
Technology: AMD's next-generation computing card is the first to appear, with a four-core fit

In November last year, AMD released the Instinct MI250/MI250X computing card, which not only upgraded the 6nm process and CDNA2 computing architecture, but also adopted multi-Die integrated package (MCM) for the first time, integrating two chips internally, reaching up to 220 computing units, 14,080 cores, and 128GB of HBM2e memory, becoming AMD's first ExaScale exascale multi-billion gigabit acceleration card product.

According to the roadmap, the next generation of products will be upgraded to the CDNA3 architecture, which was previously revealed to be named the Instinct MI300 series, with up to four chips integrated inside, or four GCDs.

Now, four device IDs of MCM package chips appear in the AMD ROCm Developer Tools Update, namely 0x7408, 0x740C, 0x740F, and 0x7410, which basically confirms the earlier rumors.

Although the corresponding product code in this document is still "Alderbaran", that is, the MI250 series, it should be a placeholder, and the core code name of the MI300 series is not yet known.

Technology: AMD's next-generation computing card is the first to appear, with a four-core fit

In a four-core package, if each is still 110 computing units and 64 cores per unit, it is expected to reach a total of 440 units and 28,000 cores. Even if the size of each chip is reduced, it is expected to exceed 20,000 cores overall, which is quite crazy.

Obviously, the crazy pile core is already the only way, and NVIDIA's next generation game card Ada Lovelace is said to have 18,000 cores.

It's no wonder that power consumption is skyrocketing, with PCIe 5.0 even setting a new standard for up to 600W of power capacity.

At the same time, the name "AMD GF940" appeared in the Linux patch, which is obviously a new GPU number, and the current MIX250 series of "GFX90a" is not only similar in name, but also the supported instruction set is also very close, not surprisingly the next generation of CDNA3 architecture products.

Of course, the new architecture naturally has new features, new instructions, and many more:

Technology: AMD's next-generation computing card is the first to appear, with a four-core fit

So what do you think about the above? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment below the comments.

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