru Three Skills, Jade Algae First Two Skills Kill Asura, Emperor Shi Tian and Into the Inner Bird Pu Attack Unknown Fire, Taro Circle Three Skills to Unknown Fire.

Yin and Yang Division: The endgame victory activity is coming again, and the seven-day clearance strategy is easy to get!

Day7 Final Battle

One paragraph: Enter the three skills of the inner bird to asura, the three skills of the big tengu, the taro circle to open the boundary, and the three skills of the asura to end.

Second Paragraph: Asura Three Skills, Great Snake La Di Shi Tian Er Skill Control Izuku, Ibaraki Three Skills Hit Emperor Shi Tian, Demon Qin Zai Pull Di Shi Tian II Skill Control Samurai Spirit, Kagura Storm La Asura Three Skills Ending.

Three paragraphs: The three skills of Asura mark Meng Po, the second skill of Emperor Shi Tian's control of Yan Devil, and the three skills of Yan Devil according to Emperor Shi Tian. No. 1 Demon Qin La Di Shi Tian Er Skill Control Hai Fang Master Pu Attack, Enter the Inner Bird Three Skills to Di Shi Tian, No. 2 Demon Qin Re Pull Di Shi Tian Er Skill Control Frog Pu Attack, Asura Three Skills Mark Whale. No. 1 Demon Qin La Di Shi Tian Er Skill Control Ghost Boy Pill, Asura Three Skills Ending.

Conclusion: The activity of winning the endgame is relatively simple, and the small partners can wait until the last day of the activity is completed, without spending much time, you can also try to pass the level by yourself, the activity does not consume physical strength.

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